Finally after an hour of racing along the pavements, I felt my anxiety calming down enough that I could think about heading back home, as I faced York St John Uni. It was a strange building; half modern, with its steel and large windows, and half stuck in the past with the yellow, rain weathered bricks and tiny single paned windows, but I loved it all the same.

The modern parts housed a massive library, where I practically live when not at work, and some classrooms, but my lessons mostly took place in the older quad. A square, uneven set of buildings with a central courtyard. The floors were uneven, with aged ceilings that if you were taller than 6ft you'd have to stoop to pass under, and so higgledy piggledy that when you went down one staircase you got lost. I enjoyed the history of the building, as it was the remains of the old hospital teaching college that hadn't been lost as time moved on.

Running through the recently unlocked quad I slowed my pace, so as not to accidentally bump into anyone who might be around this early, before lengtheningmy stride again as I flew past the student union, past the small Chapel and back out onto the streets that would lead me home. I'd just passed the small black gate when a shiver ran down my spine. I was being watched again.

It was the same feeling from last night. Keeping my face unchanged I upped my pace, feeling thankful that I was only five minutes from the house.

Reaching the blue door to what was slowly becoming home, I glanced back up the street and froze. At the top stood a figure, with dark hair. Shuddering I looked away, slipped my key into the lock and turned it. I smiled at the familiar click as the Yale lock opened , before another shiver ran through my body as I forced myself to glance again at the now empty street.

Shaking my head, I stepped into the dark hallway, and released a small sigh, shutting the door behind me.It's ok, you're safe.I reminded myself silently. It was probably just a passerby being nosey. I justified the stranger and with one last shiver I went to get ready for my nine o'clock lesson.

Smothering another yawn behind my hand, I stared at the lecturer who stood before the massive interactive whiteboard, explaining a new teaching method. I tried to comprehend what she was saying but found my mind wandering. I'd wanted to be a teacher since as long as I could remember. The urge to help others had always driven me, and teaching was a good way as any to help the younger generations.

I knew I should be listening and taking notes, but between my late night and interrupted sleep, I just couldn't force my mind to focus. Giving up entirely I resolved to look up the lecture notes online later as I doodled patterns onto the blank page before me. Intricate spiral patterns began to take shape as I barely concentrated and forced my eyes to stay awake when my phone vibrated in my pocket. Slipping it out and placing it on the desk next to my notebook, I tapped open the new message.

Do you want to join us for George's leaving drinks tonight? X

I smiled while reading it,Lily was always optimistic—a trait I feared I was also picking up—when she invited me out. I almost responded that I wouldn't and then realised how lonely I'd let my life become. Other than work and going to uni, I did nothing and the thought of spending another night alone in my room just wasn't as appealing as it usually was.

Yeah, what time and where?

I text back with a small smile still playing on my lips. Why shouldn't I try and have some fun? I was supposed to be a carefree student after all, even if I turned twenty-one this winter. Her response came back quickly.

7pm at Society ;)

Society was a smallish bar across from where we'd been last night. It would be busy but if we were getting there early enough we should be able to snag a pretty big table.

Ok, I'll see you there.

I let my smile widen as I returned to my doodles, and a warm fuzzy feeling grew in my chest at the thought that maybe I'd managed to make a friend here in York after all. Always being the weird foster kid, I'd never had a proper friend before.

The rest of my day had passed steadily. I’d caught up on the lecture notes from this morning, had a little nap and taken a long soak in the bath since the house seemed deserted, and now I was standing in front of my wardrobe, staring at my clothing options.What the hell am I supposed to wear to a co-workers leaving-do?I didn't know George very well, he'd done my induction atNando's, but other than that we hadn't worked together much. Shrugging I grabbed some clothes, trying not to think too much about them.

Chapter Three

A scent so tantalising it drives you mad - Dina

“Did you get her out of your system?” Tilly asks, propping her short lean leg up on the small bedside table in my hotel room and re-tying the laces on her knee high boots.

“No, she was already at her home,” I replied, strapping another short dagger to my thigh. Tilly sighed before turning to face me fully.

“You’re not going to be any use on this hunt until you’ve sated your need for her.” She deadpanned, fixing me with her sternest look. I knew she was right but I also didn’t know how to fix it. “Leave your weapons and go meet her.” Tilly said as if she could read my thoughts.

“You sure? What if you find the rogue?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“I’ll be fine,” she answered, waving off my concern, which was unneeded. She was deadly with or without my help; she’d been a huntress longer than I’d been alive.

“Ok,” I replied, removing the daggers I had just secured, before giving her a brief smile to show how grateful I was. My head had been filled with images of the woman all day, leaving me with little rest. I’d imagined all the ways she could wrap her legs around me, as her lingering scent in my nose tortured me.

“Happy hunting,” Tilly said instead of goodbye, before she let herself out of my room with a smirk on her lips. Rolling my eyes I glanced in the mirror, checking out my clothes. My tight black shirt and skin tight black jeans would have to do, it was all my wardrobe consisted of nowadays. Long gone were the days when women were confined to dresses and tight corsets. Thank God.

Slipping out of my hotel room I followed a similar route to last night, but as I arrived on her street her delicious scent wrapped around me. Following it again, I stalked her back through the city. Pausing when it almost got lost amongst the throng of party goers, I stood still, shifting through each scent until I picked hers back up and continued following it to the street where I’d first seen her.

Expecting it to go towards the same club she’d been in last night I crossed the road, only for it to disappear. Frowning, I crossed back over and followed her further down the street to a smaller club.


The name above the door declared and behind a pitiful red rope stood a small queue. Joining the back of it, I stood tapping my foot as the music’s bass bounced against my eardrums, almost deafening me as I pondered how I was going to meet her. The queue moved slowly but steadily towards the entrance, and after a few minutes, I stepped inside.