“I didn't know you still lived,” her Mother sobbed, letting her own tears break free.
“Then who?” Charleene asked, confused.
“I did.” The Crone's voice snapped out, turning our focus to her. “You were conceived without permission to a father not of our Coven and to top it all off, I feared you were a child of prophecy.” She continued, lowering my estimation of her further with each word that came out of her mouth.
“But why not kill me like the others?” Charleene asked, staring at her Grandmother.
“I couldn't. Something protected you, all I could do was bind your magic and make you disappear. I gave Aradia a choice to either raise you alone and be banished from the Coven, or to let me take you away. After dropping you on the steps of the nearest orphanage I was done with you.” The old woman sneered callously and I stepped forwards, ready to throttle her where she stood.
“Well at least I can thank the Goddess for her mercy and the chance to grow up.” Charleene snapped back. “Did you not love me enough to face banishment?”
“It…it… wasn't that simple,” Aradia sobbed, before the Crone cut her off.
“She moved on, like I told her to. The Coven must always come first.” The Crone snapped at Charleene, making her tears run faster.
“Why are you so cold?”Charleene snapped right back, showing her fighting spirit.
The Crone stepped back as though Charleene's words had slapped her and her mouth worked but no words came out. Pride welled up inside me at how resilient my girl was.
“I've always wondered just who my family was and why they would abandon me. And now that I'm meeting you I can honestly say that no matter how hard my life was, I'm certain I grew up better off without you in it.” She spat, jabbing her finger at her Grandmother.
“Charleene—” the young woman who'd brought us to the Coven attempted to speak kindly.
“Just save it, I think I need some time to come to terms with everything I've just heard.” Charleene interrupted her younger sister, before storming off across the living area and slamming the bedroom door behind her.
Her mother and sister looked longingly after Charleene, and when Aradia moved as though to follow her, I stepped into her path, “Let her calm down.” I said, hoping they’d leave so I could make sure Charleene was ok.
The Crone stamped out, muttering under her breath, however Aradia paused looking crestfallen at her daughter's rejection. “What did you expect?” I asked her, feeling angry on Charleene's behalf.
“I never expected to see her again.” Aradia answered, turning her sad eyes to me, “I thought I'd lost her forever.” She sniffed, before turning and following the Crone.
“Please, ask her to find me when she's ready. I never knew I had a sister but I would really like to get to know her.” Her voice was kind and she looked about as shaken as Charleene at the revelations that had just been shared, so I nodded and waited for her to leave as well.
With a small nod she did, closing the front door behind her as I turned for the bedroom. Knocking gently, I waited for Charleene to compose herself, and from the sound of sniffing, I knew she was crying.
“CanI come in?” I asked gently, hoping she'd let me be there for her. I counted to ten slowly and when no answer came, I turned the knob and let myself inside.
I found Charleene curled up on her side in a tight ball. Her eyes were red and she had snot and tears running down her face. My heart broke a little for her, as I went and sat beside her in the bed. Sliding an errant piece of hair behind her ear, I offered her a small smile. “Let it all out.” I told her. Hoping she knew that she was safe and could show me all of her emotions. With me, she didn't need to be perfect or have the right genes. All she needed was to be her, because I found her perfect.
Opening my arms, my heart leapt when she slid into them, letting me hold her through her pain. I didn't speak, just let her tears soak my shoulder and held her as she shook. This was a lot to come to terms with for anyone, especially when finding out that her birth family hadn't wanted her. I knew how that felt but for different reasons.
“Adrina?” Mother's shrill voice called from the front door, filling me with hope that I wasn't the monster Alsadair said I was. “Where have you been, Child?”
My mouth lifted into the beginning of a smile at her scolding tone, the same one I used to hate and I ran towards her, with my arms stretched out before me. “Mama…” I managed to choke out as my arms wrapped around her waist.
“Your freezing Adrina,” she said, rubbing up and down on my arms, “Your father and I have been so worried. It’s been one week since we discovered your empty bed.”
Her hand rubbed my hair down the back of my head. Still being the Mother that Alasdair said I’d lost. Drawing in a deep breath so I could attempt to answer her, I froze. Her scent was amazing, like the sweetest honey. My throat burned and my gums ached as my mouth watered. The heavy thump, thump, thump, of her heart rang in my ears, getting louder and louder with every second. My hands tightened around her waist as I lost the battle with my fangs and they descended.
“Adrina, what is the matter?” Mother asked, pushing me away and gasping in horror as my eyes turned red and she saw the fangs pressing into my bottom lip. “Devil. Monster!” She screamed, strugglingagainst my vice-like grip.
Forcing the memory back down, I focussed on Charleene, who’s shoulders had stopped shaking so violently. She hiccuped and scrubbed at her eyes, before pulling away from me and meeting my gaze. “You ok?” I asked, knowing full well that she wasn’t.
“I will be, it’s just a lot to take in.” Her voice shook still but sounded a little stronger.
“Why don’t you take a bath, while I grab the stuff from the car?” I suggested.
Shuffling across the bed a little, she let out a long sigh, like she was attempting to force all the negativity from her body. “That sounds perfect.”