“Because I am one.” I said, making my heart break a little more as tears gathered in her beautiful blue ones.
“Bollocks,” she spat back at me, suddenly standing and striding over, until she was pressing up against my chest. I forced myself to take even breaths, so as to sell the lie more believably.
“I’m the monster beneath the bed Charleene,” I snapped, needing to make her not want anything to do with me. Backing her towards the wall might not have been the best choice in hindsight. Charleene’s eyes narrowed at my words, “I’m not the hero in your story.” I finished as her back hit the wall.
“What if I want you to be?” her words were whispered and her eyes which looked like storm clouds narrowed.
“I can’t be.” Leaning towards her lips, my daydream flashed in my mind again.What would it be like to press mine to them again, if only for one last time?
“Why?” her question made me realise how close I’d gotten to her and I pulled back, until there was a couple of inches between our faces. “It’s the twenty-first century, Dina, there are no laws against two women being in love anymore.” She implored, clearly having thought about her argument a lot.
It was a great argument, but she didn’t know how the Laws which ruled Supers were different from those of humans, “It’s not because we are women that I can’t be with you.” I whispered, my forehead falling to rest against hers.
“Then what is it?” she asked, staring into my eyes, “please help me understand.”
“Coven Law forbids relationships between Supers,” I explained, my eyes closing so I wouldn’t have to see her reaction. Her sharp intake of breath told me all I needed to know.
“Why?” she demanded, anger shining in her voice and I found I had no answer.
Why was it forbidden for different Supers to love each other?Until now I’d had no reason to question the laws; instead I’d blindly followed every one of them and punished those who’d broken them. “I don’t know.” I finally answered, my brow furrowing.
“If there isn’t a good reason, then why should we deny ourselves this?” Charleene’s question forced my eyes open and I searched hers for the answer.
I…I…I…” my voice started and stopped repeatedly, unable to find the words she wanted to hear, “It’s forbidden.” I finally whispered, drawing back.
“I know you want me,” her voice was firm as she pressed against me, forcing me back a step, “it’s like a burning need in here,” she said touching her chest above her heart, “unlike you, I can’t turn it off and don’t want to.”
“I don’t want to turn it off, but I also can not break our Law,” I said, my voice wobbling slightly over the last part of my sentence.Why couldn’t she see the position she was putting me in?
“Why not? Why is some antiquated Vampire Law that, in my opinion, shouldn’t even exist stopping you?”
I looked deeper into her eyes, my mind racing to find the right words to explain how three centuries of living and protecting those laws had become an intrinsic part of me and failed. Sighing deeply, I turned my head to the side, unable to keep looking at her shining eyes and seeing the disappointment in them.
“Well, when you figure out if what we could have outweighs your stupid Vampire Laws, please let me know. But right now I can’t keep playing whatever this game is.” Her words cut me deep, fracturing my heart even further. The lump clogging my throat grew as her soft hand caressed my cheek for a second, before she turned on her heel and left me alone, stewing over her words.
The afternoon passed by, the sky turned to dusk, then to night as I laid on the bed thinking over the Vampire Laws and why they’d been created. All of them made sense, as a way to protect our kind, all of them except the one baring Supers from loving each other. I listened as Charleene ordered herself lunch, then tea, but she never came back to my room. I heard the footsteps approaching, soft thuds on the hall carpet, before the knock reverberated through the hotel suite.
With a groan I left the safety of my room and walked quickly to the door, beating Charleene to it. Swinging it open I glared at Tilly, who stood on the other side, her dark hair up in its usual high ponytail and her forest green eyes crinkling at the corners.
“It’s nice to see you too,” she laughed, pushing me out of the way and striding inside. “You look well Charleene.” she greeted my stunned companion, making her way over to the untouched bar.
“What are you doing here?” I growled, knowing my temper had nothing to do with Tilly’s presence but all to do with not being able to have what I wanted most. I was like a damn toddler, all but stamping my foot and Tilly noticed. Her brow raised at my demand, before her eyes narrowed flashing between me and Charleene.
“You two haven’t?” she asked, turning to pour herself a drink of the expensive golden whisky.
“No!” I snapped, knowing what the question was actually asking, “we haven’t crossed…” I paused searching for the right words before continuing, “...any more lines.”
“Good,” Tilly sighed, drinking a healthy mouthful of her drink.
“Why shouldn’t we?!” Charleene demanded, crossing her arms stubbornly and fixing Tilly with her own glare.
“Because if you had, I’d have no choice but to drag you both before the Elders and that wouldn’t be helpful for either of you.” Tilly’s voice was cold, and professional.
“Urrrggg, stupid old vampires.” Charleene cursed, throwing her hands in the air and stamping over to the loveseat.
“Why are you here?” I asked Tilly, drawing her gaze and attention.
“I just got some new friends settled,” Tilly explained, nonchalantly.