“That prophecy is ages old and has still to come true, what makes you think it’s even real?” I questioned.

“It hasn’t come to pass because our Coven has killed all twins that have been born, until you.”

I staggered back at the venom in her tone and her narrowed eyes. She really believed that killing all of those innocent children was the right thing to do. “You’re a monster.” I flung at her, covering my mouth with my hand.

“No, child, I’m pragmatic as all Crone’s should be. I let my own personal feelings cloud my judgement once, I will not do it again.” Pushing up from her seat, Agnes stood and glowered down at me. “I will not allow you to join our Coven. We already have a Maiden and need no other.”

“Mother, wait.” Aradia said, interrupting. “I will not lose my child twice.”

“I don’t want to join your Coven.” I snapped at both of them, “I came here to find out who I am and to get help with my magic. I’ve managed to find a teacher on our way here so the second thing is a moot point, and from what I’ve seen I’m better off without having you,” I jabbed my finger at Agnes to make my point, “in it!”

“Then leave!” Agnes shouted at me, a bit of spittle flying from her lips.

“I will once I know my friends are ok.” I snapped back, reaching out to join my hands with Dina’s. Agnes’ brows rose up her forehead at my action and her face turned bright red. It was almost like she’s a cartoon kettle getting ready to blow.

“You will destroy us all. I will not recognise any child who goes against Coven law. Your love is forbidden.” She snapped and a blast of air forces my hand from Dina’s. “Even the Vampires forbid unions between species.”

I don’t wait to hear anymore, shaking my head and striding away; I’d already heard all I needed to. My heart ached for all those innocents killed because one witch declared they might be a threat.

“Charleene, please wait?” Aradia’s worried tone made my feet pause as I reached outside and dragged in a deep breath of winter air.

“What!” I shouted, out of patience and it wasn’t even ten in the morning.

“I want to get to know you. I’m sorry for…” she trailed off clearly not knowing what to say.

“For what? The fact your Mother wishes I was dead or that your Coven has been killing innocents for far too long. Or let’s see? How about the fact that you were too cowardly to stand up for your own children?” I snapped at her, my magic rising as my hair blew back from my face.

“I’m sorry for all of it. I should have been stronger but I was a child still myself, no older than twenty when I had you and your sister. I didn’t know what to do.” She sobbed, tears falling over her cheeks, “I’ve hated myself for it every day since I last held you both.”

I was stunned for a moment as I took in her words, “You wanted me?” My voice was quieter than I wanted it to be, as all the years of thinking I’d been thrown away came rushing back from the box I’d stuffed them in.

“I’ve wanted nothing more than to see you again.” She said, not quite giving me the answer I was looking for, “I thought if I was good and toed the line, that if you ever found us I’d be able to fight for you to stay this time and I intend to do just that. Please don’t leave.” She begged.

I stared at the woman before me, she looked so much like me it was unreal. I want to get to know her and Angelinia I realised. Giving her a nod, I watched as a hopeful smile lit her eyes before she turned round and went back inside.

“Do I even want to know what that was about?” Lilah’s warm voice asked from behind me and I spun around to find her watching me with a raised eyebrow. Shaking my head, I offered her a small smile and stepped out of her way. She didn’t ask again, merely returning my nod and continuing into the meeting hut.

Chapter Thirty-One

I’m at the end of my journey but I dread it actually being over… - Dina

The more I saw of Charleene’s Grandmother Agnes, the more I despised the woman. I knew I could be a grumpy sod, but she took it to a whole new level, inflicting her own pain on everyone around her. I was almost certain that she wouldn’t even know a smile if it jumped up and bit her on the mouth. I watched each time she interacted with Charleene and how she sucked any happiness from her. Over the last week, Charleene’s mother Aradia and little sister Angelinia had been making some progress towards actually being somewhat of a family. After Charleene’s last blow out something had switched in Aradia, and slowly she began taking the side of her eldest child over Agnes.

Angelinia seemed to have a much easier time of it; she seemed to genuinely enjoy spending time with her new big sister and sought out Charleene’s opinion when it came to one of the Coven boys that she had a crush on. Ally had also finally woken up earlier in the week, but Lilah had asked us—well Charleene specifically—to let her rest, so neither of us had seen her yet.

Tomorrow was the Winter Solstice but I found myself torn; the Coven was going to attempt breaking the block on Ally’s mind, hopefully meaning that the Fae would then be able to return to where they’d come from. However, that also meant that both of my jobs would officially be finished, and I’d have to return to the London Coven. Just the thought of going back there without Charleene made my heart ache. One, I didn’t trust the Coven to look after Charleene and two, it was like she’d become the other half of me, filling a hole I hadn’t even known existed until her. The more I thought about leaving, the more I foundI didn’t want to. What was the point of eternity if you couldn’t have what you wanted? And I wanted her. Coven Laws be damned.

“What ya thinking about?” Charleene’s voice interrupted my stare off with the window, drawing a smile to my lips as I looked across at the bed. We’d fallen into an easy rhythm in the week we’d been here. Charleene slept in and I watched her, she had a small breakfast and then she’d head out with Sophia, then Angelinia or her Mother would call round. It was simple, easy and surprisingly; I found I kind of enjoyed it.

“Just about leaving you here alone tonight,” I told her honestly.

“I’ll be fine,” she answered quickly, not alleviating my fears but making them worse. “I’m seeing Ally in the morning, me and Sophia are taking her dress shopping for the Solstice.” She continued, sounding a little more like her old happy self.

“Ok, fair enough,” I said with a shudder at the thought of dress shopping. Never in all my life had that particular activity ever appealed to me. Give me trousers over a skirt with frills any day.

“Since you’re going to be away, I’ve invited Sophia over for a girls night, she has homemade face masks and everything.” Charleene giggled, before sliding out of bed and padding over to me on her tiptoes and giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

“That sounds…” I trailed off not really knowing how to finish my sentence and slapped her arse as she walked past to the bathroom.