Feeling nervous and excited all at the same time, I couldn't help my eyes from checking the time whenever I went to the till, even knowing it was making the last of my shift drag. When the numbers finally hit 21:00, I wanted to run to the staff area for my stuff, but forced myself to explain my remaining tables calmly and carefully to the new waitress who’d taken over from David instead. I waited for her to nod and politely wish me a nice evening, before walking to grab my bag, phone and jacket from the back.

Striding back out through the heaving restaurant, I gave the remaining staff small smiles as I silently commiserated with them on having to remain at work while I escaped. My smile grew a little more natural as I saw Lily's beaming face through the plate glass windows, and my steps sped up. Letting out a long relieved sigh, I pushed through the doors and left the noisy chatter behind.

“I can't believe you said yes,” Lily squealed in delight before throwing her arms around me in a vigorous hug.

“Me either,” I laughed back at her as she released me and wobbled on her six inch heels, “you’re going to break your neck in those.”

“Nah, I can manage,” she responded, wobbling again and linking her arm through mine.

“So where are we headed?” I asked, needing to fill the sudden quiet with some noise after being bombarded with it all evening, and took in her skin tight black top and the shortest pair of shorts I’d ever seen. She even had a pair of black furry cat ears fixed to a dark headband and had drawn a cat’s nose complete with whiskers on her face in make-up. “Catwoman?” I asked, nodding at her outfit, which was making me shiver just looking at her.

“Yes, and Society, it’s throwing a halloween monster mash and everyone dressed up gets a free shot.” She giggled, tugging me in the direction many others were heading in, “Matt, Lincoln and Trace have already gone on ahead.” She informed me as I walked and she tottered down High Ousegate. I loved the city of York, with its old buildings, river and the ancient city walls. In some areas it really made you feel as though you'd stepped back in time. It was one of the main reasons I’d chosen to attend York Saint John University, with its blend of old and newer buildings and the city walls just across the road. It had been everything I’d hoped to find for a university campus.

“We’re nearly there,” Lily beamed as my spine tingled.

“Great I’m dying for a drink,” I uttered somewhat distractedly as I felt someone walk across my grave and couldn’t hold back the shiver.

“You ok?” Lily asked, her eyes crinkling in concern.

Forcing my lips to lift in a smile, and hugged her arm closer, “yeah, just cold.”

“It is freezing tonight,” she agreed, hurrying her clip-clopping steps so we could walk faster across the bridge and join the throngs of party-goers. “Oh, just you wait until you meet the hottie I’m hoping to convince to take me home tonight. He’s like a Greek God of pure yumminess.” Lily laughed.

She was the epitome of gorgeous, with her blonde hair and tanned skin, of course she’d have this new man wrapped around her pinkie in a second, especially with her boobs pushed so far up they were almost spilling out of the top. Shaking my head at her I almost let out another sigh as we turned onto Tanner Row. Wemade our way quickly up the street following the booming music from the club and I let myself relax.I needed this, I told myself, fixing a smile to my face as we joined the small queue.

“May I join you?” Dina’s voice was small and polite but it made my shoulders tense.

Opening my mouth to tell her no, Lily’s perky voice beat me, “Of course you can, the more the merrier.” She beamed at Dina who stood behind us. Rolling my eyes I turned to meet her cautious gaze and nodded once, not wanting to make a scene in front of Lily.

“Thank you,” Dina replied, giving my friend a small smile and coming to stand on my right. “How are you?” she asked me.

“I’m fine.” I replied, not really wanting to talk to her, but feeling like I should at least be civil, Lily didn’t need to know the things I now did.

“That’s good,” Dina said, “how was work?”

“Busy.” Maybe if I only gave her one word answers she’d get the hint and leave me be.

“That sucks.”

“It does, I’d hate to have been working any of Halloween, it’s such a fun night out.” Lily piped happily as we moved forwards one step at a time.

“Why do you like Halloween so much?” Dina asked, perplexed by the slight frown to her brows. “Everyone’s dressed up and pretending to be someone they're not.”

“Exactly, it gives you the excuse to become someone else.” Lily bounced as she explained.

“But if someone wanted to hurt you, you’d never know who it was,” Dina said seriously, dimming a little of Lily’s natural cheeriness.

“Well that’s…” she trailed off clearly not knowing what to say, to such a depressing thought and looked beseechingly at me.

“It’s fun to pretend for one night.” I said lamely with a shrug. I didn’t overly like Halloween for the same reason Dina had given, so I wasn’t the best person to cheer for it.

Lily shook her head after giving both of us a quizzical look and went back to being her usual self, “Come on we’re next.” She bounced and tugged my arm. The bouncer took one look at us and ushered the three of us inside. We paid the entry fee, and pushed through the double doors. The music which had been loud before now deafened me, as its rhythmic beat coursed through my body, making me smile as my head bobbed along in time. Lily wove us through the dancing crowds to a booth where a group of six people sat waving. Each of them but one was dressed in some sort of costume and wore the biggest smiles.

I noticed the “Greek God” as Lily had dubbed him and to be honest she wasn’t wrong. He had muscles to spare, longish blonde hair and a chiselled jaw that you could probably break rocks on. Pair that with his plump lips and hazel eyes and he was sex on a stick, if you were into men of course. He had a blond woman plastered to his side, as she shouted something into his ear. Noticing my gaze he offered me a megawatt smile and a small wave as we drew closer, then his eyes shifted to Dina and a small dent appeared between his brows.

Her arm suddenly wrapped across my shoulders and Dina tried tugging me into her side. Shaking my head I flicked her an unimpressed look, amused a little by the frown she was throwing at mister greek god, but didn’t dislodge her arm. It felt nice, being wanted by someone so much that they were jealous of me looking at someone else. I’d never had that before. “Do you want a drink?!” Dina leaned down and shouted in my ear so I could hear her over the music.

Nodding, I felt her absence the moment she dropped her arm and left. I knew we needed to talk about what had happened last night, but I also wanted to pretend that it hadn’t happened. Torn, I let Lily deposit me in a space on the curved bench seat and attempted to listen as she introduced everyone, but all I could hear was the thumping music, so I just smiled and nodded along. Once she’d pointed at everyone, I relaxed into the seat and listened to the songs playing,letting my shoulders move as they wished. When Dina returned with our drinks the Greek God got up and with the blonde stuck to his side disappeared into the crowd.Strange, I thought, he’d looked comfy enough on his perch at the back of the booth. Shrugging it off as me being paranoid I gave Dina a smile in thanks and took a sip of the whisky and coke she’d got me.