Charleene’s gasp had all of us looking at her, “babe what’s wrong?” I questioned, keeping my voice soft so as not to further upset her.

“I’m twenty Dina,” Charleene whispered, confusing me, and it’s Ally who answered first, making me understand just what had rattled her so much.

“Charleene, just because they’ve not been seen in your lifetime does not mean they are gone,” She stated with conviction.

“Then where are they? And why was I adopted as a small child?” Charleene asked, her voice wobbling, “why did they abandon me if they’re alive?”

“I don’t know babe,” I soothed, nodding at Ally, “but she’s right, the High Council would not have sent us searching for them if they were dead. Please don’t cry babe.”

“Bloody Hecate and all her spirits!” Gladys crowed, almost clapping her hands in joy and making everyone at the table jump, “Adrina, have you finally…”

“Shhhh!” I hurriedly hushed, interrupting her before she could sprout such nonsense as talk about Mates. I saw Ally pale slightly as I glared over at Gladys.

“You're definitely in a heap of trouble Drina,” Gladys laughed, shaking her head as she looked over at each of the people sitting at her table, “eat up, you can all tell me just what the hell is going on while we eat. I’m starving.”

The stench of salty bacon filled the air as everyone opened their boxes and began eating, and since I’m the only one who doesn’t require any food, I took over explaining everything to Gladys. She um's and ah’s along the way but doesn’t interrupt me, however once I drew to the end her brows were joined together in a deep frown.

“Ok then. Let's see what I’m working with,” she stated matter of factly, when everyone else finished their sandwiches, returning to my understanding friend. Sighing gratefully, I let Gladys choose how she wanted to continue with no comments, and urged Charleene to follow the tiny woman.

Gladys didn’t take long, striding back down the corridor and through the back door, she took us towards where her own cottage nestled, hidden by hedgerows.

“Erm where are we going,” Ally whispered uneasily behind me.

“Calm yourself, Forgotten, we don’t need you to explode before we’re hidden again.” Gladys demanded, not once breaking her hurried steps.

Charleene dropped back from my side and followed her. I watched as she took Ally’s hand in hers, “I’m scared too.” Her words barely reach me. She said them so quietly but I found myself smiling as Ally offered her a small smile in return.

Returning my eyes to Gladys, I follow her lead as she steps over fallen branches and dodge piles of dirt, before passing through a small gap in the hedge. Knowing what lies on the other side I walked straight through, quickly followed by Jace, and finally Ally joined, us pulling Charleene after her.

“Right, let me look at you both properly, stand here.” She motioned for Ally to move to the right, “and you, here Charleene,” Gladys said, pointing to a space about ten steps to Ally’s left.

“What do you mean ‘look at us properly’?” Charleene asked timidly, watching Gladys closely as she shuffled to the indicated spot.

“I’m going to try and see what led you both here, and try to determine the magic waking inside each of you.” Gladys explained, flashing me a warning look as I stepped towards them.

“You want to look into our pasts?” Ally’s voice wobbled on the quietly asked question, and her hands balled into tight fists at her side, betraying her fear and making Jace attempt to step from my side. But I held my hand out, signalling for him to stop, knowing Gladys wouldn’t hurt either of them as she continued explaining herself.

“Yes, Forgotten, I do. You are clearly here for a purpose, and I believe that Charleene here is as much a part of your journey as you are of hers.”

“Why are you calling me that? I have a name you know,” Ally snarked at her.

“Because you are of the Forgotten race, who left so long ago that you are now just a half remembered myth. Humans think you are a mystical race, but we, the supernatural, we know your kind abandoned us many moons ago. So yes, you have a name. But, you are also Forgotten to Witches.” Gladys muttered, confusing the hell out of me. I didn’t even know that Witches remembered the Fae, let alone had a name for them.

“Hhmmm, well do you mind using my name?” Ally said rudely, but I couldn’t blame her. Learning your whole life has been a lie must be just as frustrating for her as it is to Charleene, maybe even more so for the Fae woman.

“Very well Ally,” Gladys conceded with a small nod, “I’ll start with Charleene and then try and see you. Both you ladies be seated, and you two,” Gladys barely glanced at us before she continues, “make yourself scarce.”

Jace bristled beside me at the dismissal, so wrapping my hand firmly around his bicep, I went to forcibly move him from the garden. We’d only be a distraction if we stayed.

“I’ll be fine Jace,” Ally’s voice drew some of the tension from Jace’s muscles and made it easier for me to drag him behind me. With one last glance at Charleene, I pushed Jace through the gap and back towards Kirby Manor.

“Will they be ok?” He asked, speaking directly to me for the first time since we left his car.

“Gladys will not harm either of them.” I said, confidently taking another step away.

Ten minutes crawled by as we sat in silence when suddenly, with no warning what-so-ever, Jace sprang to his feet and darted back through the thin gap. Confused and concerned I followed soon after and the world dropped out from below my feet at what I found as I cleared the gap. My heart began thumping wildly against my chest as I tried to understand what my eyes were seeing. Charleene lay motionless, flattening the green grass below her as her eyes moved frantically behind her closed lids, while Ally lay in a similar position a few steps away from her. Gladys was already bending over Charleene when we entered, and all I could do was wonder what the hell happened.

My world contracted to Charleene and finally, after what felt like forever, I got my feet moving as Jace darted towards Ally.