“Well done Charleene, you should feel–” Her words cut off as a scream ripped from deep in my lungs. Pain like nothing I'd ever felt pierced my mind, and my focus on my magick slipped for a second as tears slipped down my cheeks. “Remember, keep the magicks contained and pressing against your mind.” Eilidh's voice registered, reminding me of what we were doing and why the pain was necessary.
“It will all be worth it,” I thought aloud, concentrating on keeping the magick wrapped around my brain and asking for more.
Willingly, both of my magicks thickened and the pain rose higher, making my teeth grind as I suppressed the urge to scream again. I pictured both magicks thickening further and rushing round my brain, asking it to search and destroy anything which wasn't ours. I don't know how long I spent with my teeth feeling like they would sink back into my gums and my mind like it was on fire, when suddenly my magicks increased the fire, becoming an inferno while spirit fanned the flames higher and faster.
Just when I thought I couldn't hold the magicks any longer, something inside me shifted and shattered as unimaginable pain speared through my entire body, then everything went blissfully dark.
“Hush Child,” A calm balm soothed the pain within me, as I stirred to the motherly voice.
“Mother?” I asked the maternal voice, and received a soft laugh that sounded a little like tinkling bells.
“No, but you are a daughter of mine, as all Witches are my children,” she explained, making my brow furrow as I refused to let my eyes open.
“Who are you?” I wondered aloud, hoping that she'd explain.
“Open your eyes, Daughter of Mine,” she whispered, her voice shifting between the motherly tone, to wavering, to as young as mine, and then back to motherly all in one sentence.
Unable to resist her command my eyes opened, meeting a woman leaning over me. I met her pure silver eyes. She didn't even have black pupils or the whites, they were just swirling molten silver. I would have flinched away, if I wasn't already laying flat on my back with my head cushioned on soft moss instead of the grassI'd expected. Rainbows danced quickly across the sky, making my stomach roll, so I looked back at the woman above me.
“Who are you?” I repeated, my tone sharper than I had intended as I watched her jet black hair float gently, wafting away from the thin oval face that constantly shifted. One second she looked as young as myself, then aged asif she'd grown to forty something, before wrinkles creased her eyes, brow and mouth. Then the cycle would repeat, almost as if she was three people in one body.
“You have been so brave and fearless, Daughter of Mine. I am known as Hecate, the Three Faced Goddess.” Her voice soothed my frayed nerves, even though I knew I should be shaking with fear as I faced off with a Goddess.
“Hecate…the goddess Hecate?” I queried, my eyes widening in shock.
“Yes,” she said, smiling kindly down at me, “I wish to show you something , if you will allow me.”
Her question sounded more of a nice demand and I felt my head bobbing up and down, giving her my permission when my words became lodged like a lump in my throat.
“Thank you Daughter of Mine,” she said, moving soundlessly to kneel above the crown of my head. “You stand upon a crossroads, so to speak, Daughter of Prophecy, and I wish to gift you knowledge of the past to aid your journey forward.”
“Erm okay?” I whispered, not really understanding her words, but something within me trusted her.
Her fingers were soft against my temple, her touch feather soft, “Close your eyes.” She bade me and I automatically complied.
I began to feel silly, as my eyes saw nothing but darkness, “Am I supposed…”
“Hush child, patience is a virtue,” Hecate chuckled.
Her words echoed, bouncing around my mind as light seeped through the darkness and words grew clearer.
“The gates have been closed successfully,” a woman's voice said confidently. “Yours is the last.”
The whiteness faded,leaving me looking at two young women, around my own age. One stood with her back to me, her long dirty blonde hair full of waves, hung above her bum. The other stood facing the first, with flowing chestnut brown hair, a pale face and striking eyes. The violet seemed to glow brighter as her lips turned down at the corners.
“Will I see you again?” The one whose face I couldn't see asked.
“I think not, Gabriella, I fear that the Shadow War is just beginning and I do not know how, or if, it will end.” Her companion replied sadly, reaching out to grasp the other's shoulder. “I will not open the gates until everyone is safe again.”
“We can protect it Serralynn.” Even as her words were being spoken, the pale faced woman began shaking her head.
“Not from this, the cost would be too high if any failed.” Serralynn's voice didn't waver even as she quickly wiped away a tear. “Gabriella, I have already closed every gate, to leave one open would be irresponsible. Your family line will always be Gatekeepers, prepare them well.”
Serralynn gave the woman a tight hug, closing her eyes briefly as though she was wanting to remember this moment. When she pulled back, a shimmering archway blinked into being behind her.
“Not yet Serralynn, please my friend, do not fight this battle alone,” the woman pleaded, her voice breaking as Serralynn stepped backwards.
“Teach your children and their children the way of the Gatekeepers, one day they will reopen.” Serralynn said, before turning on her heel and striding confidently into the rainbow surface. I gasped in surprise as the surface rippled before it disappeared and the other woman turned towards me. I froze, staring at what I thought was my own face. She was almost a carbon copy of myself, except with green eyes instead of blue.