“Dina says your Fae?” I suddenly blurted, before slapping my hand over my mouth, as though the action could take back the words. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” I quickly apologised, shaking my head at myself.
“It’s ok and yes, apparently I am,” she replied with a kind smile, glossing over my sudden loss of social skills.
“Apparently?” I asked, picking up on the word and her uncertainty. I knew Tilly had said she knew nothing of her past, but I hadn’t expected her to be as unsure as I was.
“I don’t really remember being anything other than human,” she explained, making me look closer at her.
And because I can’t seem to control my damn mouth, I say, “You look human, no pointy ears or…” I pause lifting up to see her back, “...wings, unless you're hiding them.” I wondered aloud. Looking back at her face as I sat down, I’m taken aback at her look of shock and realised I’d probably been too forward again.
“Not that I know of,” Ally says back, with a small smile, “and you’re a witch?” she asked, turning the tables on me, her eyes squinting as she looked me over from head to foot.
“Apparently I am…I mean I’ve used magic once but that’s completely new to me and…”
“Scary,” she says at the same time I finally found the word I was looking for to explain how I was feeling. For a moment we just looked at each other before laughter spluttered from deep in my chest and she followed suit.
“Well looks like you two are going to be great friends,” Jace’s voice interrupted our giggle-fest, making me realise we were no longer alone in the room as he shoved my shoulder and sat next to me on the sofa.
Glancing around as I reigned in my laughter, I realised Dina and Tilly had also joined us. Meeting Dina’s eyes, I wondered if she’s mad or relieved from her raised eyebrow.
“Great,” she exclaims, perching on the coffee table, and the hard look on her face softened a little when she next glanced at me.
“When do we leave?” Ally’s voice dragged me away from getting lost in Dina's dark depths. Looking back at her I watched in amusement as her eyes bounced between Dina and Tilly, waiting for one of them to answer.
“In an hour, we can take your car.” Dina answered, looking away from me and meeting Ally’s gaze.
“What?” she sighs, her eyebrows rising in question as Dina opened her mouth and closed it again without saying a word.
“Nothing, you should get your things together,” Dina demanded instead, “you too blondie.” She said, looking at the golden man beside me.
“I’m all packed Beautiful,” Jace retorted confidently, smiling over at my surly companion. I almost burst out laughing again as Dina pinned him with an unimpressed look, that had it falling quickly from his face.
“You’re wasting your time on that one,” Tilly giggles, taking pity on the guy, as she motions towards Dina with just her eyes.
Jace’s hazel eyes flicked from my face to Dina’s and back again as he realised why and relaxed back into the sofa, a softer smile replacing the one he lost.
“Good to know,” he commented, his tone respectful.
“Ally, are you just going to stand there or actually go get packed and ready?” He suddenly threw at the red-haired woman.
“Yeah, won’t be long,” she mumbled, already backing towards the door which I assumed led to her hotel bedroom and disappearing from view. Nobody spoke, until the shower started and Jace left to grab his own bag. I sit, my foot tapping on the plush carpet, waiting for the lecture I can feel coming.
“Why are you here?” Dina asked, her voice low and distant, “I thought you were having a walk to clear your head?”
I know that’s what I’d said in my note and to be honest, I hadn’t intended to stay here as long as I had. But I’d found Ally to be a breath of fresh air that I didn't know I needed. She didn’t seem to mind my questions, and if I was being totally honest, she seemed to understand what I was going through more than Dina or Tilly ever could.
“I wanted to meet them,” I responded lamely, knowing my answer would raise more questions than it answered, but it was honest.
Dina let out a frustrated sigh, shaking her head at me, but let the subject drop. None of us spoke while we waited for the Fae to rejoin us. Jace came back first, pushing open the door and dropping his bag beside it before striding over to where Dina still perched on the coffee table.
“I don’t know what you said to Ally yesterday, but watch yourself.” Jace threatened, leaning over her and pinning her with a look I could only describe as hostile. A look she matched, as she pushed herself to her feet. Rising on her tiptoes, she comically attempted to get into his face, and I smothered a giggle behind my hand. Jace is over 6ft tall and Dina’s the shortest in the room.
“She better keep herself under control.” Dina spat venomously, referring to Ally’s outburst when they’d last spoken.
The shower shutting off made both of them step back, even though daggers were still flying from their eyes as they glared at each other.
It’s going to be a long drive,I thought to myself as Ally stepped back into the room. The scent of apples surrounded her as she carried a small bag with her.
“So where are we going first?” she asked, breaking what I can only assume is an awkward silence.