Which is ridiculous. It’s not like I’m here to cheat on him. I’m here to talk business. With the boss of his company no less.
I swallowed hard and took a seat in Mr. CEO’s guest chair. “So what did you want to talk to me about?”
“Your numbers are respectable.” Mr. CEO wasted no time. He turned his laptop to face me, revealing a mess of spread sheets and bar charts. There were so many numbers and colors, I didn’t even begin trying to make sense of them. That’s a job for someone in some other department. “Especially for a debut artist.”
“Honestly, I never would have expected people would like me this much.” Open mouth, insert foot. I forced an awkward laugh while simultaneously lambasting myself for my lack of tact and confidence in front of someone who could make or break my whole career. I should have rehearsed this better.
“I wouldn’t have either.” Christian Baek nodded matter-of-factly. Somehow it’s worse when he says it… He turned the laptop back to face him, then proceeded to type something. “I’d like to see more. How would you like a spot in The Bass Jumpers Tour this coming weekend?”
“I…” is he serious?! “I would love to! But… the line-up was released months ago. How would I get in? Isn’t it too late?” There’s the rational brain I was looking for. There’s gotta be a catch here.
“ALIVE runs the event.” Mr. CEO rolled his eyes while keeping his gaze on the screen. “And a spot just opened up.” He continued typing, tapped his mouse pad a few times, then he leaned back in his chair and returned his attention to me. “Do you think you have the kind of star power to stand on that stage?”
I was still relatively unknown, but I couldn’t let my confidence waver in front of Christian Baek. I settled into a smile. “We’ll have a packed house.”
“And if you don’t?”
“I’d stake my career on it.” I knew I was popular with the locals at the very least. If I went to a few clubs or campaigned through Hollywood, I know I could get people to back me. There was no reason to have doubts.
“How about, instead, you just stake your relationship on it?”
I was completely taken aback. N-no, he… he couldn’t have meant it like that. Don’t jump to conclusions. That’s how you get found out. Stay calm and ask questions, Lilly. “What do you mean?”
“Corbin is the only person you’ve worked with since getting here, and while I’m sure you value that partnership, I worry it will hold you back. So, I’d like to test these suspicions. If you and Corbin can pack the audience for your set, I’ll put the full support of ALIVE’s marketing team behind you. If you can’t, I’ll reassign you to someone who can.”
The proposal sounded reasonable, but it seemed oddly aggressive. Does Christian Baek have something against Finch? He had to jump through hoops to have these guys give me a chance in the first place, and now that we’re getting somewhere, I’m getting poached within the company?
Still, there were a lot of ways I didn’t like this on a personal level, but on a professional level it didn’t seem like much of a bet. On what basis would I be able to say no? Just the thought of having our relationship out in the open pissed Finch off so much yesterday, that to turn down the top dog at ALIVE just because I didn’t want to be separated from Finch would only put our ‘relationship’ further in a spot light, wouldn’t it? He’d be more upset if I gave people reason to question us.
“Can I talk to Finch first and see what he thinks?”
“The spot needs to be filled immediately. If you can’t make up your mind, I’ll offer it to someone who can.”
“I’ll do it.” I spoke without thinking, but it was the right decision. This could only help my career, right? He would call me an idiot if I turned it down. “It sounds like I win either way.”
“This is a business. The whole point is to win.” He gave me the most gentle smile his otherwise sinister demeanor could muster.
He offered me his hand, and I didn’t let myself hesitate to take it.
“I won’t disappoint you, sir.”