Page 128 of The Mercy Chair

‘Sorry about that,’ he said.

‘Poe, we have a problem.’

‘Joshua Meade? I know he used to be a solicitor, but that was quick.’

‘It’s not Josh—’

‘And obviously I’ll take full responsibility. One of the bonuses of me not being a Cumbrian cop.’

‘Poe, will you shut up a second,’ she said. ‘This isn’t about Joshua Meade.’

‘Oh. What is it?’

She told him.

‘Shit,’ he said.

‘An understatement.’

‘How is that even possible?’

She told him.

‘Shit,’ he said again.

‘I’m telling you this as a courtesy,’ she said. ‘For obvious reasons, I don’t want it getting out.’

‘My lips are sealed.’

‘Are you nearly home?’ she asked, changing direction.

‘I’m popping in to see Eve Bowman first, ma’am. I know I messed up with Joshua Meade, but Eve needs to be warned before the press get hold of her.’

‘She does, but you need sleep, Poe. Let uniform do it.’

‘It should be someone she knows, ma’am.’

‘It’s early, Poe.’

‘She gets up early,’ he said. ‘Does yoga every morning before she starts work. But if the lights aren’t on, I’ll wait.’

‘Fine,’ she sighed. ‘But I want you to call me the moment you’re done.’

‘Of course.’

‘And do me a favour while you’re there: get some photographs of Aaron Bowman. The one we have on file is an old photocopy. Tilly wants something better to put through her age-progression program. As soon as we’ve done that, we can start flushing him out.’

‘I’ll get as many as I can, ma’am,’ Poe confirmed.

‘Thanks, Poe. And try not to worry about that other thing. If it wasn’t today, it would have been tomorrow. People like that always find a way.’

‘I’m sorry, ma’am.’

‘About what?’

‘I know it’s an awful thing.’
