Lights flashed above the sticky dancefloor as I walked towards the small bar, barely giving the redhead who was serving a second glance, as I ordered a vodka and coke. With my drink in hand I scoured the club, searching both for the human and an empty table. I found an empty table at the edge of the dance floor and sitting down, I saw her!

She sat with a group of humans; all of them seemed to be in various states of drunkenness as they chatted easily and occasionally laughed. My human sat slightly apart from them, but still close enough to be part of their conversation, as she glanced around the steadily filling club.What the heck am I thinking, she wasn’t my anything. If luck would have it she’d be a one night stand.Get her out of your system tonight and be done with her.I thought, taking a sip of my drink as I watched her.

The DJ switched tracks to another annoying drum and bass track that were so popular nowadays.What was wrong with a nice piano and violin concerto?I wondered as I scanned the thickening crowd briefly, before my gaze snapped back to her.

I hummed appreciatively, letting my eyes scan the human from head to toe. She kept tucking her longish dirty blonde hair behind her ear, as she leaned forward slightly, smiling back politely at her companions. The black top she was wearing had lacy sections—from what I could see from my seat— that went down her arms and continued over the rise of her chest as the top strained to keep her voluptuous curves covered. Flickering my eyes further down, I took in the short black skirt that ended just before the low table blocked the view of her long legs.

How the hell do I make this work?I pondered, my gaze never straying from the woman I was fixated on.Does she even like women?

One of the human’s female companions poked her arm, and nodded over in my direction, making her blue eyes scan the crowd before meeting mine across the room. Her companion whisper-shouted something in her ear and a rosy blush spread across her cheeks moments before she glanced back down at her now empty glass.

Did she not like my attention?I wondered, my brow furrowing,How did humans manage to do this night after night?

Wanting to flee or have the floor swallow me, I downed the last of my drink and stood meaning to merge into the crowded dance floor and leave. I’d taken two steps when her intoxicating scent of Gardenias and Myrrh with a hint of strawberries wrapped around me, and I spun around on the spot, coming face to face with Her.

Flinching back a step, I narrowed my eyes at her innocent look.

“Hi?” I asked, unsure if I even wanted to speak to the human anymore.

“Hello,” she said, her voice low and uncertain with a subtle hint of the Yorkshire accent, her fidgeting hands making me fight a smile.

“Erm, would you like to dance?” I found myself asking in a shout, just as the music paused and switched songs, making my voice sound much louder.

The human nodded, with a slight lift of her full lips as she moved backwards. Mesmerised I followed, my hips swaying with each step, as the tightly packedcrowd closed around us. My chest brushed up against hers, but I couldn’t move away without bumping into someone else.

We swayed together, both nervous and a little shy, until the music changed again to a slower song. I took a deep breath, reaching my hands out, tentatively settling them on her hips as I brought my lips to her ear.

“What’s your name?” I shouted, smiling as she shivered beneath my hands.

“Charleene, yours?” She called back, moving her own lips close to my ear.


"That's unusual, where are you from?" Charleene continued, competing with the music that's thumping through the club.

"It's an old family name." I called back, not saying how old it was, "And Scotland originally."

"Funny, you don't have much of a Scottish accent," she pondered aloud, making me smile.

"I've lived in England for a long time now," I reassured her.

"What about you?" I asked, not wanting the conversation to end now it had begun, as we danced letting the world fade away around us.

“All over really,” she shouted, before dipping her head as though embarrassed.

A few drinks and dances later and we were chatting away like old friends, smiling, laughing, and she’d even swatted at my arm a couple of times. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt so carefree, but with Charleene my worries seemed to float away as my usually slow heart raced like a jack rabbit. She was enchanting.

I'd forgotten we weren't alone when someone knocked into me from behind, startling me, and a low growl left my lips before I could reign it in as I spun around fixing my most pissed off stare at whoever had dared to interrupt us.

One of Charleene's friends stood staring innocently back at me. She gave me a strange look before shaking her head and moving to Charleene’s side. "Charl, we're going over to Salvation, you coming?" she asked, glancing over at me briefly.

"It's ok Lily, I think I'm going to stay here," Charleene answered, her eyes never leaving my face.

"You sure?" Lilyasked, obviously feeling like she needed to save her friend from me, but Charleene nodded, flicking her eyes to meet Lily's before they returned to mine. "Ok, but you know where we are if you need us."

"Yep," Charleene replied before we're left alone again.

"We can go with your friends if you want?" I forced myself to say, not really wanting to go with them, but I had the feeling that for this human I'd do many things I didn't want to, just to see her smile.