Looking in through the small square window, I found that the room was dim and I hoped that I’d finally found an empty one. However as I pushed open the door sadness flooded me and made my eyes prickle.
There on the chair furthest from the door sat a lass around my own age, with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Sorry to interrupt,” I gasped, taking a step backwards out the door I'd just walked through.
“No, please,” the lass hiccupped, shaking her head and swiping at her cheeks, “I was just about to leave anyway.”
“Are you ok?” I asked, unable not to as I looked at the distraught lass.
“I'll be fine,” she replied as fresh tears ran down her cheeks and I knew as well as any woman, that when someone said they were fine, they were most likely not, especially when they had tears streaming down their cheeks.
“I don't want to pry, but if you want to talk, I'd be happy to listen,” I said gently, against my better judgement and secretly hoping the lass would refuse.
“I'm scared,” she answered instead, wiping at her tears again. “Trisha was on a night out and now she's missing. It could happen to any one of us,” she whispered.
“Did you know her?” I asked, closing the door behind me and walked slowly towards the crying woman.
“No, not really, we shared a couple of seminars, but I still feel awful for her friends and family.” She sobbed, as I nodded along and lowered myself into the chair next to her.
“They must be terribly worried,” I agreed, feeling sorrow for those close to the missing woman. “However it will do us no good getting upset, we must hope that Trisha is found safe and sound,” I found myself saying, even though I didn't believe the words myself.
The lass nodded firmly, before gathering her books and giving me a small smile, leaving with a softly muttered, “thank you.”
Sighing in relief at finally being alone, which I then immediately felt guilty for, I leant back in the hard seat, letting the unwanted emotions from the lass run their course. At times like this I always imagined that the energies of others left my body through my feet and returned back to the Earth, leaving me feeling empty for a few minutes until my own emotions returned. I was tired and angry at my lack of sleep and concentration in this morning's lecture, so I yanked out my notebook, and pencil case a little more forcefully than I'd intended to. Slipping in my headphones, I selected this morning's lecture on Moodle and pressed play, listening to what I’d missed.
Scribbling furiously, I didn't realise the time slipping away until the two hour lecture finished playing, my tutor’s calming voice cutting off as I looked over my new notes, which looked vastly better than they had earlier. Smiling to myself I finally felt as thoughI'd been a productive student for the first time in days. On a high from being so productive, I slipped my hand into my jeans pocket, and closed my fingers around Dina's small note. My smile grew wider as I pondered if eleven thirty would be too early to message her, not everyone was an early riser and I hadn't got round to asking what Dina did for work.
Giddiness replaced the small tendrils of doubt as my thumb hovered over the small blue message icon on the homescreen.What the hell,I thought, pressing the icon and selecting Dina’s number.
Me:Good morning, it's Charleene from last night. I had a lovely time with you and wondered if you fancied grabbing a drink later?
Before I could chicken out or over think what I'd just typed, I pressed send as my heart beat thunderously against my ribs. Both satisfied and nervous, I laid my phone on the table beside my notebook, and attempted to read ahead, trying to understand the philosophy of education I needed for my studies. However, my eyes kept straying to my phone as I waited for Dina to respond. After the third time checking it for a message that hadn't come, I shook my head in exasperation. Laughing at myself, I pushed the phone away. I was acting like a silly school girl and grinning like the Cheshire Cat. When was the last time I'd felt this happy and terrified over sending a text message? Never, was the answer I was searching for, but then I'd never really felt this way about anyone before either. Especially not after just one night. I couldn't get Dina out of my head.
Forcing myself to focus, I finally made copious notes, allowing my phone to be forgotten. I let out a small yelp when it suddenly vibrated, dancing its way across the desk. Grinning like a fool, I snatched it up eager to see who’d messaged. My grin widened, making my cheeks hurt as I saw that “Mysterious Girl” had sent a message. Quickly tapping on the message I noticed that it was now one in the afternoon; I’d been so immersed in my studies that I hadn’t noticedthe time whizzing by.
Mysterious Girl:Good Afternoon, sorry for the late reply I’ve been sleeping. I’m sorry but I’m busy this evening. :(
My heart plummeted as I read the message twice. It was so formal that I didn’t really know how to take it.Is she brushing me off? Or was she actually busy?Hesitating to respond, I reread the message a few times, my heart aching more and more, which was stupid, we’d only met last night. Tears stung at my eyes, making the screen blurry as a second message came through.
Mysterious Girl:But I would like to see you again.
Those eight words made my tears slip free as my heart began beating again, filling with hope that maybe, just maybe, I’d finally found someone who wanted to be more than friends or a one night stand.Whoa,my mind screamed at me as I began to get carried away,Calm down girl.
Me:That would be nice.
I responded, tampering down my hope and excitement, trying to play it cool like my mind suggested. No one liked someone who was too keen after all. Unable to wipe the smile from my face or return my focus back to the textbooks, I decided to call it a day in the library and shoved all my things back into my battered backpack. Clutching my phone tighter, I couldn’t stop the small giggle that slipped past my lips as it vibrated against my palm.
Mysterious Girl:What about tomorrow at 8pm?
After this evening's shift I thankfully had two nights off work, which before now, I’d been planning to fill solely with more studies, however meeting the mysterious Dina sounded a lot more interesting.
Me:That works for me. :)
Almost skipping to the door, I attempted to once again tamper down my excitement so that I could make it back home without looking like a total idiot. But when my phone vibrated again I quickly raised it to read the new message.
Mysterious Girl:I’ll pick you up at 8pm tomorrow.
Me:It’s a date.
Pushing the button to call the lift, I swallowed down the scream of delight and instead opted for bouncing on the spot in my watered down version of a happy dance. I was still wiggling my bum when the lift dinged and its doors opened to a thankfully empty lift. Stepping inside I quickly pressed the ‘G’ button for the ground floor and continued my happy dance as it descended. I have a date.Wow, tomorrow I have a date.I repeated happily in my mind, as I walked home.