I felt like my relationship with Brad had been not only my biggest failures but also my biggest insult to Mom. Talking about him with her after the breakup still made me feel guilty. The last year I was with Brad, in particular, his attitude and tantrums had me dancing around my schedule to balance everything and everyone. My time with Mom had suffered and part of me would never forgive myself for that.

“Maggie?” Mom sighed. “I’ve never liked when you go silent on me.”

“Sorry. It’s fine. I was just thinking.” I went to the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag. “Wait. Did you say wedding hookups are the best? Are you suggesting I hook up with someone?”

“Yep. Live a little. You’ve been through so much, Maggie. I say hook up with everyone.”

“Everyone?” I laughed and held my mascara wand away from my eye. “You want me to hook up with everyone?”

“Well… Not Brad.” There was a commotion on her end of the line and I heard her talking to someone else. “Thank god you’re here. My daughter can’t afford to stress anymore than she already does. Honey? My nurse is here! I have to go. I love you!”

“Make sure you tell them to take extra-” I sighed as she hung up on me. “Love you, too.”

I finished my makeup and tried to not worry about Mom’s physical therapy and the lack of quality healthcare she was receiving while I stayed in a multi-billion dollar resort and planned a million dollar wedding. I braided my hair and made myself smile. Being an unhappy wedding planner just didn’t work for me.

It was time for my rescheduled meeting with the chef but when I got to the dining hall Christina was waiting for me. I was nervous to see her, worried that she was going to be angry about something. Brad was so hot and cold that I didn’t know what to expect with her.

“Maggie! Hi! I hope you don’t mind but I thought I’d tag along when you meet with the chef today.” She gave me a light hug and smiled up at me. Every hair on her head was perfectly in place and she was dressed like a vintage movie star.

“Of course, you’re more than welcome to come along. It’s your wedding, Christina. Whatever you want, I’ll figure out. Bradgave me pretty specific instructions about the food or I would’ve asked you to come along automatically. I’m sorry.”

She rolled her eyes and tucked her arm through mine. “Don’t apologize. I’m only tagging along so I can hang out with you. When I’m not busy with a sponsorship or getting ready on a live, it can get pretty boring being me. That sounds pathetic, doesn’t it?”

I spotted the chef and waved to let him know we were there. “It doesn’t sound pathetic. I’m glad you came along. I don’t get a lot of time to hang out with other women my age usually, unless I’m planning their wedding. Normally those hang outs aren’t the most fun. It’s amazing how planning what’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life so far can make people so mean.”

“Oh, Maggie. We are not the same age.” She sat next to me at a table in the line of sight of the chef. “No one knows my real age but let’s just say that most people are a decade off.”

My mouth dropped open. “Shut up. You’re full of it. If you’re trying to tell me that you’re ten years older than me, I’ll flip this table.”

She grabbed my hands and grinned. “I have a whole team of people that keep me looking young. It’s all a business. Before I got into the influencer world, I thought it would be so much fun and that I’d have so much freedom to do everything I’d ever wanted. No. I’m basically a puppet for whatever brand pays the most. At least until I finish my contract with my manager. Anyway, my point is that those brands are willing to pay a lot to make their products look good. I’ve had so much Botox that it’s a miracle that my face can move at all.”

I leaned closer, looking for cracks in the foundation, but I didn’t see a single sign of her age. “Ethics aside, they’re working magic. I’d never guess that you had anything done. You’re flawless.”

Her laughter was a little more punchy than it had been in front of Brad. “Hardly. I don’t know why I’m telling you this but…I’ve already had a face lift.”

I gasped so dramatically that I choked and had the chef coming out to check on me. I waved them away and caught my breath enough to freak out. “I’ve seen face lifts. Whoever did yours is a god. I don’t mean to sound like such a fangirl, but Christina, you have to be that surgeon’s favorite marketing campaign. Look at you. I can’t believe it. Honestly… Wow.”

She laughed harder, even snorting. “Oh, god. You’re too much!”

“I’m going to touch you. I’m sorry for it, I really am. I have to, though.” I leaned over and lightly touched her face. “Oh, my god. Your skin is like silk. What the hell?”

“Stick with me, kid. I’ll tell you all my secrets.”



Was I taking advantage of Maggie’s flaky wedding photographer to get closer to her? Yep. Did I feel bad about it? Nope. The woman had haunted my dreams for over half a decade. I had to try.

I’d set up our picnic next to the lake with the sunset in the background. I found the blanket in the back of the closet in my cabin, the food in Luke’s cabin, and the wine in Jackson’s. It was a family event. Especially if I considered the fact that Maggie was Brad’s ex. I wasn’t considering that, though. I’d spent three years biting my tongue while Brad put his hands all over her. Thank fuck those days were behind us.

I stared down at my camera, adjusting the settings and impatiently waiting for my chance. I started too early and I’d left myself with time to kill just sitting there, waiting to meet Maggie.

As soon as it was time, I jogged over to the lodge and spotted Maggie right away. She was standing just inside the front door,her attention on her phone. She looked stunning and I told her so the moment I opened the door. I didn’t care if I was coming on strong. I was motivated.

“Where are we going?” Maggie shoved her phone into the small purse she carried and smiled up at me. “I’m hoping that you’re going to show me your work and I’m going to cry with relief. I made a few more calls this morning, just checking again for wedding photographers in the area and got laughed at multiple times. Which was great, by the way.”

I led her down past the cabins and towards the only private section of the lake close by. “I set up our picnic down here. With the sun setting, the pictures will be great. I haven’t bothered putting together a portfolio of my work in years but I have a few that have been published that I can show you. I think you’ll get a real feel for my work with the stuff I shoot today, though.”