“What room were you looking for?” his voice was smooth, caressing my ears in a melodic way.

“2…203” I stuttered, flustered and embarrassed about how I was reacting to him.

“Nope, you got the right room alright,” he said, glancing at the room number on the door and back to me with his brows raised, “I’m guessing you weren’t expecting to find me behind it though?” he laughed, but I couldn’t tell if he was joking or being serious.

So I went with honesty, “No,” I told him, my cheeks on fire.

“Who were you expecting?” he said, obviously taking pity on me, as I stood frozen like a deer in someone’s headlights.

“A woman about my height with red hair,” I managed to get out after a couple of calming breaths, maybe I’d just heard the wrong room number.

“Ah, your looking for Ally?” He said, his tone becoming more suspicious and less friendly, “and just exactly who are you?”

“Erm…I met her in York, a while back, we’re not exactly friends, but I’ve been told we’ll be travelling together today, to Scotland, and I just wanted to introduce myself, I’m Charleene…” I rushed out, not knowing why I was telling him all of this, but also unable to stop myself from rattling off so much informationeither. Significantly more embarrassed I pushed open the door, intending to run straight through it and back to my own rooms, but his voice stopped me.

“She’s next door,” he told me, flashing another award winning smile, “I’m Jace by the way.”

“Erm..nice to meet you…I think?” I answered my brow furrowing in confusion at his sudden switch in attitude.

“Is one of them for me?” he inquired, nodding at the cups in my hand. In a daze, nodding I passed him what would have been my own second coffee of the day. “Thank you Charleene, now if you’ll excuse me I best be getting ready.” He said before taking a sip of the now cooled coffee. When I still didn’t move he spoke again, “I’ll be along shortly, but I think I’ll let you wake sleeping beauty next door.” And with a mischievous wink, he shut his door leaving me standing in the small hallway, not knowing if I was coming or going.

What a strange guy, I thought to myself staring at his closed door for much longer than was probably polite, before moving to the one beside his, and knocking.

No one answered my first knock, so I brought my closed fist down harder, knocking again louder this time. Still there was no response.Was she really staying in this room, or was that guy just messing with me?I thought, banging on the door for the fifth time.

“What bloody time do you call this?” a woman’s voice shouted, making me flinch as she yanked open the door between us. My smile dropped at the look of thunder on her face. She was definitely the same woman from beneath the bridge, her red hair was unruly and messy from sleep but still recognisable with its bright colour.

“Erm...Ithoughtyoumightlikesomecoffee?” I said quietly and quickly, holding up the last cup of coffee, and dropping my gaze to the floor.

Chapter Sixteen

When life gives you lemons and all that jazz. -Charleene

There were a couple of moments where neither of us spoke, me staring at the carpet and her presumably staring at the top of my head.

“Oh, sorry,” she said after what felt like an hour, but had probably only been a couple of seconds. Her tone changed in an instant, reminding me more of the kind, helpful woman I’d met previously instead of the grumpy bear she’d just been.

“It’s ok, it is early,” I mumbled at the floor. Taking a deep breath and finding the courage I used to wield in York as a waitress, I pulled my face up and met her eyes again, “I’m Charleene, we met in York briefly. Dina says you’re coming with us today?”

Instead of being the strong statement I’d wanted, my words sounded more like a question even to my own ears, making me blush as my lips turned up in a hesitant smile and I shuffled from foot to foot waiting for her to answer.

“I guess we are,” she responded smiling back, “is coffee still an option?”

Smiling wider, my head bobbed up and down, as I thrust the last cup at her.

“I didn’t know how you take it, so I brought milk and sugar.” Digging into the pockets of my coat, I didn’t even notice she’d moved from the door until she spoke again.

“Come in, Jace should arrive soon,” she explained kindly, before closing the door behind me.

“Yeah, he said as much when I gave him his cup,” I said, finding my cheeks heating as a deeper blush stained them.Why couldn’t I get my shit togetheraround these two?I berated silently, mentally kicking myself for acting like a complete idiot.

“It’s ok you know, he has that effect on all women,” she says, offering me a conspiratorial smile, like it was a normal occurrence to have women blushing over her friend.

“It’s not that, I’m not...” I choked out in a squeak, before deciding just to let the subject drop as I walked over to join her at the sofa. Finally finding all the packets of sugar and milk I’d rammed into my pocket, I tipped them onto the low coffee table between the two sofas.

Her laugh surprised me and I found myself frowning over at her, wondering what I’d done that was so funny. “What did you do, steal all their condiments?” she said in explanation, making me snort a small laugh as I looked over the mountain of condiments.

“Maybe,” I agreed, slipping my coat off. Another burst of laughter came from the woman opposite me as she read the slogan on my shirt, ‘Fuck this life’ it read and summed up exactly how I’d felt this morning when getting ready.At least she has a sense of humour,I thought, wondering what to say next as the silence grew between us.