I waited until she was in the bathroom and I heard the water slosh about before heading out into the night. My skin prickled, the hairs lifting at leaving her here alone, but we needed our things from the car and I’d rather do it myself than let some unknown witches snoop through our things. Using my speed, I made it to the car and back, carrying the stuff we’d quickly grabbed from the cabin. I decided to manage it all in one trip, wanting to be back with Charleene before she finished her bath.

“Hey!” A woman’s voice shouted, making my foot pause on the first step of our new cabin. Turning my head, I internally groan as I see the small woman from earlier striding towards me.

“Can I help you?” I grumbled, not wishing to talk.

“I just wanted to say thank you, to both of you, for bringing Ally and Jace here.” She said, looking up at me, “And to let you know she’s going to be ok.”

“You’re welcome.” I responded, moving up another step, hoping that was the end of the conversation.

“Can I ask, how is she?”

“Ally?” I asked, my brow furrowing as I thought about how best to answer her question, “A nuisance.” I told her, opting for honesty.

“Jace says she’s had some…magical mishaps.” She went on, stumbling over what to call Ally’s magical outbursts.

“Yeah, you could call them that.” My voice remained disinterested and flat, but it didn’t seem to deter the woman.

“I’m sorry for the trouble it’s caused you. The block on her mind is supposed to suppress her magic, as well as her memories.” Lilah explained, glancing at her feet for a few seconds before her eyes met mine again, “I think it’s failing, and I can’t remove or fix it.”

“If it fails will she survive it?” Charleene’s voice almost made me jump.

“I don’t know, we never planned on keeping her here this long.” Lilah answered.

Charleene walked down the few steps and held the woman’s hands in hers, “Maybe the Coven will be able to help.”

“Maybe.” Lilah replied, chewing on the inside of her cheek, before giving Charleene’s hands a gentle squeeze, “Anyway the main thing is she’s here and she’s safe.”

“That’s right, has the healer been able to help?” Charleene queried, her voice dropping low with concern.

“Yes, Ally’s resting now but she should hopefully wake soon.” Lilah gave Charleene a small smile, “Anyway, you’ve all had a very stressful day and should get your rest.”

“Will you please let us know when Ally wakes?” Charleene requested as I finally finished climbing the steps and stood on the porch.

“Of course Dear.” Lilah said, giving us both a bigger smile, before she walked off back to Ally and Jace.

“Well she seems nice,” Charleene declared, coming to join me on the porch.

“You’ve only spoken to her for ten minutes,” I commented, nodding towards the front door. Charleene grabbed it, sticking her tongue out at me as I walked past. “If you're not careful I’ll put that tongue to good use.”

“Maybe I want you to.” Charleene said with a cheeky wink as a gorgeous blush stained her cheeks pink.

With a low growl that vibrated through my chest, I dropped everything on the floor near the small sofa. Turning back to see that Charleene watched me with her top lip trapped between her teeth. In three steps I’m in front of her, my thumb tugging it free before I slammed my lips down on hers. Grabbing her hand in mine, I tugged her to the bedroom and growled, “I think it’s about time we finish what we started earlier.”

Chapter Thirty

They always say the calm comes before a storm, I just wonder how many more storms we can weather… - Charleene

Last night was amazing. I felt languid and relaxed as my eyes opened to the soft sunlight coming in through the still open curtains. Rolling over my hands smoothed over the bed beside me, finding it cold and empty. My heart raced as my mind questioned where Dina had gone. It wasn’t the first time I'd woken up after a sensational night with her to find her gone, and I decided right here that I don't like it.

Abandonment flooded through me, making my chest tight and my breaths short as panic set in.She's left.My mind screamed, drawing on my years of being discarded as a teenager. Tears burned my eyes when I wondered why she would stay with me. She'd brought me to the Nicnevin Coven after all and her life would be much simpler without me. The bedroom door swung open slowly, dragging me from my spiralling thoughts.

“Morning beautiful,” Dina said, her eyes scanning me as I laid in bed, "Did you sleep well?”

My tight throat prevented me from answering so I nodded instead.She's here,I told myself, fighting against the intrusive thoughts that told me I'm not worth loving.

“You ok?” Dina's voice interrupted my thoughts and she frowned in concern.

Returning my eyes to hers I finally found my voice, “I'm…” I started, but realised I don't know how to answer that question.Last night was a lot.Not only had I found my birth Mother and that I had other family members, but I'd also found out that my worst fear had been right.They didn't want me. Sharp pain speared through my chest and the tears I'd been suppressing fell down my cheeks.