Page 37 of Yours Suddenly

Me:No its not that bad enjoy the party with black dress girl ;)


The kids are running on the landing, so I try to hold it together until I'm past our bedroom door. His scent is so strong in here, mixed with mine. I burst into tears.

Feeling too crushed to take off my dress, I lie on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

He lied.

He doesn't love me.

His words echo and echo:My heart belongs to you only.

Everything was a lie.

My eyes land on the crystal chandelier, on the other dresses we bought earlier that lie cascading on the armchair. Nothing feels real: the jewelry at my wrists, the five-thousand-dollar scent at my neck…

I open the cabinet drawer and take out a bottle of sleeping pills. I take two, and my body relaxes slowly, sinking into a troubled sleep.

Chapter 18


When I wake, the first thing my eyes land on is his large form sitting in the armchair by the bed. Even though the room is half dark, moonlight spilling in through the windows and I haven't moved a muscle, he notices I'm awake.

“Baby.” Concerned. He stands, coming to sit by the edge of the bed. “Adrianne told me you have a headache and you came upstairs.” He places a warm hand on my forehead and I want to jerk away, but I'm frozen in place. “Say something to me.”

I open my mouth and it's dry. “I'm okay now,” I say, surprisingly evenly.

His shoulders relax. “Good.”

I sit up slowly. I feel groggy and achy like I ran a marathon before I slept. I stare at him. I want to pound my fist against his chest. I want to cry. I want to tell him Iheardhim.

But I don't.

Instead, I remove the straps of my dress from my shoulders, exposing my breasts.

He takes in a sharp breath. To anyone else, it would have been unnoticeable, especially in the half-gloom, but I am his wife.

I stand up and let the dress fall off entirely. My heart feels like it's going to explode, but I have to do this. I feel like if I don't, nothing will feel real.

He stands too and I push him gently into the armchair, his expression calm, almost bored, but alert, watchful.

“You need to rest,” he says, voice laced with lust.

“I’ve already rested,” I say.

His hands, warm and rough, rest lightly on my soft waist as I straddle him. I feel him harden beneath me, right over my core.

I let my lips hover over his, and we breathe each other in, cedarwood and rosemary and alcohol mixing to form a sweet, toxic aroma.

His hands begin to knead my waist, moving to my ass as I bring my lips down to his. My tongue plunges into his mouth, and he groans. He tastes like wine. Sweet with a hint of bitterness.

When we break the kiss, his mouth, hot and wet, moves to a breast, sucking gently. I want to burst into tears, but I hold it together, moan instead, throw my head back. He licks and bites, making deep sounds of appreciation like he’s eating a platter of tasty food...

Then he places a large hand on my chest, making me lean backward. My head hangs over the edge of his knees as he spreads my legs open and then pushes my groin up to his face. I cry out when he licks me, kisses me, relishes me, drinks me.

“You smell so good as always, baby,” he says. I feel like I'm gonna pass out from the pleasure, from the pain inside me, from the blood rushing to my head…