“I'm sorry, I just can not understand why a witch would be sent away as a baby.” Sophia said, her cheeks tinting pink, with her embarrassment.

“I don't know why I was either, but I would like to understand.” I told her truthfully, drawing a small smile from her.

“I'm Sophia,” she introduced herself, holding out her hand towards me.

“Charleene,” I answered with my own smile as I shook her hand.

“Is it true!” A woman's desperate shout drew all of our attention further down the street, where a short portly woman strode towards one of the many houses.

The two witches outside didn't even glance at her as she attempted to get in their faces by standing on her tiptoes, “Who is in there?” She shouted. “You'll let me in this instant!” She continued making demands when she received no answer.

“Ah, news travels fast in our Coven,” Sophia said by way of explanation as we walked towards the woman, who was now attempting to forcibly move the other witches out of the way.

“Lilah, please calm down.” Sophia greeted the irate woman, keeping her own voice calm.

“Did you say Lilah?” I ask, recognising the familiar name.

“Yes, she came to us for help months ago,” Sophia tried to explain but Lilah was already shoving her aside.

“You know of me?” She asked, “How?” Both questions came flying at me so fast they almost gave whiplash, as Lilah changed direction and stood before me.

“Ally has spoken of you many times,” I told her, watching as her eyes widened, before they narrowed again.

“Where is she?” She asked suspiciously. “Was she with Jacin when you saw her?”

“We travelled with both of them,” I began but she cut me off with another eager question.

“Where are they now?” Lilah's voice shook and tears gathered in her eyes.

“Ally was hurt in a battle, the Coven brought her here with their healer.” I said, not shying away from the truth. I had the feeling she wouldn't want me sparing her feelings.

“Hurt how?”

“She'd been stabbed through the stomach with a demoran blade.” Dina took over explaining when words failed me.

Lilah's hands flew up to cover her mouth, stifling the sob that broke loose. "He’s definitely found her then?” She asked no one. “Where is she? I need to see them.”

I looked at Sophia, as I had no clue if Ally and Jace were in the house beside us or not.

“They’re inside with Julie,” Sophia said quietly, motioning to the house with the guards.

Lilah flew around on her heel at Sophia's words, marching back to said guards and demanding they let her through.

“Let her in.” A woman's shrill voice shouted from within and the guards moved aside, allowing Lilah to disappear inside.

Baffled, I shared a look with Dina. So that was the Lilah who Jace and Ally had been searching for. For such a short woman she was kinda terrifying.

“I'll show you to your own guest house, please follow me.” Sophia said, collecting herself and waving us on.

“You have alovely village,” I complimented, wanting to break the silence that settled around us.

“Thank you, we've stayed here for longer than most other places and have been able to make it our own.”

“How long have you been here?” I was intrigued. “It must be hard having to move around so much.”

Sophia shrugged before answering, “It’s all I've ever really known. Some of the elder witches find it harder, they remember when our Coven was more settled. But we've been here for the last year.”

“Why does your Coven move around so much?” Dina asked.