“I know.” I answered, ashamed of my actions for more than one reason. “What am I going to do about Charleene?” I asked my voice a little hesitantly.
“Nothing.” Tilly’s voice cracked across my ears like a whip.
“But nothing, Adrina! I’ll call the York Witch Coven and they will deal with her.” Tilly said, already searching through her phone.
“No!” I shouted at her, not willing to let Charleene go. Something about her had burrowed its way beneath my skin. “She’s Mine!”
Tilly jerked back from either the manic look in my eyes or the short tone of my voice, I wasn’t sure which, but whatever it was shocked her. “Don’t be daft.” She laughed incredulously. “You’ve known her for what? Three days? She’s not yours and never will be Adrina.”
“I can’t explain it myself Tilly, but there’s something about her that calls to me, here,” I told her tapping above my heart. “I’ve never felt like this before.”
“Adrina, you have to let her go.”
“And what if I can’t?” I snapped back.
“Then I can’t protect you.” Tilly’s voice had grown sad and her eyes implored me to see this more clearly. “If you keep on down this road, it will be you I’m hunting next.” Frustration boiled inside me, forcing me to grab hold of my short strands and tug them. “If the witch means that much to you, then let her go, Adrina, it’s the kindest thing for both of you.”
Chapter Six
What do you do when your world turns upside down? -Charleene.
Idon’t remember forcing myself from the front door, or climbing the stairs and falling into bed. Yet I woke up with bright sunshine shining through my still open curtains and my spare pillow hugged to my chest. Flashes of what I’d seen last night, played on repeat through my mind. Forcing me to question everything I’d known to be real. Vampires couldn't exist, because if they did it meant that the dreams I’d been having since I turned twelve were real too. Shivering even though the house was warm, I burrowed further beneath my quilt, hugging my pillow closer. My phone vibrated somewhere in my room, but I didn’t have either the energy or desire to go retrieve it. Too scared to see if it was Dina.Oh My… What if she came back here and killed me for what I’d seen? That’s what they did isn’t it?My thoughts spiralled out of control as fear took over.
Anxiety flooded my body and without consciously making the decision my fingers tapped, one after the other, against my leg, as I tried to calm my racing heart.She'd seemed so normal, how could she be a monster?I wondered, going over our limited interactions. My skin started feeling too tight, like it was shrinking, and my breaths sped up. I knew I was panicking, but what else was I supposed to do? It wasn’t every day you realised monsters actually existed. The room swayed as my breaths shortened, squeezing my eyes shut I concentrated on the soothing pattern my fingers were making against my leg.Breathe in…and…out.I told myself calmly, forcing each breath to grow longer and slower. The tingles in my fingertips subsided with each deep breath I took, and after a few more moments, my skin began to feel less tight as well.
When I was certain the panic had receded I let my eyes open, reassuring myself that there were no monsters in my room. I was safe, for now at least.Come on, don’t be a wuss and get out of bed.I scolded myself silently. Pushing upright, I felt the familiar stiffness in my muscles that came after having a panic attack, and knew no amount of stretching was going to work out the tension. So instead I grabbed my wash stuff, a clean towel, and prayed that the bathroom would be empty. Not bothering to look at my phone, I padded downstairs, flinching as my bare feet hit the cold kitchen tiles, and walked towards the small bathroom which was blessedly empty.
I wasted no time locking the door and turning the hot water tap on, letting it run until steam filled the room before I put the plug in. Wiping a small section of the mirror I gazed into my haunted eyes, noticing how they looked more like dark chocolate than their usual hazel. My skin was pale and clammy, which was no surprise, and my hair could definitely use a good brush. Yet it was the sadness which seemed to pour from my eyes that had me transfixed. I should feel horror or appalled at what I’d seen. Yet there was a small niggling part of me that kept laughing and saying you should have known, and an even smaller part that wanted me to give her the chance to explain.
Sucking in a deep breath I turned back to the bath and watched as it slowly filled. When it was half full I leaned over and turned the cold tap on, before perching on the cold lid of the toilet. I let the rising steam swirl around me as my foot tapped incessantly on the small tiles still trying to rid myself of the nervous energy. I was impatient to sink into the warm water and give my muscles a much needed soak, but was also looking forward to blocking out the world, even if it would just be for an hour. Zoning out I listened to the running water, letting the rushing lull my chaotic thoughts.
As the water reached almost to the top, I quickly checked the temperature and turned off the taps. Stripping out of last night's clothes, I stepped into the bath, sucking in a sharp breath as my cold feet stung in the hot water. Sinking down until my shoulders were under and my chin rested on the warm surface, Ilet myself relax. There was no noise in the house, so either everyone was still in bed or they were out. Not that I particularly cared, none of them had bothered to get close already knowing we wouldn't be best buds or anything. It was the main reason I’d picked this particular house share, everyone was nineteen or older. More mature than the houses available to first year students. Instead I’d looked at houses that were looking for second year students, I just didn’t inform them that I’d only be in my first year at twenty-one. Basking in the silence, I let myself forget for a small time everything I’d seen, pretending that all was normal, while I enjoyed the warm water surrounding me.
When the chill started nipping at any exposed wet skin and the water around me had cooled, I let out a heavy sigh. Opening my eyes I didn't move for a few moments, instead I just stared up at the cream ceiling, while gathering the energy needed to wash and get out. After brushing my teeth and using the loo, I trudged back upstairs to my room and got dressed in my comfiest pair of joggers and thickest sweater. With a pair of fluffy socks and nothing else to do with my day, I flicked on Netflix and found a rom-com I'd been meaning to watch for ages.
The day flew by with one movie after another, until I was completely watched out and the sun was turning the sky red. With a heavy sigh, I decided I’d best get dressed for work. Grabbing my last clean uniform from the hanger in my small wardrobe, I reminded myself to put a load on to wash tomorrow and quickly changed. I wasn't looking forward to leaving the house, let alone the seven hour shift I had tonight, but I also wasn't in the position to turn down the money I'd get at the end of the month by skiving off tonight.
Once I'd forced my hair up into a high ponytail, I finally retrieved my phone from the floor, where it still lay beneath my jacket from last night. Plugging it in to charge, I watched as it booted up and five messages came through, making it vibrate in my hand. They were all from Dina and each one made me shiver both in desire and fear. With a shaking finger I opened the first one from this morning.
Mysterious Girl:We need to talk. D.
My eyes moved to the next message:
Mysterious Girl:Please Charleene, let me explain.
The next two messages were along the same lines, Dina begging me to respond and talk about what had happened last night. However the fifth and final message, made my heart speed up.
Mysterious Girl:I need to make this right. I've fallen for you like a ton of bricks. You make my heart race just by being near you and I've never felt this way for anyone before. I'm sorry you saw me at my lowest last night, but please let me explain everything.
My thumbs hovered over my phone's keyboard, itching to type the words swarming through my heart. But my mind overruled it and made me relive last night's encounter again.What could she say to make this any better?I thought sadly, closing the messages and leaving her on read.
My shift was a nightmare, my low mood hadn't helped much either. I couldn't stop thinking of Dina and whatever had been growing so quickly between us, which had me distracted as people both in and out of costumes had kept swarming into the restaurant. I'd been shouted at numerous times by folk wanting a table when we didn't have any. Customers had grumbled about the wait times on food and rolled their eyes as I informed them of things we'd run out of. I couldn't believe I'd chosen to work on Halloween but then again I took any shift offered to me, withoutcomplaints. However, I felt jealous of Lily who had booked tonight off so she could go out with her housemates instead.
Conversation rumbled through the restaurant, creating a cacophony of constant noise, as my last hour came around. I was tired, cranky and my feet were killing me. It's almost over, I kept reminding myself, as I kept my fake smile plastered to my face and pushed my conflicting thoughts of Dina from my mind and focused instead on getting through the next hour without screaming at a customer.
Lily had texted me just before I’d started work, asking if I'd wanted to join her after my shift, and feeling unlike my usual self, I'd found myself texting her back with a yes. I should have probably just gone home and to bed, but after last night I needed to feel normal and what better way to feel that than going clubbing? I was barely twenty and could count on one hand the times I'd been out and let loose in a club.