Applying the same amount of pressure as I would to my own, I circled her clit, teasing her, before thrusting it inside.

Twisting my hand so I could slip another finger into her I let my thumb rest on her clit and when I pushed my fingers as far inside as they’d go, I circled her small nub. A small grin tugged at my lips, when I was rewarded with more of her cum, it coated the palm of my hand making it slicker. Charleene’s hips bucked, ridding my hand and fingers to the pace that would bring her to the edge she’d thrust me over moments before.

Hazy dawn light began turning Charleene’s walls rosy red as the autumn sun began its accent into the sky. I pulled Charleene’s soft, warm naked body against my own, prolonging the moment before I’d need to leave. We’d spent all night pleasuring each other but it still hadn’t been enough. Charleene’s scent covered me, but it only made me want more. Reaching out I smoothed the small furrow that had appeared in Charleene’s brow as she mumbled something about a monster in her sleep.

It had been so peaceful watching the human sleep for the last couple of hours, that I was hesitant to leave her, not to mention the fact that something inside my heart was begging me not to leave.

A soft buzzing, vibrated against the carpet, drawing my own brows into a frown as I realised it would be Tilly wondering where I was. I’d never stayed out all night when we’d been on a hunt before.What’s wrong with me?Iwondered, while softly untangling myself from Charleene, trying not to wake her. If Charleene woke, I knew it would be so much harder to leave.

I’d just hunted down my jeans and was pulling my still vibrating phone from the back pocket when suddenly the whole room was flooded with the sharp tangy smell of ozone. It was like I’d suddenly been thrown into a lightning storm just after lightning had hit close by. My limbs froze where I was bent, my head turning sharply, watching the sleeping human over my shoulder.No, not human, witch!I mentally corrected myself. It had been the tantalising part of Charleene’s scent that she hadn’t been able to place until now as her power poured into the room.

“No! No! Get Off Me!” Charleene’s terrified voice filled the room, making every protective instinct in me flare to the surface. Flashing to Charleene’s side in a heartbeat, I reached out not knowing if I should wake her or let her ride out the nightmare.

What are you doing?I screamed silently at myself,you’re supposed to be getting the lass out of your system and leaving, not embedding yourself further into her life.I chastise myself, just as Tilly would have done, if she’d been here.Get dressed and leave the witch alone!My mind begged.

Listening to it, I dressed silently and went to leave. However before I could even open the door my chest ached. For some reason I couldn’t fathom, I was hesitant to go without leaving Charleene a note or something, explaining my actions.

Weak!My mind screamed at me, remembering the few times I’d left a sleeping partner before they’d woken and never left a damn note then. However with Charleene, who now slept comfortably again, it felt wrong. Before I could second guess my actions, I acted on impulse, grabbing a pen and slip of paper from Charleene’s small desk.

The note was small and to the point; Call me: 07728992124 Dina. Walking carefully to the bed I took one last look at her beautiful face, before dropping the note on the pillow beside her head and using my vampire speed to leave. In seconds I was outside on the street, dragging in a last lungful of the witch’sintoxicating scent, and with one last glance at Charleene’s front door, I disappeared into the early morning, already cursing my rash decision to leave the note.

You’re not going to see her again!I told myself firmly.

Chapter Four

What do you do when your heart pines for a monster? How can you run when your heart says no? - Charleene.

Turning over, a small groan of disappointment slipped past my lips, as my hand ran over the cold spot on the bed and I woke up alone. Blinking my eyes open I find nothing but a small piece of paper on the pillow next to my own. I suppose I should be grateful that the mysterious Dina had left early, after another dream of the man ripping into my neck with his sharp teeth had plagued my sleep again.What the hell is wrong with me?I wondered and not for the first time.

When the dreams had first started, I’d believed they were real, that someone was coming into my room in the middle of the night and savaging my neck. Only for there to be no marks when my foster parents came running in to find out what had upset me so much. Mr and Mrs Daniels had been lovely at first, reassuring me that I'd just been dreaming. Then after the first year of “the terrors”—as they'd dubbed them—they sent me to a therapist, and after the second year with no change they'd finally had enough and taken me to a group foster home.

No one has teeth like the man in my dreams and no normal person drinks blood as if it was the best beverage they'd ever tasted.I told myself silently. Things like that are only real in horror films and books, they don't happen to regular people, I thought with a shiver. The quilt bunched up as I hugged it tightly to my bare chest, focusing instead on last night and the dark haired woman.

Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes rang loud and clear, accompanied by a vigorous vibrating as my phone danced across the night stand, making me jump a mile in the air and clutch my chest to keep my heart beneath my ribs. Damn alarm, I cursed as it declared seven am, and dragged me back to the present. Goosebumpsraced up my arm as I reached over and snatched the offending device to silence it. Shaking my head at myself, I couldn't help but wonder why the dreams had returned. Leaving the note where it lay, I flicked the quilt back, exposing my body to the chilly air.

I’d been staring at my reflection in the mirror for the last ten minutes. My gaze slowly going over every place that Dina had touched last night. I’d been with women before but never had I woken the next morning feeling so sore and satisfied. And never had I craved more of that person’s touch. But Dina, the dark haired beauty, had woken a monster in me last night and all I could think about was Dina’s fingers teasing my nipples and then sliding through my wet pussy.

With a small smile I watched my own hand trail down my stomach and slip between my legs.Fuck, I’m so wet. I think as my finger slides over my still swollen clit before working it’s way down to push inside myself.

My eyes close and I let myself imagine it was Dina’s finger, pumping in and out, making me breathless and panting, while my other hand braces against the cold glass of the mirror. Sliding in another finger I imagined Dina’s lips caressing my neck softly. Moaning, I pump my fingers in faster and harder, making myself wetter.

I imagine Dina’s mouth sucking hard on my nipple as I use the palm of my hand to rub against my clit. Tingles swoop low in my stomach, my orgasm coming closer and closer until I was screaming it to the empty room around me. Cum coating my hand as I removed the two fingers from my pussy, with a contented sigh.

My smile grew as I rested my head against the cool glass,who was she?I pondered, before telling myself it didn’t matter, no matter how much I needed to see her again, it was a one night stand. Opening my eyes, my gaze darted to the bed and the small unassuming piece of paper still sitting on the pillow. Almost skipping across the room, I gently picked it up, like it’s the most precious thing in the world. My eyes raced over the elegant script, devouring each word.

With a goofy smile, I searched my bed, looking for my phone. Finally my fingers grazed the hard cold plastic, before they gripped and removed it from the twisted quilt. Double checking the digits, I typed in the mobile number that Dina—what a strange name—had left, saving it into my contacts under the name: Mysterious Girl.Maybe I'll text her later, I thought, before putting the phone back on the nightstand. Grabbing a towel and wash stuff from the shelf, I found myself dancing all the way to the communal bathroom. Not quite ready to have my fantastic mood shattered if Dina decided to ghost me. I couldn’t force the grin from my face if I tried as I showered and dressed before grabbing my heavy backpack.

The lecture hadn't been all that interesting, important yes, but not interesting and whispers had hissed through the air. Another young woman had gone missing. Trisha had left her friends to walk home on Saturday night and she hadn't been seen since. A shiver raced through me as I realised that could easily have been me

She was the third woman to disappear since term had begun in September. Fear coursed through the university and the city, as the other woman hadn’t been found alive and the papers were reporting that the “Dracula Murderer” had come to York. Leaving the lecture theatre I sped past a gaggle of crying girls, before ducking into the library, as my most recent nightmare repeated in my mind.Would poor Trisha be found like the other one, dead in the river? Or had she just simply wandered off and got lost?I found myself pondering sadly. Pressing the button to call the lift, my left foot taped impatiently on the carpet, as my fingers stroked the screen of my phone.

I wanted to see if Dina's number was real, my heart tripled its beats when I thought of it, while my head kept worrying that it wasn't or that she'd want nothing to do with me. All the while hoping that the swirling feeling swimming in my stomach would settle down.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the lift dinged and its doors opened. Stepping in, my thoughts once again turned to the mysterious murders that hadstarted in Scotland before moving down to Newcastle, and I now suspected the papers were right and they’d hit York. It had taken far too long for the police to link the victims, mainly because each force’s department said there was no link. Male, female, the killer didn't seem to care. Even the ages of the victims had changed from year to year. The only thing they seemed to have in common was they’d been drained of blood. What monster could do something so senseless and horrific?

“Are you getting out?” A polite voice questioned, making me spin on my heel in surprise and stare at the two women, who were watching me with kind smiles. Giving them a quick nod I vacated the lift, not looking at what floor it had stopped on as I went to find an empty study room.

The library was always a busy place on campus, almost as busy as the Student Union bar. Students milled about, talking loudly as they ignored their books. The murmur of voices went unchallenged by the receptionists downstairs, as they knew they wouldn't be listened to. However the noise made me uncomfortable as I glanced quickly into the small study rooms, my heart sinking a little each time I found them occupied. All I wanted was a quiet place to study and write my latest essay, before my shift later. Steeling myself for disappointment I looked into the last room and my stomach fluttered uneasily. I’d always been attuned to the emotions of those around me—an empath my last foster mother had said—but today they seemed to be bombarding me much more than normal.