He took my hand and walked me to Luke’s table. “Sit with Mr. Luke. Gregor feed you both since Mr. Luke waste his first dinner.”

“What would you like? Gregor can cook anything.” Luke watched me as Gregor helped me into a chair and even scooted me closer to the table. His eyes went wide when Gregor pushed me so far forward that my tits were basically resting on the table. “I think that’s good, Gregor.”

The massive man patted my cheek. “Tell Gregor what you like.”

I cleared my throat and glanced way up at him. “Whatever’s easiest. A salad would be fine.”

Gregor’s face shifted to one of horror but before he could get his words out, Luke beat him to it. “Bullshit. You said you were hungry. Pick something else or I’m going to order for you.”

I felt a tremor of excitement at the command in his voice. “A salad can be filling.”

“Two cheeseburgers and fries, Gregor. Please.” Luke held my gaze. “Did you bring that cake back with us?”

“I know Mr. Luke. The cake is here.”

I laughed at the blush that colored Luke’s ears. “Big cake fan, huh?”

“Bring us two slices of the cake, too, Gregor.” Luke studied me for a moment longer. “And two root beer floats.”

I barely waited until Gregor walked away to lean forward with a giant smile on my face. “You remember I like root beer floats?”

He scoffed. “I remember you’re obsessive about them. You cried when I made sure you could have them that Christmas you spent at the family house in Aspen.”

A funny feeling fluttered through me. “That was you?”

He laughed then, his hazel eyes not exactly matching the emotion. “I should’ve guessed Brad would take credit for it. It’s only fair, I guess. He was your boyfriend.”

I shook my head. “I should’ve known it wasn’t him. He never wanted me to eat ice cream.”

I could tell I’d said too much by the angry look that settled into Luke’s features. He leaned across the table and held my gaze with a stern one of his own. “Fuck him.”

I waved my hand like I could wave the conversation away. “I didn’t know you were coming in so soon. Were you able to get into your cabin okay?”

He blew out a deep breath. “I finished with business earlier than expected. I thought I’d spend some time visiting with my brothers before I have to fly back to Tokyo.”

“And the cabin?”

“Are you working for the lodge now?” He saw my surprise and smiled. “My cabin was available, Maggie. You’re not going to try to make sure everyone’s lodging is perfect, are you? Because I can tell you right now, the Heaths will complain about anything and everything if they think someone will listen.”

“I think it’s my job to make sure everything’s perfect.” I cleared my throat. “Iknowit’s my job.”

“You’re setting yourself up for a very long two weeks, sweetheart.”

I felt a flutter in my stomach when he called me that. In his smooth voice, it was a caress. “I’m planning and coordinating the wedding of my ex. Of course, it’s going to be a long two weeks.”

“How are you? I don’t stay in touch with the family as much as I should so I haven’t heard much gossip lately. When Jackson mentioned that you were planning the wedding, I was surprised. Happy, too. Christmas with my family isn’t as enjoyable without you there.” He looked at me with a coy smile on his lips. “I’m rambling, aren’t I?”

I shook my head and leaned closer to him. “If that’s rambling, I’m afraid to know what you’d call one of my rants. Hysteria? I mean, that might actually be what’s happening to me in those moments, so… Anyway. I’m good!”

He laughed and started to say more but Gregor burst through the kitchen door with dinner. Gregor held a large tray in his hands and balanced it on his thigh as he placed our plates in front of us. The burger smelled so good that I moaned.

“Gregor, if this tastes as good as it smells, I’m going to marry you.” I picked up one of the fresh french fries and shoved it in my mouth. “Oh, my god. How are you not the size of a house, Luke?”

Gregor rested his hand on my shoulder after he put down two delicious looking floats and a large plate stacked high with alayered cake that made my mouth water. “Mr. Luke eat boring. Salad. Chicken breast. Tonight is special occasion, no?”

I looked up from shoving two more fries into my mouth, shame burning up my face. “Oh. I guess I don’t look like the salad and chicken breast kind of girl, huh?”