Page 10 of Luke

“Yes, she’s happy. I have to go pick her up tomorrow. Can you go with me to drive her car back?”


“Luke? If she has a newborn, she’s going to need a crib or bassinet,” Connie said, as she handed him the key to the apartment.

“I never thought of that.” Luke shook his head.

“I saw an antique bassinet in Dover’s Antiques, I mean Timeless Treasures. You really should get it. I know that womandoesn’t plan to be here long, but the baby needs a place to sleep, and you never know what could happen and she might need to stay awhile.”

“Okay. I’ll run down there, Connie.”

Beau nodded and Luke headed out the door and walked to the antique shop.

Chapter Two

The next day, Bryce sat on the edge of the bed, cradling her daughter as Luke entered the room, accompanied by another man. She couldn’t help but appreciate how handsome Luke looked in the morning light, his dark hair peeked out from under a black cowboy hat, perfectly complementing his rugged appearance. His dark brown eyes were gorgeous. And when he smiled at her, she felt her heart flutter.

“Hi,” she said with a smile.

“Bryce, how are you feeling?” Luke asked.

“I’m wonderful. Thank you for helping me.”

Luke’s gaze shifted to the baby in her arms. “Hey, baby girl.”

As the other man cleared his throat, Luke turned to him. “Bryce, this is my brother, Beau. Beau, this is Bryce Spencer and her daughter, Leah Grace.”

Beau touched his hat in greeting. “Ma’am.”

“Beau will be driving your vehicle for you. Can you leave yet?”

“Yes. They told me I could go whenever my ride arrived, but I have to let them know so they can take me out in a wheelchair,” Bryce explained with a grimace.

Luke and Beau both chuckled. “It’s probably for the best,” Luke said.

“I’ll go get someone,” Beau said as he left the room.

With Luke now sitting on the bed next to her, Bryce couldn’t help but admire him as he looked over at her daughter.

“She has a lot of hair,” he remarked.

“Yes, the nurses commented on that too. I had a lot of hair when I was born too.”

A few minutes later, a nurse appeared at the door with a wheelchair, with Beau behind her. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes.” Bryce got up slowly with Luke holding onto her hand.

“You should bring your vehicle up to the front doors so we can just transfer her straight into it. That way, she won’t have to walk too much. Ms. Spencer, your instructions are in this envelope. Please don’t climb any stairs,” the nurse said.

“Uh...” Luke looked at Beau, unsure of what to do.

“She’ll have to go up some steps, but we’ll make sure she takes it slow,” Beau reassured them.

“Okay. Let’s get you out of here. I’ll get the truck,” Luke added as he left the room.

“Ms. Spencer, if you give me your keys, I’ll follow behind you and Luke,” Beau said politely.

“Oh, sure. And please, call me Bryce.” She dug into her purse, retrieved her keys, and handed them to him with a grateful smile. “You’ll have to adjust the seat though, I’m a lot shorter than you.”