I take a moment to listen and see if we are alone. There are no sounds that I can detect, but that just ensures the soundproofing of my room is working.
That was necessary when the bloodrage began to manifest at an early age. I could scream for hours and slam myself into the walls in a fit of fury that never seemed to go away.
The long gouges are still streaked across the ornate decor. I suppose that it made sense to my family to leave the marks andremind themselves what happens when vampires breed outside of proven lines.
Like my brother, I am a product of an experimental union with outside bloodlines.
Unlike my brother, I don’t know what bloodline I come from other than it is now extinct, given that my mother died giving birth to me.
One more Omega to add to my conscience.
Now, though, I have a precious Omega to protect.
To adore.
To cherish.
“We’re home, Guðrún,” I say fondly as I lean into my Omega’s neck and indulge in her cherry scent. The only time this room should be disturbed is for cleaning, and based on the fresh scent, it had been recently maintained. Which means that we should remain undisturbed for as long as we need. “I’m going to wake you,” I murmur into my Omega’s neck, “so I hope you’re ready for me.”
She would not have gone into torpor had she not fully trusted me.
And she can’t ever wake again unless I knot her, unless I bite her and complete our bond so that she can feel safe to come back to me again.
It’s time,I think as I sink my teeth into her delectable flesh. I groan as her cherry blood fills my mouth and sends electricity jolting through my entire body, zinging fried nerve-endings to life as my burned flesh rushes to heal.
A pulse beats through my Omega’s body, thrumming faster as she begins the process to awaken.
And I can’t fucking wait when she opens her eyes, because I want to see her expression when my knot is stretching her open.
And if she commands me, I will fill her with my seed and impregnate her.
Or if she commands me to stop, I will rip out my own heart and let it bleed.
Because that’s the only way I’ll be able to end it.
Mmm,I think, indulging in that fragrant woodsmoke and liquor scent again.
Magnus is with me.
I recognize his magic thrumming through me, as well as his blood. Feeding on him had nourished me in a way that I had never experienced before.
I mostly fed on humans and, when I was of age, the occasional dose of Vampire Alpha blood.
It only managed to keep me alive. The need for Vampire Alpha blood became a requirement at the age of eighteen to survive. And survive was all I could manage when my stomach churned with sour blood I could barely keep down.
But now this isliving.
The difference is as large as night and day. The emotions that would soak into me and seemed to control me behave differently now.
My ability seems to change as I allow Magnus’s blood to merge with mine.
Many other creatures of this world aren’t as emotional-based in their gifts as a Vampire Omega can be—especially one like me.