Iopened the whiskey and had it waiting in a glass for Maggie as she came out of the bathroom in my shirt. All the blood rushed to my dick as I took it all in. Her waist-length auburn hair, her glass green eyes, the swell of her bare breasts under the worn cotton of my shirt… She was a fucking goddess and I wanted to worship her.
Maggie shyly moved closer to me when she spotted the whiskey. “If you’re going to break the rules, I may as well indulge, too. It’s one less glass for you, after all.”
I reminded myself that she was sweet Maggie, the same woman who’d stayed with my loser brother for three years because she was too kind to dump his ass. No matter how much I wanted to rush things along, I had to slow down and let her get used to the idea that I wanted her. Somehow, she really did seem shocked by it. I wasn’t sure how, considering how often Brad had snapped at me for the way I looked at Maggie.
I held the glass away from her when she reached for it and smiled. “I’ll let you have it if you hang out with me and catch up.”
She pushed her hair behind her ear and shrugged. “Okay.”
I thanked god for whoever designed the cabin to hold a loveseat instead of a full couch because it put me that much closer to Maggie. Our thighs pressed together until she turned to face me, her legs crossed and resting just over my thigh. I handed her the whiskey and took a swig of my own glass.
She downed a hefty gulp and coughed immediately. “Gross. Why do people like this? Why do they get to charge so much for it? Ugh.”
I laughed at the way she scrunched up her nose. “You’re still more of a fruity drink girl?”
From that close, I could see the freckles across her nose that her makeup couldn’t hide. She rolled her eyes at me and shrugged. “I’m a simple woman. What can I say?”
“There’s nothing simple about you, Bubbles.”
She leaned over to put her glass down on the coffee table and my shirt rode up her thighs as she did. A small tattoo on the inside of her right thigh caught my eye and I felt a renewed sense of need slam through me. I reached out and ran my fingers over the tattoo without a second thought, just to hear her breath catch when I did.
“That’s new.” I tore my eyes away from the small bow and glanced up to see her eyes laser focused on my fingers.
“I got it a year ago. I wanted something but I wanted it to be private.” She cleared her throat. “How’d you know it was new?”
“The last summer you spent with Brad. You went swimming at the family house outside of Helena.” I licked my lips and forced myself to sit back. I let my hand slide away until it came to a rest on her calf. “You wore a black one piece and I wanted to murder Brad for making you think you needed it. You were covered butI was determined. You didn’t have a tattoo then or I would’ve noticed.”
She traced the bow with her ring finger and kept her eyes down. “You looked at me a lot back then?”
“You could say that.” I’d agreed to come to the wedding with the plan of making Maggie mine. I didn’t plan on holding back. Whatever truth she wanted, she could have.
“I didn’t know.” She sighed and tugged her hair into a bun that hung loosely to the side. “Not that it would’ve made a difference back then. I was with Brad.”
“I heard him talking to you earlier. Nothing’s changed. He’s still a piece of shit to you.” I liked the way her eyes jerked to mine. “I never understood why he wasn’t better to you. I never would’ve treated you anything other than the best I could. I never would’ve been dumb enough to let you go.”
She searched my eyes and quietly cleared her throat. “It doesn’t hurt me like it used to. Now, when he’s rude to me, I just want to punch him.”
I growled, causing her to flinch. “It makes my blood boil now the same way it did back then. You deserve better. Can I ask you something?”
I wasn’t sure if she noticed, but she shifted closer to me as she nodded. “Anything.”
“Why’d you agree to do this wedding?” I saw the moment the question offended her and rushed to fix it. “I’m not judging you, Bubbles. I just want to make sure you’re not still harboring feelings for Brad.”
She made almost the same face as when she’d tried the whiskey. “God, no. I just… It’s embarrassing but I need the money and the exposure. If I can pull this off, I can hopefully breathe new life into my business and not lose it. It’s worth dealing with Brad for a couple of weeks. Even if he is driving me crazy. He’s a bridezilla.”
My grin was one of relief as much as it was anything else. “That’s Brad for you.”
She moved a little closer and rested her hand on my knee. “Jackson?”
“What is it, Bubbles?”
She grinned at the nickname and shook her head. “You’re being very…open right now. I don’t know if that’s the right word. You’re just… I’m getting a feeling from you. Are you meaning to put it out?”
Fuck taking my time. I gripped her waist and pulled her into my lap so she was straddling me. “Fuck yeah, I am. I sat by and kept my hands to myself for three years while you dated Brad. I was so fucking jealous of him. Do you know how much it sucks to admit that? I was painfully jealous of him getting to touch you and now he’s not in the picture anymore. The idiot let you go and that’s his loss. Hopefully, it’ll be my gain.”