“Nooooo!” Jace’s heart wrenching scream tore the night apart as he fell to the floor where Ally had just been standing.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Why can’t life just pause for one minute so you can get your bearings again after the crazy? -Charleene.

After Ally had been taken, Jace was inconsolable, screaming and tearing at the grass on his knees. Even Lilah couldn’t get him to calm down. He just kept repeating her name over and over, until I could still hear it echoing in my head now. The Maiden, Mother And Crone had decided that, in light of what had happened, it would be best to cancel the rest of the celebrations. To their credit, they organised search parties to spread out, searching the fields around the village but, as the sky became tinged with the fiery coming of day and we still hadn’t found her, they were called off.

Returning to Lilah and Jace I wondered if I’d helped the man or just made things worse, as my eyes rested on Jace. He was broken, utterly broken as he still knelt in the same spot.

“She’ll be ok.” Lilah cooed to the top of his head, as she stroked his golden hair.

“He took her. They have her. We failed.” He sobbed, finally breaking out of his mantra and looking at Lilah with tear streaked cheeks.

“We don’t know that.” Lilah said.

At the same time I asked, “Who have her?”

“The Shadow Fae.” Jace whispered, as if uttering their name would bring them here. Dina growled beside me and I flashed her a confused look.

“The Shadow Fae were responsible for creating Vampires.” Dina explained, reminding me of her dislike for all Fae. “What do they want with her?”

“She has the ability to open gateways between worlds.” Lilah calmly explained, like she was discussing the weather, not the possibility of other worlds.

“I beg your pardon?” I asked, my mind remembering the scene from the spirit world of the large shimmering archway and the woman with violet eyes who’d seemed familiar.

“Alysium’s mother had the same ability, but when the Shadow War broke out on Agenia, she closed the gateways between the worlds. Then, when Lysais helped the Shadow Fae infiltrate Agata Palace she sent myself, Jace and Ally here to Earth.” Lilah explained, meeting my gaze with one that told me she wasn’t lying.

“It’s true,” Agnes’ shrill voice rang out, making all of us except Dina jump in surprise. “My Mother told me legends of The Gatemaker Fae and of The Gatekeepers.”

“Why have you never told us this before?” Mother’s voice snapped, her hurt showing in its sharpness.

“I’d thought they were nothing but stories until you showed up at my feet.” Agnes said, jabbing her finger at Lilah. “And then when my…Charleene showed up with two Ancients in tow, I knew it had to be more than a story.”

“What are Gatekeepers?” Angelinia asked, informing me that it had just become a family affair of more secret airing.

“We are,” Agnes said, her eyes jumping between us all, “When the gateways reopen one of us will be chosen as The Gatekeeper of Earth.”

I shivered, not liking the sound of being chosen. Heavy footsteps behind me made me turn to see Sophia running towards us like her life depended on it. Confused, I glanced at Dina and my sister before turning my attention back to my new friend, whose face was red and her hair dishevelled. In the short time I’d known her I’d never seen her look so pale and unkempt.

“THEY’VE FOUND ALLY!” She screamed at us when she deemed herself close enough.

I think it took all of our brains a minute or two to understand what she’d said, but once the words settled in myself, Dina, Jace and Lilah charged in Sophia’s direction.

I cursed myself, breathlessly, as we reached the Warlock carrying her. His group had been one of the last returning when they’d seen shadows collect near the village, leaving Ally behind. She’d looked like death had already claimed her. Her lips were blue and her skin even paler than it usually was.

“Quick get her inside.” Julie, the healer snapped at us as she arrived, making us all hurry back to the guest house Ally and Jace had been using.

That had been hours ago and she still looked only marginally better. Heavy bells rang out through the village, forcing my eyes from Ally’s still body. Since she’d been taken by the Shadow Fae Prince and been returned to the edge of the village this morning, she hadn’t moved, her fingers hadn’t even twitched. The only comfort any of us had was the fact that she was still breathing slowly.

What the hell is happening now?I wondered to myself, meeting Dina’s gaze across the room. She nodded towards the door, and without questioning, I followed her from the room, Ally was well protected between Jacin and Lilah.

“What’s going on?” I asked, closing the door behind me.

“It’s the warning bells, the Coven is under attack.” Dina said quietly, already heading for the stairs. Running after her, I was right behind as she flung open the front door, where utter chaos ruled the streets. Witches and Warlocks ran in every direction, some carried small children or dragged older ones behind them, as they made for the large meeting hut. Meeting Dina’s eyes I walked off up the street, my steps hurrying the same way as everyone else.

I was breathing heavily by the time I pushed through the crowd and found Agnes, Aradia and Angelinia standing on the slightly raised dais. The noise was deafening as everyone shouted at once and my new found family tried to field all of their questions.

“We don’t know…” Aradia’s voice was swallowed almost as quickly as I heard it, drowned out before I could hear the end of the sentence. Glancing around, my head spun between the worried shouts and crying children.