Jacin was the last one from the room and closed the door behind him, “You know you don’t have to be such a bitch all the damn time.” He informed me, making me pause as I went to walk away.

“And you don’t have to be her knight in shining armour either.” I snapped back, “Find me when you're ready to leave.” I said, turning and walking away before he could reply.

I spent the next hour sitting beside Charleene, bemoaning the injustice that she’s left me alone to deal with the dynamic Fae duo. I was just about to launch into another tirade when Donovan knocked against the door.

“May I come in?” he asked politely.

“It’s your house, you can do whatever you like,” I told him, turning my attention back to Charleene.

“I know you’re worried Adrina, but you can’t keep attacking the poor girl like that,” he admonished, and I really wanted to argue with him, but his fatherly eyes met mine, and I found I haven’t the heart to.

“This isn’t the first time her magic has caused problems,” I admitted in a growl, my eyes flicking to Charleene and back to his, my meaning clear.

“And you need to forgive her for that,” his tone was reasonable but I was already shaking my head.

“How am I supposed to forgive her for taking Charleene from me?” The thought came out as a question that made Donovan sigh.

“I don’t know Adrina, but somehow you need to. What if Charleene had been the one to cause this to Ally, would you want her to be blamed forever?” He asked, turning the tables.

Chapter Twenty-Six

I need answers and I need them tonight! - Dina

Thankfully, Ally fell asleep shortly after leaving Donovan’s so I had a break from her and Jacin fighting. Jacin had also been quiet, only speaking when we crossed the Scottish border to ask for directions to my place in Edinburgh. I’d given him them and lapsed back into my thoughts. Charleene hadn’t stirred or made any noise the entire trip, and her silence was wearing on me more and more. I missed her chatter and bubbly attitude, especially when I found myself being plagued by memories that should remain buried.

I glanced out the window, noticing we were on a familiar street as Jacin murmured, "Ally?" and gave her a little shake, "we're here."

“Here?” she questioned sleepily, glancing out the window, “And where’s here?”

“Edinburgh.” I told her, my tone harsher than I’d intended. I’d spent a lot of the drive pondering Donovan’s words and realised if the roles had been reversed I wouldn’t want Charleene being blamed.

Ally looked back at me and then across at Charleene with a sad look, “I thought we had another stop before we’d got here?”

“We were going to, but after Lysais found us at Donovan’s, we thought it would be best to come straight here.” Jace explained, making her shiver.

“Oh,” was her only reply and for a few minutes she’s silent, only speaking again as Jacins pulled up to the curb and stopped the car, “So what happens now?”

“We’ll get settled inside, and then I’m going to meet one of my contacts here.” I said, trying to be more open with them.

“How do we know it’s safe here?” Ally asked, as I sped around the car, and gently pulled Charleene from her seat.

I made sure her head was resting against my shoulder before answering, as Ally’s head swivelled taking in the street, “It’s one of my spots.”

Leaving them both out on the street, I strode up the steps and unlocked the front door of my house. I took a deep breath of the slightly stale air and a small smile graced my lips as familiar scents of bergamot and freesia welcomed me back. It’d been far too long since I’d last been here.

I took the steps one at a time, being careful not to jostle Charleene as I took her upstairs and tucked her into my bed. There was another guest room down the hall, but if I had to leave her, I wanted her surrounded by my scent. The Fae could use the spare room. Pausing at the door to give her one last look, I turn my attention to the job at hand. We needed more information on where the Nicniven witches could be and I was determined to find it tonight. Going to go back downstairs and inform the Fae of my plans, I froze on the top step. Ally was looking intently at the photographs which had been taken of me over the years. I’d forgotten they even still hung there, a reminder of the past I couldn’t return to.

As if she could feel my eyes on her, Ally’s gaze snapped to mine and a faint blush stained her cheeks. “I’ve put Charleene in my room and there’s a spare room at the end of the hall up here, so you’ll have to share with Jace.”

“Erm, thank you.” She muttered, shifting her feet.

“She’ll need looking after while I’m out,” I stated.

“Where will you be going?” Ally asked and I frowned.

“Jace has my number if she wakes up.” I said before using my speed to leave.

The door slammed behind me but I didn't care, for now I just wanted to be on my own and I needed to hunt.