“That would be great, thank you,” I sputtered out feeling self-conscious, as he looked at me politely and I realised I hadn’t told him what I wanted. “Could I please get a caramel latte?” I asked toying with the glass top of the desk.
“Certainly Miss, would you like to take a seat and I’ll bring it over when it’s ready?” Julian replied with a kind smile, “Could I take your room number, so I can add the extra charges.”
“Oh, yes, I’m in suite number three hundred and twenty.” Smiling back, I waited as he typed on the computer next to him and went to find a seat I could hide in when Julian told me that it had all been sorted.
Picking a deep, high backed wing chair facing the huge ornate fireplace, I fished my phone from my back pocket and opened Lily’s latest text as I sat down.
Lily: Missing you. Last night the Grange dorms threw a massive party. How long are you visiting London for?
Staring down at the text, and seeing that uni life was continuing for Lily, I felt a pang of missing out. Rationally I knew it hadn’t been safe for me to stay in York, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t allowed to pine for the life I’d been making there.Wiping away a stray tear I decided it was still far too early to message back and resolved to reply later, when I wasn’t feeling as emotionally unstable.
“Sorry to interrupt Miss,” Julian said, holding out a large glass cup containing my latte.
“Oh no, thank you so much,” I said, trying to smile up at him and failing from the sympathetic look that crossed his face.
“Are you sure everything is ok?” He asked again, placing my drink on the small table beside the chair.
“It is, I’m just missing home.” I said with a small sniffle, feeling sorry for myself.
“Homesickness is a horrible thing,” he commiserated, “I hope your day improves, and if you need anything else please just let me know.” Julian asserted, before leaving me alone with my thoughts and returning to the reception desk.
Staring into space, I imagined briefly what my life would have been like if none of this had ever happened to me. I would still be a student, trying to find my place in the world, but would I have been happy?Was I even happy now?I asked myself. There had been moments over the last couple of weeks, where I’d been happy, happier than I’d been most of my time in York. Dina was definitely a major part of that, I realised, even if things between us were now strained. Sighing heavily, I let myself think about the good times we’d had, attempting to find some of my usual good spirits.
The reception area slowly came to life as I sat in my chair, sipping the delicious caramel latte and people watching. I invented small stories about what each person was planning to do with their day; some were dressed in smart suits and blouses, telling me they were heading out to work. Others wore casual clothes making me think they were going for a day of new adventures. Smiling at the latest silly story I’d made up in my head, I was surprised when my phone vibrated on my leg. Glancing down I saw the text message icon and quickly opened my phone to see the nickname I’d assigned to Dina’s contact.
Mysterious Girl:How’s your walk?
Remembering what I’d written in my note, I quickly typed out a response.
Me:Enjoying aimlessly wandering. It’s beautiful here ??
Mysterious Girl:Ok, stay safe.
Her response surprised me, I’d been expecting her to demand to know exactly where I was. Frowning down at my phone, I was pondering how best to respond when my eyes caught on the small digits in the top left hand corner. Surely seven was an acceptable time to call on someone. Chewing my cheek, I grabbed my long since empty glass cup and headed over to where Julian was checking out another guest and waited. Once he was free I stepped up to the desk and flashed him a much more natural, if shy, smile. “How can I help you Miss?" He enquired without missing a beat.
“Could you please direct me to room Two-O-Three? My friends arrived a few days ago, and I’d like to greet them but I keep getting turned around.” I hoped my nervous babble didn’t dissuade him from helping me. I had no idea how hotels as fancy as this one would deal with someone asking for directions to a room that clearly wasn’t their own.
Julian’s eyes studied me for a moment, before he explained I needed to take the elevator up to the second floor, where signs would point me in the correct direction.
“Great, thank you, Julian,” I said in a rush, turning towards the lifts, I paused wondering if I should take coffee. After a moment's hesitation I turned back to Julian who was still watching me with a polite smile. “Would it be possible to get two black coffees in to-go cups?” I asked.
“Of course Miss,” Julian replied, adding the two drinks to Dina’s room. “Would you like some milk and sugar to go with them?” he asked after ringing through my order to whoever made the drinks.
“That would be fantastic, thank you.” Smiling, I moved to the side, out of the way in case any other guest wanted to use the reception desk and tapped my foot anxiously as I waited for the two coffees.
With both coffees warming my hands I awkwardly pressed my key card, held between my fingers, to the little black square and called the lift closest to the reception desk. Stepping inside the empty lift when the doors dinged open, the key card slipped from my precarious grip, falling to the floor as I pressed the shiny gold number two button.
Considering how best to retrieve the card without spilling my coffees, I was both surprised and grateful when someone called, “Hold the Lift!” Jamming my pinky finger on the icon that would keep the doors open, I smiled at the short man with red hair as he ran onto the lift. “Thank you.” He gasped trying to catch his breath.
“What floor?” I asked politely, nodding at the array of gold numbered buttons.
“Five please.” Pressing the button and not sure how to ask if he would pass me my key card, I glanced back down at it, once again wondering how to pick it up. “Would you like me to grab that for you? Or do you just want to stare at it some more?” The man laughed, following my gaze to the floor of the lift as it began its smooth ascent.
“If you wouldn’t mind, that would be very helpful,” I laughed back. He passed me the card, as the doors opened onto the second floor. “Thank you again.” I muttered, stepping out into the hall.
“Have a good day,” the man said back, tipping an imaginary hat in my direction, making me giggle as the lift doors closed, hiding him from view. With my good mood returned I followed the golden signs to find rooms two-o-three and two-o-two in their own little corridor. Standing before room two-o-three, Iwondered if this was really a good idea or if I should just return to my own rooms. However the door swung open, making the decision for me.
My mouth dropped open at the gorgeous, tanned man who stood framed in the doorway. I may prefer women, but even I could appreciate his beauty as he flashed me a dazzling smile of white teeth. My eyes travelled down and warmth filled my cheeks as they tracked over his bare chest and six pack, until they stopped on the white fluffy towel hanging low on his hips. Embarrassed, I began apologising, “Sorry, sorry,” I repeated backing away from the door, “I must have the wrong room,” I stammered out, turning for the door that would take me back to the lifts.