“Sorry,” she mumbled, as I turned my focus back to the woman who held my heart in a deathgrip and swept the few strands of hair from Charleene’s brow. “Where are we going?”
“I know someone who might be able to help Charleene, I mean it's a long shot but he might be able to do something.” Gladys announced, waltzing back into the room. To be honest, I hadn’t even noticed she hadn’t followed us here. The tray in her hands rattles as she walks to the small coffee table.
“Who?” I snarled, not looking up, using my hearing to know what she’s doing.
“Donovan. I think he was up near Doncaster, last I checked in with him.” She answered politely, ignoring my tone completely. Her feet shuffled against the rug and she bumped my shoulder, finally drawing my attention to her and the cup in her hands, “It will keep you calm,” she explained as I opened my mouth to remind her I don’t need warm drinks. Taking it from her, I raised it to my nose and inhaled that iron scent. “Donovan is a warlock specifically trained in the spirit element. If anyone can help Charleene, other than her own Coven of course, it’s him.” She continued to explain.
“Where?” I snapped, taking a sip of the blood she’s handed to me. Since accepting our friendship, Gladys had always kept supplies I may need in stock for my random visits.
“He took over Cusworth Hall a few years back, I think he’s still there. I’ll give him a call while you all finish your drinks.” Gladys said, giving a small squeeze to my shoulder and leaving. Jacin moved to one of the other seats and Ally moved around the room, but thankfully remained silent as my focus returned to Charleene and I blocked out the rest of the world.
“I’ll be right back,” I whispered in Charleene’s ear as I heard Gladys on the phone in the kitchen. Speaking to no-one, I rose and left the room, needing to know what our next steps would be and to get moving. If this Donovan can help Charleene, then that’s where we’ll go.
Eavesdropping, I listened to Gladys’ conversation with her warlock friend, my shoulders stiff as worry cloaked me and my heart beginning turning back to stone.
“Don’t let this break you, Drina.” Gladys’ kind voice drew me from my dark thoughts. “Donovan’s expecting you all.” She continued, offering me a small smile.
“Thank you.” I replied, turning on my heel to get Charleene.
“Dina, be careful of who you trust with your feelings for the witch, not all are as accepting of what has long been considered wrong.” Gladys’ warning followed me down the hallway and I barely gave Jacin a glance as I scooped Charleene back into my arms.
“We’re leaving.” I informed him as I walked past, knowing he’d get Ally moving.
Gladys gave me one last smile before I strode away, back to Jacin’s car. Walking towards it, I contemplated leaving it and the Fae behind, but something about that choice didn’t seem right. So instead I waited for them, leaning back against the back door.
It didn’t take long for Jacin to follow me outside, but Ally wasn’t with him, “Gladys wanted a word with her in private, she won’t be long,” he informed me, noticing my frown.
“Good,” is all I said as I heard the car locks disengage and turned to open the door, placing Charleene in one of the seats. Once she’s settled I glanced at Kirkby Manor, impatience biting at me as I walked around to the other side. “Where is she!” I growled, unable to help myself as the seconds ticked by.
“She’ll be here soon,” Jacin promised, watching the manor door like a hawk.
“She better be or I’m leaving without you both.” I growled, sliding into the middle seat and manoeuvring Charleene’s head on my shoulder.Even if she’s not in there, she should be comfortable,I think to myself.
“There you are. Get in, Dina’s impatient, she wants to get to this Donovan guy as fast as we can.” Jacin’s voice relaxed me a little as my leg bounced up and down. I swallowed down my feelings, sinking them to the bottom of my heart, as my grip tightened around Charleene and said nothing when I met the sadness in his gaze as he dropped into the driver's seat. I withdraw into my own thoughts as the engine starts and we drive away.
Chapter Twenty-Two
To break a block you must almost break your mind, sounds like a hoot, not.-Charleene
We'd spent what felt like days forcing my magic to the surface and seeing how long I could maintain it. Each time I held it longer and longer, until now I could find it easily and Eilidh had finally deemed that I was ready to try and break the damn block which had been placed on me. Excitement with a twinge of trepidation flowed through my body, making it shake as I paced. Either I broke the block or I'd die trying.
“Are you ready?” Eilidh's sweet voice broke into my doom and gloom thoughts, dragging me back to the present.
“As ready as I'll ever be.” I replied, trying to give her a small smile but my lips twisted wrong and it came out more like a grimace.
“Ok, I have placed the candles, inside this circle you will be on your own. I can not step across the barrier until you have either succeeded or failed,” she reminded me, pointing out the ring of unlit candles.
She'd explained their need; they were to protect herself and The Inbetween from any magical outburst I may make. We'd found out that my two greatest strengths were with the fire and spirit elements, and I would use a combination of the two to break the block. Hence the protective circle so I couldn't damage my surroundings with my spirit magic. Taking a deep breath I stepped across them, carefully so as not to knock anything over as I sat in the centre with my legs crossed.
“When you are ready, light the candles and I will evoke the protections.” Eilidhsaid.
Drawing in another deep breath, I held it for a few seconds before feeling the heat of my own body and kindling it to ignite the fire magic inside of me. I felt a small flame dance with a comforting warmth in the palm of my hand and letting my fears of failure go, I stared at one of the candle wicks and willed it to light by heating the air around it. The candle burst to life and I imagined all the others following suit. One after, each candle sprang to life and Eilidh's soft voice filled the space around us.
“Hecate I call upon you to bless this space and protect it from harm. I ask that you keep the magick contained within the barrier, until its work is done.” Her voice trailed off, and after a few seconds, the candle flames leapt higher before dying down and with a pop, the magical barrier settled into place around me.
Breathing in a shorter breath, I held it and closed my eyes, turning my focus inward as Eilidh had coached me. I focused upon—what I imagined—was a silvery thread of magic that surrounded my heart like a protective barrier and willed it to expand. Ever so slowly, my magic listened to me as I thought about it flowing through my veins, until it followed my silent request and I felt a pleasant buzzing filling my whole body. Letting out my held breath slowly, with barely a sound, I imagined that silvery magic coating my whole body in a gentle light, smiling serenely as I felt a comforting cocoon envelop me.
I'm doing it,I thought to myself, trying not to get too giddy as I requested the magick to move higher. Concentrating it around my head, picturing a thick halo resting against my forehead and ringing my head. Evoking my fire magick next, while holding the threads of spirit in place, I entwined the two. Seeing alternating fiery red and sparkling silver threads weaving together like a living snake, before letting it sink through my skull and surround my mind. Eilidh had explained that whoever had bound my magic had bound it within my mind. Keeping it secret from myself and all those around me.