“You don’t like us much do you,” Jace suddenly stated, his eyes glancing at me in the rear-view mirror, now that I sat in the middle seat with charleene’s head resting on my shoulder.

“Is it that obvious?” I said sarcastically, knowing I hadn’t kept my dislike of them hidden. His full belly laugh startled me,what had been so funny about that?I wondered.

“As much as you don’t like it, Ally’s right. Charleene needs to be able to protect herself just as much as Ally does.” His calm, reasonable tone didn’t help my temper much, as I considered his words.

“How?” I finally growled, keeping my voice as low as possible so as not to wake the others. “They’re both too powerful to be trained together with no protections.”

“I know that, but they have to learn.” His tone was gruff as he too kept his voice low but I still caught the growl of frustration on his words.

I hadn’t seen Charleene express much of her magic, in fact since we’d left York she hadn’t shown any trace of it. However from what I had witnessed, she hadpowerful magic trapped inside her and after being restrained for so many years, it was going to come out with a bang.

“It will be like lighting a beacon, the moment we let either of them use their magic, have you considered that, you moron?” I told him, freeing the frustrated thought.

“I have, but what other option do we have?” I know he’s right even if I want to argue with him and protect the woman sleeping beside me, “they need their powers active and reliable, if either of them are to survive what’s hunting them.”

“I know, we’ll have to keep moving, be careful and vigilant.” I mumbled, speaking the thoughts flashing through my mind as I contemplated just how bad training these two was going to be.

“You can stop secretly listening-in now Ally,” Jace laughed, his head turning towards her, as I glared daggers at the back of his head. “How much did you hear?”

“Enough,” she answered sheepishly, rubbing at her eyes. “How long was I out for?”

“Only about an hour,” I told her, watching as her nose wrinkled.

“Hey no fair, you guys ate while I slept?” she accused angrily, making me smile at how well Jace knew her. I don’t even know which of us started laughing first but I found myself joining in when she pouted at the side of Jace’s face.

“We did but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered Ally,” Jace explained, nodding at the floor near her feet.

“Okay, you’re forgiven,” she mumbled before taking a massive bite of the wrap she'd pulled from the bag. “So where are we going next?” she asked, her words muffled by the food she was chewing.

“We’ll be stopping soon, so Jace can have a break from driving,” I informed her, gratefully thinking of being able to get out of this car even if it was just for an hour or two at Gladys’ house.

“Mmmm-hummm,” was her only answer as she turned her head to the window for a couple of moments, clearly enjoying her food. I’d almost thought her questions were done, when she asked another, “And where will we be stopping?”

“Kirby Hall, near Northampton,” I responded distractedly, as Ally bit into a hash brown into her mouth at once, as she turned to look at me. My eyes narrowed at her suspiciously, as her eyes flicked over Charleene’s sleeping face before returning to mine, with a strange smile that was both kind of sweet and surprised at the same time. Not looking away, I wait for whatever retort I can see swimming in her too dark eyes.How had she passed as human for so long? I wondered. “I know someone there who can help hide us for a short time.”

“Who?” she asked hesitantly, her brow furrowing and a look of panic crossing her face before she got it under control.

“An old friend.” I said, trying for some reason to calm the Fae’s nerves.

“Whose an old friend?” Charleene’s voice asked into my ear as her head left my shoulder, yawning. She gave me her sternest look, which I found more adorable than threatening, however I’d be the last to tell her that as her nose twitched, “and is that food I smell?”

Without saying a word I leaned down, my fingers closing on the brown paper bag Jace gave me at the rest stop and passing it over. I wasn’t expecting the excited and almost ear-piercing screech Charleene issued in response to the food. Baffled, we all stare at her wearing bemused smiles as she pulls out a cold apple pie, before taking tiny bites, trying not to drop any crumbs.

“Do you really eat dessert before your main?” Ally scoffed, seemingly finding it incredibly funny to watch as Charleene ate the pastry with unfiltered delight.

“Damn right I do,” I watched as a smile brightened her face as she responded to Ally, then her gaze swung to me. “So who's an old friend?” She repeats.

“Gladys Kingsbrook is.” I replied, my brow furrowing, as I thought of the complicated history between me and the witch. I hadn’t always been able to call her my friend, but they didn’t need to know that.

“And how will Gladys be able to protect us from mystery vampires and…” Ally’s voice trailed off, the rest of her sentence forgotten as Jace’s shoulders stiffened beside her.

“She’s a Witch, not a very powerful one, elementally, but she’s brilliant with protection charms and spells. I want her to train you both in them while we’re with her,” I said, drawing Fae's attention from her friend. Strangely, the more time I was spending with the irritating male, the more I found we had a lot in common.

“Oookayyy,” she muttered, making me realise I’d been staring at Jace’s head.

“Do you really think she’ll be able to teach me?” Charleene’s timid question had my head whipping her way, as she nervously picked apart the Egg McMuffin that Jace had ordered— instead of a breakfast wrap— to pieces in her lap.

“Eat.” I demanded sternly, staring at her, waiting until she put some of it in her mouth before continuing. “Yes, she should Babe. It’sHerI’m not sure she’ll be able to teach,” I say nodding in the fae’s direction and hoping no one picked up on the pet name that had just slipped out.