Mick let out a sigh and walked over to her, kneeling beside her chair and taking her hand in his.
“I’m doing all I can for you, Sally,” he said quietly.
Sally pulled her hand away, tears welling up in her eyes. “Mick, this is our only chance to have a baby. I am not happy that you cheated on me, but I want that baby more than anything. And if you can’t get it for me... this marriage is over. That child is theonlyreason I’m staying with you.” Her voice trembled with emotion. “You betrayed me.”
Mick hung his head. “I know. I’m sorry. It just happened. She meant nothing to me.” He looked at her pleadingly. “I will find her, and we’ll raise the baby together. She has no means to support the child. We do. I’ll do whatever is necessary to make her sign her parental rights over to me.” His tone was desperate as he tried to reassure her of their capabilities as a successful couple. Honestly, he couldn’t care less about the baby, but if he lost Sally, his livelihood would be gone. His name would be dragged through the mud.
Sally stood up abruptly, wiping away tears. “You’d better hope you’re right because if you’re not... I will divorce you and take everything from you. It’s my family’s money, Mick, so you’d better hope you find her, or you’re done. Your marriage, along with your job.”
Without another word, she turned and walked out of the room, leaving Mick alone with his thoughts. She’d have no problem destroying him because of what he did and if it meant getting that baby for her, he’d do it. Even if he didn’t want it, he’d do what he must. Mick worked at her father’s clinic, and if hehurt Edwin Masterson’s daughter, he’d never work in this town again and his career would be over.
“Damn you, Bryce. Where the hell are you?”
On Monday morning, Luke walked into the office and hung up his coat and hat before sitting down at his desk to review some files. As he settled in, Killian Doyle greeted him as he passed by.
“Morning, Luke.”
“Hey, Killian. How was your weekend?”
“It was good. I got to see all the family and my dogs.”
Luke smiled. “I’m sure they were happy to see you too.”
Killian shook his head. “I really need to start looking for a house to buy. Renting is getting old.”
“I heard there’s a place for sale about a mile from my house. I don’t know much about it, but it’s been on the market for a while now.”
“I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip. What are you working on?”
“Someone stole fifteen Shires from Fred Hancock’s property.”
“Fifteen? They must have really known what they were going after. They’d need a big trailer to take that many. Those horses are huge. And friendly too, so it’s possible they roped one and the rest followed along.”
“Yeah, those horses can be easily led.” Luke sighed. “It’s tough finding any clues on the snow-covered ground though. Mr. Hancock moved his other ten horses closer to the barns just in case. It’s unbelievable. In all my years of dealing with horse theft, I’ve never had of a case involving Shires being stolen.”
“People will steal anything these days,” Killian mused as he glanced at a paper on his desk. “Looks like I have to go to Spring City; there have been reports of some missing horses over theretoo. Can’t these thieves wait until it’s warmer out?”
Luke chuckled. “You’d think so, but apparently not.”
“Yeah, why would they make our job easier? I’ll catch you later then.” With that, Killian left the office.
At lunchtime, Luke walked to the diner. It was cold but it wasn’t snowing, and the sidewalks were clear. Some snow was piled along the street but there were paths to get to the sidewalks. He nodded at people he passed, smiling at the women. He chuckled when one winked at him.
Opening the door to the diner, he took a seat at the counter, then glanced around, grinning at people who waved or called out to him. He wondered what Bryce was doing. Damn, he shouldn’t have kissed her.
“What the hell were you thinking?” he muttered.
“Hey, Luke, what can I get you?”
“Hi, Lanie. My usual is fine.”
“Alright. I’ll get that to Uncle Owen,” Lanie Donovan said as she poured him a hot cup of coffee. When she glanced toward the door, a big grin lifted her lips, and he looked over to see her husband, Trent, enter. “Hi, baby,” she said and leaned across the counter for Trent to kiss her.
“Hey, sweetheart. Are you almost ready to go?”
“Yep, just let me get Luke’s order.”