“I look stupid,” Ally mumbled, with a pink tint to her cheeks as her eyes met Lilah’s in the mirror and she twisted her hands together self-consciously.
“Don’t be daft.” I gasped out, wanting her to see herself as I did. She was beautiful, with her red hair and alabaster skin that complemented the dress perfectly. “You just need some finishing touches.”
Offering her a reassuring smile, I centred myself to attempt something with my magic that I’d never done. During my time with the Nicnevin witches, I’d watched amused at how they combined latin and their magic to accomplish tasks. Keeping my imaginary fingers crossed, I use a phrase Sophia had taught me.
“Capillium duo plecto latus caput curro.”
And to my utter astonishment, Ally’s hair braided itself in twin braids along the side of her head, while the rest dried into perfect ringlets. Ally’s eyes widened in astonishment as she looked at her now neat hair, and I dipped into my bag of tricks, carefully retrieving the jewelled chain Lilah had me hide.
“Sit.” I demand, drawing her attention from the mirror before wrapping the chain around her forehead and tucking it into the hair-grips securing her braids. Ally glanced between me and Lilah before her frown smoothed out and she followed my order. “Now close your eyes.” I instructed, catching the pleading look she threw at Lilah.Wow,has no one ever done her make-up before?I wondered silently before getting to work.
It took me twenty minutes of deep concentration to get it all perfect, but once I’d applied the reddest lipstick I currently owned, she was ready.
“There, you’re done.” I crowed triumphantly, making Ally jump in the chair before her dark blue eyes met my own and I smiled down at her.
Lilah bumped into my side, in her haste to thrust a small handheld silver mirror in front of Ally so she could see just what I’ve done. Ally’s eyes widened and her hand gingerly touched the string of diamonds that wrapped across her forehead as tears gathered in her eyes.
“It was your mother’s,” Lilah whispered, wiping a tear from her cheek as she watched Ally’s reaction.
“Are they diamonds?” I could hear the disbelief in her voice and couldn’t stop the squeal of delight from escaping me as Lilah nodded.
“Do you like it?” I all but shout in my excitement.
Ally nodded with a small smile and looked back in the mirror, studying her reflection, “I look…” She trailed off, an uncertain frown gathering her eyebrows together at whatever thought she’d not voiced.
“You look like you always should have, Ally.” Lilah said, and my heart squeezed at the thought that even Ally had more of a mother than I ever had. Swallowing down my own bitterness and dark thoughts, I kept my smile firmly in place as Ally grimaced.
“Is all of this necessary?” She asked, looking uncomfortable and unsure.
“Absolutely,” I gushed with a giggle, throwing all of my energy into making sure she was full of confidence, “it’s a party Ally, let your hair down and maybe you-know-who will turn up.” I laughed, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively at her. At her snort, I knew that my work was done.
“Hmmmmm,” she said sceptically, making my smile widen as my cheeks hurt.
Leaning over, I placed a soft kiss on Ally’s cheek, “See you there.” I promised, bouncing out of the room to get to Dina.
I found her attempting to get Jace to stop pacing and laughed at her as she threw her arms into the air in frustration. “Oh, leave him be Dina, if he wants to fall through the floor let him.” I laughed, grabbed her arm and tugged her to the door.
We all but ran back to our own house and in less than ten minutes I’m wearing the lovely knee length dress Rosie picked out for me. It was simple, with littlelace embellishments but no sparkly beading, and hugged my breasts tightly. The material was super soft and clung to all my curves. I left my hair loose around my face, letting it drop over my shoulders to cover them. Glancing at the small clock on the wall and seeing that I was already way later than I should be, I decided to forego any make-up and shoes.
Rushing into the front room, I stood stock still as Dina’s eyes widened and her tongue darted out to lick her lips. “What?” I asked, turning my head to see if there was anything behind me. Nothing was there.
“You look breath-taking,” Dina said, making my head flick back to her. She looked like she was about to eat me as she took a step towards me.
“Thank you,” I managed to say through my tight throat, as butterflies erupted in my stomach. Swallowing far too loudly, my finger twisted into my hair and I fidgeted from foot to foot under her stare. “We’re going to be late.” I whispered, breaking her trance.
Dashing into the clearing, I was amazed at how pretty it all looked with the lights hung in the air and the Coven members all dressed in white. My eyes scanned the field, looking for our friends, and another shiver ran over me as the cold air bit at my skin.Who the heck thought it would be a good idea to congregate, in dresses, in Scotland, in December?Shivering again, I continued scanning the field and found poor Ally had already been cornered by my Mother and Grandmother. Taking pity on her, I pulled Dina in their direction.
“And where is that child of yours Aradia?” Agnes’ sharp voice reached my ears as we got closer.
“I’m here, Grandma,” I answered, dragging Dina behind me.
“Oh great, she brought the vampire,” Agnes sneered, giving us both a disapproving look before turning on her heel and marching away.
“Will she ever get over it?” I grumbled, staring at her back and wishing that looks could kill.
“She will, in time, accept your decision Charleene,” Aradia answered, “She just needs time, you’re forcing us to turn our back on a thousand years of tradition with your...relationship.”
Smiling, she turned to Dina, “welcome and blessed be Dina,” she said pleasantly before leaving us as well.