“Then what’s wrong?” she asked, her voice curious as she switched gears and replaced her hand on my thigh again.

“All of this,” I said, waving my hand at the car but meaning how I was now being whisked away.

“We’re just trying to protect and help you,” she told me again, “your magic can be dangerous, to you and those around you, especially the humans you care for. The oldest of our kind reside in London, they’ll be able to help you.” Her tone was so earnest, that I considered what she was telling me. Maybe she was right, but leaving everything I knew to jump into the unknown still felt all kinds of wrong.

“And what if they, like The Crone of York, have no idea where I’ve come from?” I asked, needing to know what would happen.

“Then we’ll ask the London Coven to teach you control. Then, in time, you’ll be able to return to your life here if you wish.”

“Huh,” I shrugged, not believing I’d have a life left to return to, “what’s your Coven like?” I asked, needing to change the subject before I slid into a pit of despair that I wasn't sure I’d be able to climb out of.

“It’s magnificent,” Dina said, her brow scrunching when I looked over at her.

“But?” I prompted when she didn’t continue her sentence.

She met my gaze briefly with a small smile, “they’re a bit stuffy and believe in outdated ideals,” she told me honestly.

“Like?” I asked, wondering just how much she’d tell me about them.

“Like species shouldn’t intermingle, even though they work closely with the other Supers, we aren’t allowed more than a professional relationship with each other.”

“They sound a bit two-faced,” I said, too tired to filter my responses. I’d expected Dina to get defensive once the words left my mouth but instead she laughed.

“They are and it drives me nuts.” She agreed, still smiling. I let the conversation drop at that, closing my eyes and trying to block out the world in an attempt to come to terms with the direction my life had suddenly taken.

I hadn’t realised I’d fallen asleep until Dina was gently shaking me awake. Jerking, I glanced around the small car, reminding myself of where I was. “It’s ok Charleene, we’re here.” Dina’s voice explained, as she watched me carefully.

“And where, exactly, is here?” I asked back, seeing nothing but countryside surrounding us.

“We’re just off the Barnet Way, near London. About half an hour away from where the Coven resides on the borders of Hampstead Heath,” Dina said patiently, “I thought you might wish to be awake before I drove us there.”

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I tried to get my brain to catch up, but it was lagging as I nodded and Dina started the car again. Looking out the window I was surprised as the countryside we’d been surrounded by suddenly gave way to a busy road. The noise of the cars was jarring as we re-joined the busy traffic and I watched in awe as I got my first look at a part of London. I’d never been tothe capital before, never really had any inclination to see it, since it was on telly enough. The green space we’d just been in soon turned into houses that never ended, and we followed a constant stream of traffic towards our final destination. Just over half an hour later we exited the busy motorway, turning onto a quieter road and I got my first look at the Vampire’s Territory.

As we left the motorway behind an uncomfortable tingle ran down my spine and the road before me seemed to waver, like a path on a really hot day does. Then I found myself beneath tall trees, filled with autumn leaves. Massive houses with their own gated driveways lined the road and I couldn’t stop my mouth from dropping open at the sight of them. We kept on driving down the long road, which was named Bishops Avenue from the signs I'd seen as we drove. Dina ignored all the streets leading off, as I marvelled at the huge houses.

I was still angry at Dina and Tilly, however I couldn't argue with their logic. “Who lives here?” I wondered aloud, unable to help myself.

“Witches mainly, and some of the more aloof vampires.” Dina answered, flicking me a small smile as I showed an interest.

“Next you'll be telling me that Werewolves also exist,” I half joked as another grand house went by.

“Well—” Dina began.

“Nope, no. I don't want to know.” I told her, my eyes widening. “Just how much don't humans know about the world they lived in.”

“Humans know very little about the truth of the Supers that share their world,” Dina answered my unintentional question, “if they did, do you think we would be allowed to live freely?”

She made a good point. Humans—it was still strange thinking of myself as separate from them— were not the type to handle being threatened well. With that depressing thought I lapsed into silence as we continued driving towards Dina's Coven.

It didn't take long for the scenery in front of us to change and I could see a green field begin to open up at the end of the road. The houses also changed,becoming closer together and nearer to the pavement. Some had even been turned into shops and by the time we reached the end there was little space between the houses and people were milling about going from shop to shop.

“How do you keep all of this from humans?” I asked.

“The witches use a glamour on this section of the road so the human's see abandoned and derelict buildings. While we live here secretly.” Dina's voice was very matter of fact, as though she was discussing the weather instead of a secret group of people.

“Magic hides all of this?” My mouth hung open as I stared over at her and missed as she turned off the road, until the sudden dimness lengthened the shadows in the car.

“Yes, multiple witches pool their magics into the border, creating a protective bubble over our section of London.”