Page 17 of Outcast Island

After what I experienced at the crash site, I have little faith in my kind.

A dark chuckle rumbles in his chest, stoking warmth inside my belly that has life returning to my dead limbs. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew me.”

“Then let’s get to know one another,” I suggest. Perhaps it’s a ridiculous thing to say when I just finger-fucked myself with his blood on his bed while I rolled in his shirts, but he doesn’t particularly seem to mind.

He nods in agreement. “I’ll make you a deal, little diamond. Let me wash you, let me give you what you need, and you try to tell me anything you might remember about yourself. Okay?”

Warmth kisses my cheeks as I wonder what he means by giving me what I need, especially if that involves being naked, but my mouth already agrees with a whispered “Yes.”

He wastes no time scooping me up with his powerful arms. My nose wrinkles when I scent the layers of foul blood on him.

There are too many scents for me to piece together how many vampires he might have fed on before returning to me.

Another pack?

Meaning four vampires?

Maybe five?

“Nine,” Magnus informs me as if he read my mind, but I know he can see the question on my face. When my eyes widen, he chuckles again as he takes me down a dim hall lit by soft lights that come to life the moment he passes them.

Motion sensor,I guess.

But even with the sensors, it feels appropriate.

He wants there to be light, so there is.

Not that we need it, being vampires, but not having to use my special senses puts less strain on me, and Magnus seems to know that.

Taking care of me appears to be intuitive for him.

Well, after he killed and feasted on numerous Vampire Alphas.


“Is that going to cause a problem with Alpha Fare?” I ask. Not that I know anything about the politics of this island, but I’ve gleaned enough to learn that Magnus has some sort of truce with another Alpha.

And given the fact that he hadn’t killed the messenger, he seems to want to keep it that way.

“I’ll handle that,” Magnus says, making me pinch my lips as he takes me into the bathroom.

My concern vanishes as I blink at the sheer size of it, marveling at the stone whirlpool tub and large shower.

He smiles as he settles me on my feet, then flicks a switch.

The stone basin comes to life as steaming water pours through holes. Bubbles rush to the surface as it quickly fills.

“So, could you command me to do something right now?” I ask, letting my gaze drift back to him.

He doesn’t shy away from my attention. I’d expect nothing less from the intimidating vampire. But he doesn’t choose to loom over me, either, and instead he leans down to lower his stature while we talk. “I could,” he says with a grin. “Do you want me to try it?”

I smirk, then shake my head. “No. But I’m glad that you did, before, I mean.” He had been too far away to help me with the first vampire. His command was what had saved me. “It’s a pretty cool power to have.”

Much cooler thanfeelings.

He surprises me by pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “I would trade it in a second, little diamond, if only I had found you sooner and spared you pain.”

Another blush warms my cheeks as he tugs the shirt I’m wearing over my head and slowly settles me into the water. He peels off his clothes while I shamelessly watch.