"It's alright, I'm enjoying myself right here," she said with a small, shy smile while stepping even closer to me and running her hand up my arm.

“Funny, I’m enjoying myself too,” I found myself muttering as I stared transfixed into her blue eyes. They remind me of the Mediterranean sea. Smiling back at her I let my arms close around her body; she’s an inch or two taller than me but I liked how her head rested on top of mine as we danced.

I lost track of time as we swayed to the music, talking when we could. I found out that Charleene was what they called a “mature student” at one of the local universities, working towards a better future than the past she’d had.

“Last song,” the DJ announced through his microphone, suddenly bursting our little bubble.

“What now?” I asked, not wanting our time to end. I found that I no longer cared about getting her out of my system, there was something about her making me want to know her more.

“Do you want to come back to mine?” Charleene asked nervously, glancing around at the almost empty club. “Or we could go to another club?” she tagged on, when I didn’t answer quicker.

“I can walk you home if you want.” I offered, not wanting to put too much pressure on anything further. I still wasn’t even sure if she liked women in that way—or if I did for that matter—there was just something that drew me to her like a moth to a flame.Would I get burned?I wondered as she led me to the exit my hand clasped in hers.

The walk to Charleene’s passed quickly as we talked easily about her varied past growing up in the foster system since she’d been a baby. I could tell it made her uncomfortable to talk about it, however I couldn’t find it in myself to stop her. She was fascinating. “I don’t know why I told you all of that.” Her voice brings me out of my thoughts, as we turn onto her street.

“Sometimes we just need to talk to someone we don’t know.” I reassured her, “I hope telling me this has helped you.”

“It’s strange, I feel a little lighter. I also feel like I’ve known you longer than just tonight.” She mumbled, almost to herself, as she unlocked her front door.

I remained on the threshold—and no, we don't need permission to enter a person’s home— waiting for her to decide if she wants to take things further or not. Butterflies flutter agitatedly in my stomach as the seconds tick by and my mind goes into overdrive.Do I want to be invited in? Would I be able to take whatever this was further?My mind spun, as I remembered all the rules against same sex relationships from my childhood.

“Erm, would you like to come in?” Charleene finally asked, breaking into my thoughts and making her decision.

“Erm, yes, please” I forced myself to whisper, my butterflies doubling and dancing now, as I slowly stepped into her house.

“Would you like a drink or…” her voice trailed off as if she’s embarrassed or as nervous as I am. “Sorry I don’t do this often, well not at all recently.”

“Neither do I,” I whispered, my voice sounding too loud in the silent house. I may have been a vampire for three hundred years but until now this was one line I hadn’t ventured over. Taking another step closer, I shoved my doubts down and tucked an annoying strand of hair behind her ear. I let my fingers trail softly down her face, watching her eyes close before leaning forward and placing a hesitant kiss to her parted lips. She tasted like alcohol and strawberries.

“Dina,” she mumbled, her breath skating over my tingling lips and I wondered if I’d done something wrong.

“Mmmm,” I answer incoherently, my body now pressing up against hers, enjoying how her lips feel against mine.

“Maybe we should move this out of the hallway?” she asked before backing up, igniting my predatory instincts. I wanted to stalk her, make her heart thunder even faster than it was in her chest, but instead I followed her through the small living room to a thin set of stairs in the corner.

Hunt Her!The huntress in me screamed, when she turned her back to me and took the first step up. Taking measured steps, my mind catalogued everything; the slight whooshing sound of her blood rushing through her veins, the flurry of goosebumps that raised on her exposed skin, drawing in a deep breath, I smile as her scent thickens around me, her desire increasing with each step we take.

It takes every thread of my self-control not to make her run so that I can hunt her. I want to taste every inch of her. Wanted to sink my fangs into her soft skin. I needed to lose myself in her, I realised, as we steadily grew closer to what I’m assuming is her bedroom.

Charleene paused before one of three doors on the tiny landing. She took a deep breath before pushing it open, revealing her personal space. Stepping inside, I noticed that her room is quite plain. The carpet, like the rest of the house, is cream. Her walls are beige, with a lonely motivational cat poster that says, 'You've got this' in big letters above a ginger cat. She has one bookcase with a few books on the shelves, and her rainbow bedspread is the brightest thing in the whole room.

Catching a glimpse of Charleene in the full length mirror next to the door, I watched as she pushed it shut with a soft click. Her room was illuminated from the closest streetlight shining in through the small window and she didn’t switch the main light on. Not that I needed it to see her clearly, as she paused with her hand still on the door. In the past I'd always chosen to keep rooms dark when I've taken someone to bed, but with her something's different; I want to see her every reaction.

Maybe it's because she's a woman, I wondered as my eyes took her in. Her hips curved out, giving her an hourglass figure. She’s not overly wide, like some womenhad seemed to aim for over the centuries, and my hands itched to roam over every curve, even as my mind told me it’s wrong.I shouldn’t be having these feelings for her.

Confused, I stepped closer, taking it slow, unsure on what I should be doing. With men it was easy; flash a little flesh and they can't seem to help themselves from being aroused, but with Charleene it's harder to judge.Did she find me attractive? Did she want me to make the first move? Should I make any moves at all?

Standing behind her I ignored my errant thoughts and reached out, running my hand down one of her arms, drawing her attention to me. The pink staining her cheeks was adorable and I want to see more of her. Running a finger down the soft skin of her cheek I watched, gauging her reaction to my touch. She leaned her cheek into my palm and I took another step closer.

Slipping my hand down until it settles against the warmth of her neck, my thumb rubbed across her thumping pulse point as I leaned closer.

"You're beautiful," I whispered, not giving myself time to overthink as I pressed my lips gently back against hers.

They’re soft and part as my tongue swept across her bottom lip. Emboldened by the quiet moan that slipped from her, I deepened the kiss letting my tongue play with hers. We’re battling for dominance, I realised, as her hand grabbed a fistful of my hair. She tugged it forcefully, pulling my head back, and letting me know she was in charge here, not me.

My lips moved slowly down the smooth column of her neck, and I nipped gently, smiling when her fist in my hair loosened. Able to move freely, my tongue flicked out over her thumping pulse. The salty taste of sweat on her skin barely registered as her hand caressed the back of my head, encouraging me on. She gasped as I sucked on her skin gently, and my fingers moved to the buttons on her shirt, slowly flicking them open one after another.

Taking my time, I enjoyed how she responded to my touch. Each soft gasp or throaty hum sent tingles rushing from low in my stomach to my throbbing pussy. But I reminded myself to give her the option to stop this if she wanted.