“I won't let anyone hurt you.” She promised, meeting my gaze steadily as the younger witch joined us.
“This way, it's still a bit of a walk.” Her tone was still icy. I guess it wasn't often that a hidden Coven had visitors after all.
She hadn't offered up her own name, and to be fair, neither I nor Dina had asked her what it was, so we followed in silence. The small private car park led to a padlocked gate, which in turn led out onto a wide field, full of brown wild flower stalks that swayed in the wind. The snow that had been falling was more like sleet now, and made the trek to the Coven's village truly miserable. I'd just opened my mouth to ask our guide how much longer when the first wooden house came into view.
My eyes widened further with each step we took towards the houses. They were a mixture of one and two storeys high, with cute wrap-around porches attached to them and there are at least sixty, if not more.
“The Mother and Crone are awaiting your arrival,” the woman around my own age said in greeting as we walked through the straight grassy streets, between houses.
“Thank you Sophia, we'll go straight to them.” Our guide said, her voice losing some of its frosty edge. “And how are our other… guests?” She asked, seeming to pause over what to call them.
“The womanis being tended to by Julie and the male has not left her side. We managed to get them inside before anyone saw them.” Sophia answered, matching our guide's pace.
My fear over Ally's well being tampered a little at her words. It seemed that there was hope my new friend would survive the attack on her. I exchanged a glance with Dina as we continued following Sophia and our guide to a large wooden building in the centre of their village. The Coven was definitely bigger than I'd been expecting and I couldn't help but wonder why they were so secretive. Sophia walked ahead and held open one of the double doors for us all to enter.
The building was almost empty, with a few witches and warlocks from Culloden Moor milling about. However, my focus was on the two women sitting on the small dias set up opposite the doors. One looked to be about fifty with a few laugh lines and wrinkles near her eyes; we had the same eye colour, and other than the few strands of white in hers, our hair also matched in colour. The second woman was older, stooping a little with her narrowed eyes surrounded by wrinkles. Their colour was a washed out version of my own.Am I related to them?I thought as we drew closer.
There was an empty chair on the other side of the middle aged woman, which to my surprise our guide strode up to and sat in demurely.
“Merry Met, Huntress Adrina and our lost daughter… Charleene,” the middle aged woman paused before my name and her eyes shone with unshed tears.
“Why have you sought us out?” The older woman continued, her eyes narrowing further when they met mine.
“We have three reasons, the first being that the London Covens were concerned with your disappearance, our second reason is that the London Coven of Witches thought you may know of a way to send lost Ancients back to where they belong.” Dina's voice rang out loud and clear, even as murmurs began around us.
“Ancients?” Our guide questioned, with a glance at the woman next to her.
“The Fae who travelled with us, they are currently with your healer.” I piped up, my voice wobbling a little as the Crone pursed her lips at me, giving her face a sour look.
“And the third reason?” the Mother inquired.
Stealing my spine and keeping my head up straight, I answered clearly, “I'm the third reason.” The first two women's eyebrows raised in surprise, whereas the Crone's face remained the same. “I was given for adoption at birth, and until recently I believed I was human. However I am a witch and the London Coven believed that I belong to the Nicnevin Coven.”
I summarised my story, keeping it short and making no assumptions as I addressed the three women. My stomach fluttered uneasily as they looked at each other.
“As you can see, the Nicnevin Coven is fine and healthy, so you can report that back to your Covens and thank them for their thoughts.” The youngest said, when neither of the others answered, “You have given us much to deliberate on regarding your other reasons.”
“Thank you for meeting with us, I will inform my Coven.” Dina said with a small respectful nod.
“Sophia will show you both to one of our guest houses—”
“What! You're sending us away?” I snapped, my temper rising at their dismissal as I interrupted the one I suspected could be my Mother. “All my life I've wondered who my birth parents might be, who my mother might be and you're not even going to discuss it with me.”
I knew I should have kept myself in check but I had the funny feeling that my “Mother” was looking at me right now and dismissing me like I didn't matter.
“We shall discuss the other matters.” The Crone's voice snapped out like a whip, startling me. “You are dismissed.”
Sophia stopped before her Coven elders, bowing her head, before ushering both me and Dina from the large house.
“Are all Coven elders so rude?” I grumbled aloud as Sophia walked in front of us.
Dina let out a choked snigger that she tried to disguise as a cough, when Sophia glanced at us over her shoulder, "Our Elders are wise and never act rashly.” She informed us.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply otherwise, I'm just frustrated.” I told the woman honestly, making her pause and turn towards us.
“Were you really raised as a human?” Her voice wasn't unkind and held no judgement, however for the first time in my life I felt less than for my upbringing.
“I was.”