Nodding, we continued following her as Dina and Jace's voices could be heard.

“There's a clearing past the manicured gardens that we can use.” Dina was explaining as we walked inside.

“I found these two looking a little lost,” Mrs McClowd said on her way over to the giant silver fridge, “Is anyone hungry?”

“Oh my goodness, yes I'm starving,” I gushed, as my stomach rumbled loud enough that I was surprised the windows didn't shake.

“Do you have any favourites?” Mrs McClowd asked with a beaming grin, that Charleene automatically mirrored.

“Tacos, I would absolutely love Tacos.” I blurted out, clapping my hands in delight.

“Tacos it is then,” she replied, her smile widening at my enthusiastic response, “why don't you all go upstairs and get comfortable in the dining room and I'll bring up the food once it's ready?”

Her words were phrased like a question, however we could all tell that it was more of a demand. As Mrs McClowd busied herself getting everything she needed, we all traipsed back upstairs and followed Dina to an impressive dining room.

It was huge, with a long table standing in the centre and cupboards placed neatly against the walls between the windows. Each one was tall and held all manner of crockery and cutlery. I couldn't stop the grin forming on my lips as I stared around in wonder.Asif she owns this.I thought to myself.

"I think it's beyond time for Charleene to explain just what happened to her.” Dina stated, dragging my attention back to them all as they sat around one end of the table, staring at me expectantly.

“She says that she knows where we'll find the Nicnevin Coven.” Ally bounced in her seat, looking the happiest and most excited I'd ever seen from her.

“What?” Jacin said at the same time Dina asked, “How?”

“Let me start at the beginning,” I said, joining them at the table and explaining everything that had happened to me in The Inbetween. “After I'd freed my magic, Eilidh helped me train it,” I said, showing them all a small flame, making it dance on my palm while a wind tousled their hair. “I've also been gifted the element ‘spirit.’ Which means I can walk with ghosts helping them crossover, divine people's intentions easily and also see visions of the future.” I finished, watching their eyes widen with every word I've spoken.

“And how exactly does that help us find the Nicnevin Coven?” Ally asked, her confusion written clearly all over her face.

“Before I…returned, I was blessed with a vision of a tall stone that stands with trees on one side and a wide field on the other. Facing the wide field I saw the remnants of a big battle and on the very edge stood a large group of witches.” I said, smiling across at her, “I showed the images to Eilidh using The Inbetween and she explained that it was close to Culloden Moor, which is not too far from the Nicnevin's ancestral home of Clava Cairns.”

“That's up near Inverness, which fits with what my contacts said could be a possibility.” Dina agreed.

“They will find us on Culloden Moor in eight days' time.” I said confidently.

"You're going to need warmer clothes.” Dina stated. “It’s a good thing I purchased a cabin up there.”

After Dina's stark revelation that she had a remote cabin in the woods that bordered Culloden Moor, things moved pretty quickly as she dispatched Mrs McClowd to go shopping for warmer clothes and enough food to last us at least nine days. As soon as the housekeeper had returned we'd piled back in the car and had arrived at her cabin as night had fallen.

We were nearing the end of my timeline and everyone was getting angsty as we waited with no sign of the Nicnevin Witches.

We'd just finished another meal of spam and beans when I noticed the lack of sound. “The animals have fled…” I murmured, at the same time as Dina's expletive rangout across the clearing before us.

“Shit! How the hell did they find us?” She asked, standing and as I blinked, she shoved me behind herself. I followed her gaze to see dark, shadowy creatures slinking from the woods. An inhuman screech ripped the night apart and others filed in behind the first line.

“There’s too many,” Ally gasped, as the clearing filled slowly, their howls and growls filling the night air. She shivered, already reaching down and grabbing two gleaming daggers. “Jace, what do we do?”

“We fight,” he replied and the metallic swish of steel met my ears as he drew his own blade. My gaze flicked to him.

“Leave the vampires to me,” Dina said, launching herself towards the amassing horde with a savage growl.

My eyes scanned the growing crowd, picking out those who felt similar to me, like a warmth that spread over my entire body as their eyes ran over me.

“I’ve got the witches.” I said, my tone a lot more confident than I felt as I backed towards the cabin and away from my companions.

I watched in awe as Dina clashed with the creatures; she had a long sword that flashed quickly as her movements started to blur, until I couldn't see her anymore as she got swallowed. Fear spiked low in my stomach, making me want to throw up as I watched Jace disappear and then Ally right behind him. However, I don't have long to wonder how they are fairing, as magic is thrown my way. A fire ball thrown from a dark haired man singed the ends of my hair, forcing me to concentrate on my own fight.

Gritting my teeth, I remembered what Eilidh had told me;you're the strongest witch in generations, do not fear anyone. Her words ring in my head, giving me the confidence to step forward. A maniacal grin spread across my face as I summoned my own fireball. Holding it with two hands and meeting his worried eyes, I threw it with all my might.

My stomach turned over as the warlock screamed in agony and I retched at the scent of burning flesh.I'm not cut out for battle, I thought briefly before another witch was standing before me, far too eager to hurt me from the crooked grin that twisted her lips. Trying not to take too deep a breath, I summoned my air magic, swirling it around me to create both a shield and to grace me with some fresh air. Fixing my eyes on the new witch, I ignored the little voice screaming in my head that this was wrong and threw fireballs at her.