I’d lost track of how long we’ve been fighting, with the clouds blocking the sun. All I knew was the weakness spreading through my arms as I flung even more magic onto the battlefield. I was weakening when a single scream pierced the air.

I know that scream,my mind shouted at me as I glanced around frantically. Stepping away from my party I scanned the field, trying to find Ally as a deathly quiet settled over the battle like a blanket. Everyone froze and as I turned, I saw Ally surrounded by a mixture of elements. The Demoran closest to her began edging away as the elements intensified. Ally’s eyes flicked from one Demoran to the next, and without any warning, she erupted.

It was amazing to witness as fire shot out in long streams, dodging Witches and Warlocks but engulfing the Demoran. Water flooded the field, washing away Demoran but leaving the Coven standing as mud ran beneath my trainers, turning them brown. Air made my hair whip around my face and the ground shook beneath my feet, making Demoran tumble to the ground as her fire magic destroyed them. Their inhuman screams filled the air until everything went silent and there was not a Demoran left within five feet of us.

My feet slipped and slid on the mud as I stepped towards Ally and Jace. Baffled, I glanced around, waiting for another attack. My heart froze as an agonised scream burst from Ally and my head whipped back to her in time to see her knees wobble and give out. She plummeted towards the ground, not removing her hands from her head to break her fall. I raced towards her but it was like I was moving in slow motion as she neared the ground, and I knew I wasn’t going to be fast enough.

Jace’s arms wrapped around her, stopping her from hurting herself as another scream tore from her throat. Terror raced through me and I forced my feet to move faster as the sloppy mud sucked at them.

“What’s happening to me Jace?” Ally asked as I finally managed to draw close. She was staring into his eyes like he was the only thing keeping her here, and I wondered the same thing.

“I don’t know Ally.” She shook as Jace answered, her hands squeezing her head harder as she whimpered. I stepped closer, wanting to help but a gentle hand on my arm stopped me. I looked down at Lilah who shook her head at me.

“It hurts. Please, please make it stop!” Ally screamed, before her eyes closed and her nostrils flared. I was jostled as Dina came to a halt on my other side and we watched as shadows collected beside them, and I shivered in anticipation of another fight. However, the dark haired Fae that stepped out flashed us all a menacing glare before he strode towards Ally.

“What do you want?” Jace snarled at him, pulling Ally closer to his chest, as though that act alone could stop the Shadow Prince from taking her again.

“I’m here to help Jacin,” Ally’s dark dream man’s voice was smooth and my lips twisted in a smile as I realised whatever I’d done on the solstice was still having a positive effect.

Ally’s lips twitched into a smile as Jace’s arms reluctantly loosened and the Shadow Prince—I really needed to ask Ally for his name— cradled her against him.

“Hey,” I barely heard Ally’s whisper, but the way her eyes lit up made my stomach squirm.Should I be watching this?I thought, but I couldn’t take my eyes off them. They’re a beautiful contradiction; one dark and one light.

“Let go Princess,” his commanding tone made me twitch to follow his order.

“Let go of what?” Ally’s voice wavered and tears ran over her cheeks, but the Shadow Prince’s voice didn't waver in the slightest as he answered her.

“Alysium, let down your walls. Concentrate.” He growled at her and I got the feeling it wasn't the first time he said something similar to her.

“I can’t Ly,” Ally gasped, “the pain’s too bad.” She whimpered and I wanted to run to her side and help, but knew it wasn't my place. I didn’t know what was happening to her or how to help her, but Ly obviously knew something we didn’t.

“You can do this Ally.” He cajoled, gently wiping away the new tears with one hand as the other supported her, keeping her clean from the mud he was knelt in. I watched, along with everyone else, in stunned silence as Ly bent his head down, until his lips met Allys.

She let out a surprised gasp before she kissed him back. It was hot, heavy and made me feel a little awkward watching it. I was about to suggest they find a room, when Ally’s eyes closed and her body went limp in Ly’s arms.

Jace growled, dragging my eyes from the couple to his angry face as he stepped towards them.

“Back off Jacin!” Ly snarled at him, “She’s fixing herself.”

He stumbled to a stop, his eyes flashing from Ly to Ally and back again, “What’s happening to her?” He finally asked, his voice losing a little of its anger as fear for Ally overtakes it.

“When our fated-mate bond snapped into place last night, the block on her mind and magic dissolved. Like the spell was designed to unravel if we completed the bond.” Ly frowned and gently moved the hair clinging to Ally’s forehead behind her ear. “I don’t know what you did witch, but thank you for giving me this time with her.”

Lysais’ eyes flicked to me and I didn't know what else to do but nod at him, as Jace and Lilah looked at me in confusion. But, before any of them could ask me any questions, Ally stirred in his hold.

Strands of strange magic trailed out of her in long, thin bands that flickered in a multitude of colours. I gasped in wonder as it collected, making a shimmering archway behind them. Ally moved suddenly, drawing my gaze as her eyes flew open. She smiled up at Ly, but he stiffened like an electric shock had just run through him and her smile faltered as shadows gathered around his head, like they had been last night, and I knew my spell had finally faltered.

“Find me.” He whispered, pushing Ally away. Before she could hit the mud, Jace grabbed her and my heart broke for them as Ally’s hands wrapped into the fabric of Ly’s shirt.

“Ly?” she questioned, her fists tightening as he pulled backwards. He didn’t speak as he yanked her hands from his shirt, stood and turned his back on her.

“STOP!” Ally’s voice rang out, making Ly’s steps halt. I was hoping that he’d go back to her; I’d try and figure out a more permanent fixture to whatever was going on with him, but his eyes travelled over her before landing on the archway behind her.

“Goodbye Princess.” Ly snapped, making Ally’s head flick back to him as her eyes went blank, but it’s not her that worried me as Ly’s lips pulled back in a satisfied sneer. It was like he was the cat that’d gotten the best cream as his smile made my blood freeze.

“So it’s true.” His mouth snarled at Ally, but it sounded different, colder as his eyes glinted dangerously and he took a menacing step towards her, closing thesmall distance between them as everyone stared in wonder at the gateway Ally had just created.

Everything seemed to speed up as Ly made a black blade appear in his hand, and dragged it back, before plunging it forward.