“Hecate was the daughter of a powerful Fae,” Eilidh says, her calm voice not wavering from my interruption.

“So the Fae did create witches,” I surmised, showing I was following her.

“Yes, they gave birth to Hecate, who in turn gave birth to her own children and created the Wicca lineages.”

“But not the Nicnevin Coven?”

“No, our Coven was gifted by Hecate.” Eilidh confirmed. “Over time, I think our Coven forgot their origins and fear took over their minds, but I have to believe that they are not beyond saving.”

Her voice was soft and heartfelt, as I thought about all those “Our Coven” had sacrificed over the years and I wondered if she’s correct.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Oh no, what now? - Dina

I’d not been back in my room long when Donovan rushed past, closely followed by Jacin. Torn between leaving Charleene’s side and finding out what they were running for, I struggled, indecision pulling at me. I’d never been unsure of my actions before and found that I didn’t like it. Looking at Charleene, I made my mind up and chased after their hurrying footsteps. We ran out the back door of Cusworth Hall, and I followed them through the perfectly manicured gardens to a field that borders the property. My mouth fell open at the sight I beheld.

Ally stood in the field, her eyes closed and surrounded by a whirling tornado of flames. “Leave Lysais!” She screamed, flinging her hand out towards something we couldn’t see. The hair on the back of my neck rose, as my eyes scanned our surroundings for the threat she’s obviously fighting off, but all I found wasDonovan, Jacin, Ally and myself.

“What is she doing?” I asked at the same time Jacin screamed her name, “She’s going to set the whole field alight.”

“She’s dream-walking,” Donovan said quickly, as though that should explain whatever the hell was going on.

“She’s what?”

“Dream-walking, and it has brought her enemies one step closer to you all.” He explained, “We need to wake her.”

He began to mutter under his breath as I stood, staring at him like he’d lost his mind,what the heck is dream-walking when it comes to town?I wondered. The wind picked up, flapping my short hair around my face. I attempted to keepmy vision clear but it was futile as Donovan called more to his aid, using it to surround Ally and the fire she’s throwing about.

“I can’t hold it for much longer,” he said, his face showing the strain it’s taking, making me wonder and not for the first time, just how powerful Ally is?

“Jacin do something!” I yelled as he catapulted himself over the wooden fence separating Cusworth Hall and the field.

“What do you think I’m trying to do?” he shouted back, his eyes never leaving Ally as a long beam of fire flew forward.

It seemed to go on forever with Jacin’s shouts punctuating the air. Donovan’s knees wobbled and he shook. Moving quickly, I grabbed his shoulders and placed my front to his back, letting him lean on me and take my energy to fuel his magic.

“Jacin!” I warned as Donovan sagged a little more.

Then, as quickly as it started, Ally’s fire disappeared, like a tap has been shut off. She gripped her head in pain before her legs gave out and she fell to the floor. I knew Fae could move almost as fast as vampires but until this moment I’d never seen it. Jacin reached her before her head could hit the ground and cradled her to him.

Donovan’s magic faltered shortly after and he fell fully against me, until I was pretty certain I’m the only thing keeping him standing.

“You need to go.” He said gently, struggling to keep his eyes open, “they know where you are.”

Crap!I thought, shuffling his weight to keep a better hold of him as he lost the battle and his eyes closed. If the Shadow Fae have found us, it would only be a matter of time before the rogue vampire did too. We’d managed to shake him when stopping at Gladys’, but that didn’t mean we’d remain hidden forever. Our best chance was to keep moving. Gently lifting Donovan into my arms, I saw that Jacin had done the same for Ally.

“Come on, let’s get them back to the house.” I said, before turning and using my enhanced speed to rush. I felt uneasy leaving Charleene alone for this long; she was vulnerable, more so than normal,at the moment.

Jacin followed closely behind and walked to the bedroom Ally had been given while I took Donovan and made sure he was comfortable in the study. I had no idea where his bedroom was and I wouldn’t want to go poking around in someone else’s home. Once I’d made sure he wasn't going to fall out of the deep wingback chair, I ran back to check on Charleene.

She was exactly where I’d left her, she hadn’t even rolled over. Each time I saw her so still, I was reminded over and over that she wasn’t here and my heart shattered all over again. All I wanted was for her to open those gorgeous brown eyes of hers, so I could fall into them.

Come on get yourself together Dina,I mentally slap myself, before going to find Jacin.

I found him two doors down on the other side of Donovan’s study, Ally laid on the bed looking peaceful. Her face is paler than usual, making her freckles stand out more, and her hair looks redder too. Jacin looked haggard as he watched her, perched against the chest of drawers.

“How’s she doing?” I asked, leaning against the wall next to the door.