“Maybe it’s the witches keeping him away.”
“Maybe, but I think it’s bigger than that. In the clearing, he said his Master wanted Charleene.” I reminded her.
“The Council of Five find the fact that our rogue vampire is acting on behalf of an unknown master to be troubling. You’re being ordered to try and find out who is pulling the vampire’s strings.” Tilly’s words gave me hope that I would be staying with Charleene a little longer.
“Have you found anything more out, regarding the Vampire Law against interspecies relationships?” I asked, not really hoping for anything. Our Laws had been created a millennia ago.
“Actually I have,” she said, raising my hopes a little even as I tempered it back down, “I found out that drinking witch's blood was forbidden by the Covens back in the 11th century.”
“Why?” I asked, my curiosity raised.
“Because it was highly addictive and gives the vampire a high that is similar to when human’s take drugs like acid and magic mushrooms. It made them highly volatile and seemed to shut off the rational part of their minds.”
“Well shit, that could account for relationships being out-lawed as well.” I surmised aloud.
“It could.” Tilly said, and I could hear the lecture coming from her tone. “You need to keep distance between the two of you.” She went on, using the serious tone she reserved for new vampires.
“I think it’s more than just an infatuation Tilly.” I said, knowing I needed at least one vampire in my corner if I was to ever have any hope that me and Charleene could one day be openly together.
“Dina.” Tilly using my favoured name made me pay more attention, “if fate has dealt you this hand you need to be careful, even we can’t fight against fate.”
“I know.” Tilly didn’t answer and after a few more minutes of silence I ended the call, flinging my phone into the small compartment to the side of the steering wheel in frustration.Why was fate such a bitch?I wondered, twisting the key and starting the engine.
I drove slower on the way back, needing the time to mull over everything Tilly had told me, and stopped near Culloden Moor to hunt in the woods. The sun had already well and truly risen by the time I drove back into the carpark and even speeding back to our shared house, I found it empty and a note laying on the coffee table:Gone dress shopping will be back later. Charleene.
Chapter Thirty-Two
Is a Coven all that important for a witch? - Charleene
“How was shopping?” Dina asked as I pushed open our front door.
“It was so much fun, you should have seen Ally’s face.” I replied, laughing at how white she’d gone when seeing all the dresses, “You’d have thought she’s never had a girly day.”
Dina’s chuckle was infectious as I found her on our sofa with a book. Sauntering over, I added a little more sway to my hips than probably necessary, but I loved seeing the fire it brought to her eyes when I did. “I’m glad you seemed to have fun, what else have you been up to?” she asked, her eyes crinkling at the corners.
Falling down on the sofa beside her I explained all about the meeting I’d gone to with Ally for tonight’s ceremony, “I’ll be helping the Coven with my magic.” I finished.
“So there’s definitely no getting out of going?” Dina asked hopefully, turning to face me.
“Nope.” Dina’s face fell at my answer, I knew she wasn’t too keen on socialising and she definitely wasn’t happy about having to be anywhere near my Grandmother, a sentiment I think we both shared. “Did you manage to do what you needed?” I ask, trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, Tilly even found out why interspecies relationships are forbidden.” She didn’t sound very hopeful as I searched her eyes.
“Apparently a Witch's blood is highly addictive and detrimental to Vampires.” I’m pretty sure she gave me the short version, but it still didn’t leave any hope thatwe’d be allowed to love each other anytime soon. And I was pretty certain that’s where I was headed.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” This time Dina changed the subject, making me smile.
“I’m off to help Ally get ready about sixish and then coming back here to get myself sorted, before we head over to the field they’re holding tonight’s ceremony in.” I explained, kicking my feet up on the coffee table. They ached from all the walking I’d been doing, reminding me of when they’d hurt after a busy shift. Adding a little bit of normal to my now unusual life. We lapsed into silence and I was almost asleep when Dina nudged me.
“Don’t fall asleep there.” She said her voice hiding a laugh.
“I feel shattered and all I’ve done is watch Ally try on dresses.” I laugh back at her.
“Didn’t you get one for yourself?” Dina inquires, making my happiness dull slightly.
“Rosie picked one out for me, but it’s been made perfectly clear that I’m not a member of this Coven.” I said, my words having a little more bite than I’d intended, as a gentle knock came from the door. Sharing a puzzled look with Dina I craned my neck, watching as she answered it.