Needing a change of scenery, I placed a soft kiss on Charleene’s forehead, “I’ll be back soon, Sunshine.” I whispered, before walking out into the empty hallway, looking for Donovan. Closing my eyes I let my enhanced hearing flood my senses, picking up on Ally’s voice as she spoke with him and following it to an almost closed door.
Ally’s broken whisper was clear through the small crack, making me pause on the threshold, “Can you find Lilah?”
Donovan’s voice didn’t answer, and when he remained quiet, I pushed the door open and found Ally standing before the older man, “What’s he doing?” I demanded, wondering what trouble she’s brought upon us this time.
“Looking for Lilah, I think,” she whispered.
Donovan’s lips tightened before his blue eyes met Ally’s and he shook his head. She looked gutted at his response. Donovan opened his mouth to say somethingwhen a sharp intake of breath had us all turning to find Jacin in the doorway, looking like a wasp had just stung his manhood.
His eyes were narrowed on the three of us and his face should have been bright red with the anger pouring off of him in waves, “Well doesn’t this look comfy.”
He looked straight at Ally and even I had to admit she’s got insane inner strength as she met his gaze without flinching or faltering, “Jace, get a grip we were just talking.” I almost laughed at the heavy eye roll she gave him, before asking what we were all wondering, “what do you want?”
“I want you to be safe Ally, I want for us to find Lilah and for us to go…” He cut himself off with a snarl.
Ally turned to Donovan, giving him a small smile before she shoved past Jacin, forcing him out of her way. “I’m not fragile Jace, I can handle more than you think and I will get answers one way or another,” she snapped and walked off.
Jacin moved into the hallway to follow her, but stopped when Donovan spoke, “Let her be.”
“My whole life has been spent learning how to protect her, but how am I supposed to protect her from loving the wrong man?” Jacin questioned, his voice breaking half way through.
“Everyone must make their own mistakes, young man, you included.” Donovan answered cryptically and Jacin’s face crumpled.
“You love her.” I stated, making both of them turn my way.
Jacin didn’t answer, but the blush staining his cheeks and his protectiveness was answer enough. Nodding at him, I turned to leave.
“I can’t help but love her, she’s always been the one for me.” Jacin answered brokenly.
“Sometimes the feelings we think are love can be missguided, and if the other person’s heart does not beat for you, it can be a fool's errand.” Donovan’s quiet voice filled the room, “sometimes we have to let them go to love them.”
His words were wise and I watched as Jacin really took them in, my heart aching with all this talk of love as my thoughts returned to the woman who held minein a vice. Wanting to be with Charleene, I left Donovan and Jacin alone and head back to our room.
Chapter Twenty-Four
How do you say no to a freaking Goddess? - Charleene
Blinking, I focused on Eilidh, already missing the calm that had surrounded Hecate. Eilidh quickly summoned a wave of air and extinguished the ring of candles as I stood and stretched. Every muscle in my body felt like it was on fire. Wincing, I forced my feet to move and wobble as I stepped over the spent candles, noticing they had almost burnt down to the bottom. “How long was I gone?” I asked, rubbing at my thumping head.
“Time is not very clear here, but long enough that I thought you would not wake,” Eilidh said, waving her hand and making the candles disappear.
“Is there any way of knowing how much time is passing in…” I paused, not knowing how to phrase my question.
“In the world of the living?” Eilidh finished for me, “No.”
“It feels like I’ve been here for days, but the sky never changes, so it’s hard to tell.” I wondered out loud, looking up at the perfect sky.
“I’ve never had much reason to think about it before, however I suppose you’re right.” Eilidh pondered, tilting her head to the side like a little bird does. “Did you succeed?” she asked, reminding me of what we’d been doing.
“I think so,” I said, turning my focus inward and searching for the small sparks of magic. However, I was quickly met with a whirlwind of power. Spirit, fire and air rushed from my body, encasing it in a tornado with red and silver streaks. My hair whipped about, flicking me in the face and blinding me. The rush of wind through a tunnel is all I could hear as I tried to gain control over it all. Panicking,I attempted to grab at the strands of magic I glimpsed when my hair shifted, but my hands slipped through it, almost like I’m trying to grab water.
“YOU NEED TO COAX IT!” Eilidh shouted over the howling wind that’d joined the cacophony of madness.
“WHAT!” I screamed back, not understanding what she meant.
“DO NOT GRAB AT IT! COAX IT!” She screamed.
Letting the tornado rage around me, I took a shuddering breath and tried thinking calming thoughts. Without realising, I began to hum and the wind dropped slightly, continuing to hum the tune that has always calmed me in times of stress. I watched in wonder as my magic retreated and began buzzing beneath my skin. When the last of the tingling left my skin, I dropped to my knees, exhaustion making them weak.