“Firstly, ew.” She smirks. “Secondly, that's not true, because he hasn't been around lately. Sorry, but I’ve noticed.”
I sigh.
“Look, my dad used to be the same when we were growing up,” Adrianne says. “I remember this particular time we barely saw him. Turns out he was trying to hunt down someone who was threatening his family. He ended up killing the guy, but he also got killed in the process, so…”
“Adrianne, I'm so sorry,” I say, my heart aching for her. It’s a story I’m familiar with but it still hurts me every time I hear it.
“Yeah. That's the price of the life we have now, but it doesn't have to be miserable. My brother is super careful, always aware of his surroundings. You don't have to worry about him. He'll come through, I promise. All this he’s doing right now? He’s doing it for a good reason. He loves you, he's crazy about you.”
Relief, happiness, and then an aching for his hands and his lips wash over me. “Thanks, babe,” I say.
“Welcome. Now, what do we do with that leather couch in Suite 42? Do we burn it?”
“I say we upholster it with something like velvet, but burning would probably be less expensive.”
“I agree, money is so hard to come by for us. We need to be more frugal,” she says before we both laugh.
Chapter 7
Today, Mama and I went shopping with her childhood friend and bodyguard, Matthew. They’re both in their mid-fifties and were former lovers, she tells me, as Matthew drives us back home. He smiles ruefully as he glances back at us in the backseat. He was also one of her late husband, James’ close friends.
“So if I ever end up remarrying,” she whispers loudly, “it'll probably be to someone James trusted.”
Matthew turns red as we ease into our driveway where over a dozen cars are parked: a Maserati, an Aston Martin, a Lamborghini, a Bugatti, a Mercedes... My eyebrows rise when I see the dark blue Rolls-Royce that is Roman's favorite. My heart quickens when I think of the times we've made love in it and how the leather of the seats had to be changed because of that.
“You look surprised,” Mama says to me.
“Yes,” I say. I whip my dark hair over my shoulder. “I haven't seen him in like a week.”
“Mmm,” Mama says. As we step out of the car with our numerous shopping bags, Matthew takes them from us, light work for his wide, six-foot-seven frame. We walk to thefront door and before we reach it, Roman steps out looking breathtaking as always in a black dress shirt and grey suit pants.
My heart aches at the sight of him. Why did I have to be such a romantic?
“Afternoon, Mama,” Roman says, bending his six-foot-five frame to kiss his diminutive mother on the forehead.
She palms his cheek, a worried expression on her face. They seem to communicate with their eyes before she gives a light nod and walks past him to follow Matthew.
The two of us are left alone. I'm aware of the tension in the air as he takes me in, curiously, as if searching for any kind of harm on me. Stepping forward, I sink into his arms.
“I miss you,” I say, breathing him in.
His chin grazes the top of my head because I'm in six-inch heels. “I miss you too,” he says. “We have to discuss something.”
I look at his face. “Is everything okay?”
“Fine,” he says a little distractedly as he takes me by the hand and leads me into the grand foyer. I see a familiar man who is almost as tall as Roman by the foot of the staircase, not a cousin, but an employee who runs errands.
“This is Blake,” Roman says. “He will be your new bodyguard. I’ve been spending so much time away from you so you will need someone to look after you when I’m not here.”
I look at Blake, my heart sinking because Roman just confirmed I won’t be seeing him much any time soon. Blake gives me a polite nod and I step forward to shake his hand.
“No,” Roman growls, making me jump. “No man touches you but me.”
My hand falls to my side, the possessiveness in his voice making my heart flutter.
“Blake is here to ensure no other man touches you,” Roman finishes. He takes my hand and leads me up the staircase. Blake stays in the foyer like a sentry, already performing his duty against some evil that might come through the front door and snatch me away.