‘How the hell are you going to get something like that?’ Linus asked the moment they were outside Bradshaw’s room. ‘And that’s twenty-odd years’ worth of records Tilly has asked for. There’ll be lever-arch file after lever-arch file of the stuff. Imagine wading through years and years of the stuff they talked about onThe Vicar of Dibley.’
‘Where’s his parish?’
‘You really don’t have a TV, do you?’
By the time he had finished speaking, Poe already had his phone to his ear. The Bishop of Carlisle answered on the first ring.
‘I need something, sir.’
Poe told him what it was.
‘I’ll make a call,’ the bishop said. ‘You make your way to the church and I’ll have someone meet you there. What’s this about, Washington? What’s in those records?’
‘Tilly wants them, sir. That’s all I know.’
‘I’ll get back to you within twenty minutes.’
‘The Bishop of Carlisle is being extraordinarily helpful,’ Linus said when Poe finished his call. ‘What was it he wanted to see you and Tilly about again?’
‘Nice try, Snoopy.’
‘Fine, don’t tell me.’
‘Oh, shut up,’ Poe said.
Chapter 76
Poe was fifteen minutes away from All Saints Church when the bishop called. He pressed the accept button on his steering wheel but before the bishop could speak, Poe said, ‘You’re on speakerphone, sir, and I’m not on my own.’
‘I don’t have any state secrets to share, Washington,’ the bishop replied. ‘At least not today.’
‘Are we good?’
‘We are. The warden of All Saints will meet you at the church in ninety minutes.’
‘Why so long?’
‘It’s going to take a bit of time to put everything together, I’m afraid. There are computer records to print, old ledgers to dust off. Believe me, ninety minutes is quick for what Tilly has asked for. I hope you have a strong-backed young man with you.’
‘Just my intern,’ Poe said.
Linus rolled his eyes.
‘Ah, hence the warning about the speakerphone. Anyway, I have things to be getting on with, Washington – let me know if I can be of further assistance.’
‘It seems we have an hour to kill,’ Linus said, after Poe had ended the call.
‘We do,’ Poe agreed. He glanced at the dashboard clock. ‘Eve Bowman doesn’t live that far away. If we hurry we can drop in on her and still keep our meeting with the church warden.’
‘Why do you want to see her again?’
‘I want to know why she didn’t tell me about her sister’s journal.’
Chapter 77
Eve Bowman was making summer jam when Poe knocked on the door. Strawberry, apricot and plum by the smell. She was wearing jeans, a 1 of 100 Rebus T-shirt and a fruit-smeared apron. Her hands looked sticky, as if she’d been raiding Hundred Acre Wood’s honey tree.