Page 50 of Hunting My Vampire

She nodded. “I do.”

She told me how Bernard had a meeting with the governor and was kept waiting for hours while Da Salle was supposedly held up on a call to a Senate Committee. Then later, he found out Da Salle was out playing golf. He had called Da Salle to complain and was told to stay in his lane. He had been outraged. The following day, all of their building permits were rescinded. Then they started having trouble with utilities at the factories and strikes at their plants. It was the beginning of their businesses failing.

“You think it’s Da Salle?”

She nodded. “He wants us out of the way.”

She looked at me shrewdly, “You too probably.”

I thought about it. A partnership with Simon would help Da Salle to worm his way into my company and push the Fitzgeralds out of the game. Perhaps Simon had made a deal with him to replace me.

“I have noticed that family of his all over town,” Bee said. “Ute? Is it?”

“Ulrika,” I corrected her.

Pieces were falling into place.

I saw wild geese flying past, fairly low in the sky. Only a few years ago, the landowners would’ve shot them for sport. Now such actions were frowned upon. Times had changed and were changing again.

“You don’t want to take Da Salle on?” I asked Bee.

For the first time, I saw the fatigue in her face.

“I’m tired, my boy. I’ve been around too long. I’ve seen husbands die; children die, now grandchildren. What am I doing any of this for? Bernard?” her voice was contemptuous. He was known as a weakling. Her eyes fell on the newspaper clipping.

“You should have seen her, my Ellen,” her voice softened. “She was so beautiful, so pure.”

I wanted to ask what happened, but I could guess.

Anyone wanting to get to Bee, would do it by targeting those she loved. That was her weakness.

Just like Kaya was mine. I couldn’t bear the thought that anyone was targeting her. I was grateful that I’d put guards in place to watch over her.

I didn’t think our relationship was over. Not for one minute. I let her think that, because she needed space and I was willing to give her that. But in time, I would win her back again. Time was the one thing I had and I was patient. Had I not waited years for her to appear in my life, to become the partner I wanted?

I wasn’t going to give in now and let her go.

I would fight for Kaya with all the strength I had, every ounce of it. Nothing mattered to me like she did, not the family business or all of the wealth my family had amassed.

The only thing that mattered, was her.


Chapter 21


I’ve never been the holidaying kind, exactly. Sitting around and doing nothing does not come naturally to me.

I flew out to California, thinking the sun and beachy vibes would be good for me. Instead, I got annoyed by the people in their flip-flops and fake friendly smiles. It had to be fake, right? Nobody could be that friendly all the time? Or maybe they were stoned, that could be the only other reason.

I got myself a board and went surfing a few times but I got bored lying on the board, waiting for the waves to come in.

After a few days away, I called Josie, my friend at the agency and asked if I could see her. I’d been thinking about it and I didn’t want to ask over the phone.

“You want to come see me? Why?” she sounded very suspicious and I couldn’t blame her.

“I’m in the neighborhood, anyway,” I joked. The flight to Washington was not nearly as far now that I was in California. “I’d love to see you, seriously,” I said. “I’m going to lose my temper with these surfer dudes. I’m close to decking one of them.”