Page 21 of Luke


“Definitely. Those rustlers don’t care what they have to do to get the livestock. Agents have been shot and killed wheninterfering with them, but it’s our job. We protect the livestock as much as we can.”

“Shot? Killed?” Bryce shivered. “Have you ever been shot?”

“No, but I have been shot at. We lost an agent a few years ago, and three others were shot then too. It took us three years to find the culprits.”

“Oh, my God. It must have been horrible.”

“It was. Mac Carter was shot and killed. The rustlers were using armor piercing ammo. Mac was dead before he hit the ground. Eli Hawkins, Alex Reeves, and Creed were all shot and left to die. Luckily, Creed got a call out for back up, but he was badly beaten and was in a coma for months. He didn’t remember that night at all until just recently and with his memory returning, he was able to identify who the rustlers were. They’re all in prison now.”

“I can’t imagine. Was the agent who died, married?”

“Yes, and his wife was nine months pregnant.”

Bryce gasped. “That poor woman.”

“She’s fine now. In fact, she recently married Eli. He was Mac’s best friend, and he and Lorna got together. They’re happy and he loves her little girl.”

“Well, I’m glad they had a happy ending, but I can’t imagine what she went through. Being pregnant is so emotional as it is, but to lose her husband…” She shook her head.

“It’s a risk all of us take. But any law enforcement job is risky.”


“Yeah, you’re right.” Bryce nodded, then she glanced at the window to see heavy snow falling. “Luke, you should go. I don’t want you to get stranded here.”

Luke stood, walked to the window and gazed out. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was such a handsome man.

“Why aren’t you married?”

He turned to face her and shrugged. “Never found a woman I wanted to settle down with.” He walked to where his hat and coat hung. “I should get going. It looks bad.”

“Do you have far to go?”

“I live out of town.”

“I’m sure the roads are bad then. You’re welcome to stay. The spare bedroom has a small bed you could use.”

He shook his head. “I’ll try to make it home. I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

She chuckled. “I think you’re the one who would be inconvenienced. Leah is up every two to three hours. You wouldn’t get much sleep. The only other thing is, that bed is small and with you being so big—” She stopped when she saw him raise his eyebrow. “You know what I mean.”

Luke grinned. “I do, but as I said, I’ll try to make it home. If I don’t get too far, I’ll come back.”

“Please do. It’s too dangerous.” She tilted her head. “Now I hear ice hitting the window.”

“Damn, I’d better go. If you need anything, call or text me.” He pulled his coat on, opened the door, stepped out, and placed his hat on his head. He nodded, walked out, and pulled the door closed.

Bryce sighed. She hated seeing him leave in this weather. She walked to the window and looked for his truck. The street was deserted but with the ice, it had to be slick. She saw his truck pull onto the street and gasped when it fishtailed.

“Please be careful,” she murmured as she watched his truck disappear down the street.

She turned from the window when she heard Leah fussing. Bryce quickly warmed up a bottle, then carried it to the bedroom. After setting it on the nightstand, she picked up her daughter, changed her diaper, then carried her to the livingroom, so she could sit on the sofa and feed her.

“For being so little, you have a set of lungs on you.”

As she sat down, a knock sounded on her door, and she got up to answer it. She peered through the peephole to see Luke. Stepping back, she told him to come in. She didn’t want the cold air to hit Leah.