“I just have to put Leah’s snowsuit on her. I have everything packed.” She pointed to bag on the counter. “I’ll be right back. Have a seat.”
“I’ll stand, thanks.”
Okay.” She smiled then walked down the hallway and into the bedroom. She picked Leah up and put her little suit on her, then carried her out to the living room.
Luke smiled when she entered the room, walked to her, and stared at Leah.
“Hey, baby girl,” he said quietly, then looked at Bryce and their eyes met and held. He cleared his throat and stepped back from her. “How do you want to do this?”
“If I put her in the car seat, can you carry it, and I’ll get the bags?”
“Yes, but you wait here, and I’ll come back to help you down the stairs.”
“I can walk down them. They’re clear. Just let me get her in her suit.”
“Where did you get that snowsuit?”
Bryce looked at him, shaking her head. “Connie.”
Luke grinned. “I think Leah has an adopted grandmother.”
“That would be so nice.” Bryce set Leah on the floor while she pulled her coat and beanie on, then she picked her up, placed her in the car seat, and the little girl didn’t even stir.
He walked toward her and smiled at Leah.
“She already looks like she’s grown some.”
“Maybe a little.”
“How much did she weigh at birth?”
“Eight pounds, seven ounces.”
Luke nodded, still staring at Leah. He grinned when she opened her eyes.
“Are you ready to go for a ride, baby girl?”
“I know I am,” Bryce said.
“I’m sure. You haven’t been out for over four weeks.” He frowned. “It’s okay to go in the truck, right?”
“Yes. I feel fine but I don’t think I’m ready for a long trip.”
“It’s about twenty minutes. Come on, I’m sure my mom is anxious to see Leah. She’s always on me and Beau about giving her grandchildren.” He grinned, as he picked up the car seat.
Bryce laughed. “I can’t wait to meet her and your father.”
Luke nodded, opened the door, and motioned for her to go out. Once she did, he took the keys from her, locked the door, then took her arm in his hand, and helped her down the stairs.
“It’s so cold out.”
“Yeah, so let’s get you and Leah in the truck.”
At the truck, Luke opened the back door, and placed the car seat in the back, secured it, then opened the passenger side door, held her hand as she stepped onto the running board, and slid onto the seat. He closed the door and walked around to thedriver’s side. He was just so handsome. He made her pulse go into overdrive.
He started the truck and pulled out of the alley then onto Main Street.
As they drove along, Bryce looked out at the snow-covered fields and smiled. Clifton was a great place, and she was giving it some serious thought about staying. She took a deep breath.