“They're not worth your tears, Beautiful.” Dina said, stepping closer, but I held up my hand knowing I’d get myself back under control soon enough.

“I know, but it still hurts you know.”

“I know it does.” Dina replied kindly.

Dina’s head suddenly flicked back looking over her shoulder, “What is it?” I asked.

“Someone’s knocking at the door.” She responded, clearly as surprised as I was as she frowned across at me.

“Right, I'll just get myself ready. Could you answer it while I get dressed?” I asked her, already slipping out from beneath the covers and shivering as the cold air hit my bare legs.

“You sure you’re up for…guests?” Dina wondered without moving from her spot by the door and blatantly ogling my naked body.

“I will be.” I told her, forcing a smile to pull my lips up, before running across the room and into the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I sagged against it, flinching at the cold wood biting into my skin and wondering just what I’d have to deal with today. I was going to confront myMothermore; when I was ready. I had questions that only she could answer and I wasn’t leaving until I knew them.

With a heavy sigh, I realised I couldn’t hide in here forever and needed to metaphorically pull on my big girl pants and deal with the crap life kept throwing my way. I wanted to be the happy person I’d been before all of this madness had descended on me, and that would start today. Walking to the mirror on the opposite wall I turned on the shower over the bathtub and let it warm up as I stared at myself. “Come on, you’ve got this.” I told the girl staring back at me, as steam began clouding the glass, hiding my reflection.

Plastering on a smile, I stepped under the warm spray, enjoying how the powerful stream pounded the tight muscles on the back of my neck. A genuine smilelit up my face as I looked down and found my own shampoo standing on the edge of the bath, alongside my conditioner, body wash and loofa. The bath stuff that had been on the bath last night smelt mostly of sage and I’d missed the familiar smell I inhaled now, as I squeezed a dollop of my favourite strawberry shampoo onto my hand. Taking my time, I followed my usual routine of washing my hair twice before adding conditioner to it and scrubbing my body thoroughly. Then leaning my head back, I washed the conditioner from it and grabbed a fluffy towel to wrap myself in. I found a smaller one for my hair and returned to the bedroom. I could hear soft voices speaking in the next room.

Grabbing a pair of soft, grey sweatpants, I put on my bra and comfiest t-shirt. Then, once my hair was brushed and tied back in a high ponytail, I took pity on Dina and went to find out who had come visiting this early. Pulling open the bedroom door, I almost turned right back round again when I saw my new found sister sitting on the sofa with a steaming cup in her hands.

Dina’s voice stopped me as I went to do just that, “Charleene, this is Angelinia, she wanted to make sure you were ok.”

Her thoughtfulness touched me and made me curious just why she had come. Our Grandmother had made it perfectly clear what she thought of me last night. “Why?” I asked, taking a step further into the living area.

“I don’t agree with what happened to you. Until yesterday I didn’t even know I had a sister let alone two.” Angelinia went on.

“What do you mean two?” I snapped, interrupting whatever she was about to say next.

“I spoke with Mother further last night and she told me that there were two girls.” Her voice was cautious and wavered slightly. “You didn’t know either.” She surmised.

“No, I thought it was just me.” I said, thinking back on the prophecy Eilidha had told me and realised why there had been so many deaths. My eyes widened as I put it all together; they’d all been twins! “Where are they now?” I demand.

“Mother is at our house and Grandmother will be at the meeting hut.” Angelinia said.

Without waiting to see if any of them were going to follow, or putting any shoes on, I strode out the front door and down the front steps, only noticing my bare feet when the grass tickled between my toes. I couldn’t care less as I stamped my way towards the meeting hut.

“Charleene, wait!” Dina called but I didn't slow down, determined to see if the horror running through my head was correct.

Dina caught up in no time and we walked side by side to the large circular building. When it came into view I quickened my pace and shoved through the double doors, letting one of them bang against the wall with the force I’d used. My so-called Grandmother was sitting in the same seat she’d used last night on our arrival and a small gathering of witches and warlocks stood before her. However their talk cut off quickly with my dramatic entrance and all their heads turned to watch me.

“Was I a twin?” I demanded, still halfway across the open space, my voice ringing clearly.

Grandmother, to her credit, looked a little shocked however I can’t tell if it was from my sudden interruption or the question I’d just asked. She glanced at those who have now turned to stare at her, waiting alongside me for her answer.

“This is a family matter. I will convene a new meeting time for later today. Blessed be.” She said to her Coven members, waiting for them to bow their heads and leave before her eyes met my own. “Yes you were, what difference does it make?”

“What happened to my sister?” I demanded, stopping in front of her.

“The same thing that happened to you. I couldn’t kill either of you.” She admitted, her lip pulling back in a sneer. “If I’d known you’d come back to be a pain in my arse, I’d have snuffed out both of your lives.” She went on.

“Mother!” Aradia’s voice snapped out from behind me. “That’s enough.”

“No Aradia, it isn’t. I should have listened to my Mother’s advice and killed them both when they were babies. The fact that She is here now only proves that I was too soft and may have doomed us all.”

“Grandmother Agnes, that’s a horrible thing to say.” Angelinia chided.

“Hold your tongue child, you have no idea about these things. The prophecy is clear that twin flames from our very own Coven will bring about destruction. The fact that she,” Agnes says, jabbing her finger at myself, “travelled here with two Ancients only proves my suspicions.”