“I do not know what’s wrong, her body is healthy,” Gladys answered, “but her spirit is missing.”
I paid little attention to the two Fae as Jacin tried desperately to wake Ally, until I heard her damn voice. “What happened?” She asked, confused as Gladys bent closer to Charleene. Gladys’ head also snapped in the Fae’s direction.
“Maybe you could tell us?” she questioned. Not wanting to hear anymore, I stared down at the woman I was falling in love with.
I promise Charleene, if you wake up I'll pull you as close as you'll let me.I thought down at her as her eyes flickered behind her eyelids.Just open your eyes, please?I silently begged as everyone else went on around me. She remained asleep and my heart shattered inside my chest. All I could do was watch her chest rise and fall with each slow, deep breath she took and mimic her actions.
“How do I fix this?” Ally’s words pierce the numbness that surrounded me.The Fae did this!Those four words screamed through my mind before repeating and Gladys’ next words were almost drowned out, but I heard them.
“You can’t,” Gladys said, making my head snap up to glare at her.
“What do you mean I can’t.” Ally asked as my temper finally snaps.
“She bloody well will fix her!” I found myself screaming and drawing everyone’s attention to me and Charleene.
“The only person that can fix Charleene now is herself.” Gladys’ voice was calm and patient, which only angered me more, as it meant I couldn’t do anything to fix what had happened. Forcing myself to swallow down the rage that’s burning inside me, I focussed on Gladys’ next words, “once a person is trapped within their own spirit, they must find their own way back. I can protect her body, but she won’t have long.”
“How long?” I said, my voice nothing more than a growl at this point. I curved protectively over Charleene, pulling her more firmly against myself, bracing for Gladys’ answer.
“Five days, maybe six?” Her words are spoken with kindness and compassion, but all I can hear is the number of days on repeat.So little time,I think to myself, before my practical mind generated the next question I needed answering.
“And what happens if she’s not back by then?” I asked quietly, not really wanting to, but knowing I needed to know what could happen.
“Then she’ll move on from this life and return to the Mother of us all.” Gladys explained, and my heart snapped in two as I began to rock.How can Charleene still be alive but not here? It makes no sense.Shaking my head, I stared down at the woman I'd spent so much time lately pushing away, all because Coven law forbade a relationship betweens us.
“No, no, no, I can’t lose her Gladys, I can’t not now.” I gasped out, not caring that I was showing those around me just how much I feel for a Witch.Screw Coven Law, I think meeting Gladys eyes.
Gladys bit her lip as though unsure what to say or do, but when she finally spoke a kernel of hope ignited inside me, “I know an old friend who might know something more. But she is strong, and I don’t think her journey ends here. Take heart in that Drina, your Amour is a fighter.”
I nodded almost automatically. I knew Charleene’s a fighter, she’s been one every day of her life. Carefully, I brushed errant strands of Charleene’s soft hair from her face and smiled down at her.
“Keep fighting Babe.” I whispered against her ear, before glaring over at Ally and making a demand, “No more magic from you!”
“It’s not like I can help it,” she grumbled under her breath, but of course I heard it with my vampire hearing.
“I don’t care, learn to control it.” I snapped, my patience failing completely as I lifted Charleene and started back towards the manor.
Walking briskly, I covered the distance between the clearing and the Manor in half the time it had taken us all to get there. Everyone scrambles to follow, but I didn't care if they were uncomfortable, the only person I gave a damn about right now was Charleene.
“So what do we do now?” Jace asked, and it took me a couple of seconds to realise his question was aimed at myself.
“The same as before. We keep going to Scotland and hope she wakes up.” I replied, my voice devoid of any emotion, as my head turned towards Ally on his other side.
“We could stay here for a few days,” she suggested, trying to be helpful.
“No, we need to keep you both moving,” both me and Jacin said together.Well, at least we can agree on something,I think sarcastically as I used my shoulder to push through the back door of the manor and head for one of the many sitting rooms.
“Why?” Ally asked, and my brow furrowed over yet another argument starting between the two of them.
“Ally please, just trust us.” Jacin pleaded with her.
“Are you going to tell me the truth?” Jacin didn’t answer her, as I laid Charleene on one of the sofas, making sure she was comfortable. “Well then, you answered your own question. No. I can’t trust you. What are we running from?And don’t say Lysais, he's the only one that seems willing to tell me the truth.” Ally spat at Jacin, her voice full of pain.
“I don’t know why you ever trusted that piece of…” Jacin growled, letting his own anger get the best of him, before snapping his mouth shut. My anger rose further at their inane bickering. None of it mattered if Charleene didn’t return, I’d kill both of them for bringing this harm to her.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Ally shrieked at him, and my temper snapped in two.
“Will you two stop behaving like children, you’re grown adults for god's sake.” I shouted at them both. Ally’s face snapped to mine, her mouth open like she’s going to say something to me, but her glare dropped to Charleene, and when it returned, to me her lips turned downward.