Not knowing what else to do or even believing what I’d just seen,I glanced around making certain that we were now alone and not in any immediate danger, before I turned back to Charleene. Tremors ran through her hands as they clung to my arms in a death grip and her head shook from side to side. “Hey. Hey,” I murmured, attempting to calm her panic. Ducking down I met her worried eyes, getting caught in their beauty, “You’re ok, You’re safe now.” I told her gently, not wanting to spook her more than she already had been tonight. Shoving down my own discomfort, over the appearance of an ancient race we’d long thought gone, I focussed fully on Charleene and helped her through her own panic attack. “Breathe Babe.”
I made my own breaths long and deep, exaggerating my movements as she followed. Charleene’s fingers tapped rhythmically against my upper arms, her grip loosening but still shaking.
“That’s it good girl,” I cooed, pleased as her breathing slowed and she finally met my eyes without me needing to duck down. “Everything’s going to be ok.” I said, my voice calm and strong. She gave me a small nod and weak smile as I took my long coat off and placed it around her shoulders.
Wrapping my arm tightly around her back, I let her pull my coat firmly around herself and turned us in the direction of my hotel. I needed her somewhere safe and off these streets. I knew the rogue vamp wasn’t dead, he'd return at some point and when he did I was going to kill him.
Keeping one arm around Charleene's lower back, we walked quickly back to mine and Tilly's hotel. Neither of us spoke, and by the time I tapped my key card against the hotel scanner, I was even more on edge and waiting for her to explode or dissolve in tears. At this point I’d take any reaction over the silence and shaking. Encouraging her to sit on the bed I walked into the ensuite, and keeping the door wide open, began running her a bath. The warm water would help unlock her muscles and relax her. Glancing between the bath and the woman on my bed, I watched as she began processing tonight's events. She was quiet and still as she sat perched on the edge of the bed, my coat still wrapped firmly around her like a safety blanket. Her cheeks were pale and her rose lips had a blue tint to the edges that I didn’t like, as they moved, forming whispered words.
Straining my enhanced hearing, I attempted to hear what she was murmuring to herself, however no sound reached my ears making my frown deeper as concern spread through me. Unable to stand the silence any more I padded over to her and sank into a crouch. “Charleene. Babe, please talk to me?” Gripping her hands in mine, I forced her to meet my eyes again with her tear filled ones.
“I…I…I…” she began stuttering, before shaking her head and closing her eyes.
“I know you’re still mad at me but please let me help you through this.” I pleaded, knowing I had no right to demand anything from her, but needingto do something. I watched in pained silence as her first tear escaped, trailing down beside her nose, before another quickly followed it. “That’s it, let it all out,” I muttered, not knowing what else to say.What could you say to the woman who held your heart in a vice-like grip, after she’d had a crash course into the supernatural.
Standing, I pulled her head to my stomach, running my fingers through her hair, soothing her pain and letting her tears fall freely without judgement. I pulled back when I heard her first sniffle, “Come on, let’s get you warmed up.” Was all I said before tugging her gently towards the bathroom that was now filled with steam. Sitting her down on the toilet lid, I returned my attention to the quickly filling bath, switching the hot water to cold and letting it fill until the water almost reached the top of the tub.
Prizing my coat from her shoulders, I cupped her cheek in one hand, my thumb brushing her cheek as I tilted her head up, “Do you want me to leave?” I asked, letting her decide if she wanted my company or not.
“No,” she whispered, her eyes darting between me and the still open door as her breathing spiked again.
“I’m not going anywhere.” I promised, holding out my hands.
“Ok,” Charleene whispered and gripped my offered hands, pulling herself to her feet.
Keeping my eyes on hers, my fingers went to the buttons on her shirt, flicking each one through its hole, until it gaped from her shoulders, revealing the tight black strappy vest top beneath. Waiting for her to give permission, my fingers trailed along the bottom of the fabric, brushing her soft skin. Charleene pulled her bottom lip beneath her top teeth, forcing a growl from me at her sudden uncertainty. She was stronger than this and I would be damned if I let the last couple of nights break her. My growl widened her eyes and she released her lip, as my grip tightened and I ripped the vest in two halves.
“You are strong.” I reminded her. “You will get through this and be even stronger.” I said, opening the button on her trousers and pushing them down over her hips as fire began returning to her eyes.
“Repeat after me; I will not break.” I demanded. Ripping the thin, netted fabric which barely covered her pussy.
“I will not break!” I repeated when she didn’t speak, allowing my more dominant nature to the surface. I needed her to fight this instead of drowning in it. “Say it!” I snapped when she just looked down at me.
“I…will…not…” her eyes widened as my hand gripped her arse and yanked her towards me.
“Stronger!” I growled, holding her firmly against my front and staring deep into her eyes.
“I will not break.” She finally repeated, a flush staining her pale cheeks a delicious shade of pale pink. “I will not break.” She repeated, her words coming out stronger each time.
“That’s right. You’re my ray of sunshine in a world of darkness, don’t let him take that from you.” I implored, searching her eyes before standing on my tiptoes and brushing my lips over hers.
“His voice…” Charleene began as my lips released hers.
“Sshhhh, forget about Him for now,” I told her, knowing we’d be going over the whole evening once Tilly turned back up. Now was time to take care of her needs.
Chapter Eight
Why does crazy seem to follow me around?- Charleene
Dina’s sudden switch from demanding back to gentle took me by surprise as she led me over to the tub and helped ease me beneath the warm water. Once it lapped against my collar bone she retreated to the bedroom, giving me privacy so I could organise my own thoughts. Running my hand absently through the water, above my stomach, I let my eyes close for a second.Red eyes stared at me, as his voice repeated over and over, ‘you’re the one.’Bolting upright and sloshing water all over the floor, I barely kept my scream lodged in my throat as my dreams over the years rushed forwards and similar words joined his from tonight; ‘you’re not the one,’the voice in my dreams, his voice, had said seconds before he would sink his teeth into my throat.
“Charleene? Babe? I’m here, you’re safe.” Dina’s voice penetrated my thoughts, and like she was my own personal beacon, I followed it back to the here and now. Her cool hands gripped my cheeks and her gaze bore into me.
“He’s been in my dreams.” I told her, no longer able to deny the truth I’d wanted to.
“What?” Dina asked, a frown appearing between her eyebrows.
“Him. The…” I gulped, noisily swallowing my fear that they even existed, “the vampire from tonight, I’ve heard his voice in my dreams for years.”