Page 50 of High Stakes

Isabella must be fully consensual.

Aiden must spend a minimum of six to eight weeks with Isabella, getting to know her.

Sexual Intercourse must not take place whilst either party is under the influence of drink or drugs.

I gasp, sickness bubbling in my stomach. It’s like a cruel joke. Everything’s been a lie. None of it was real.

The contract outlines that on completion of the ‘task’ Aiden will get the fifty-percent share that Jake owns in Tremos.All this for a fucking night club.I shove the file away, fighting the tears that want to fall.Is it even legal?

A sealed envelope slips from the file, taunting me. I trace my finger over Aiden’s name on the front, along with thewords,Not to be opened until the club is fully signed over to Aiden.

Fuck that. The rules no longer apply. I rip it open.

So here we are brother, I’m guessing if you’re reading this, I must have croaked it no less than six-months ago. I hope you gave me a proper send off, I know how tight you can be.

You must be wondering why? It’s simple, I thought you would need a distraction from your loss, that being me, shithead. And don’t even pretend you’re not bothered; I know you loved me despite insisting I was delivered by the stalk and dropped on our family.

What I’d give to have seen your face when Drake gave you the contract. As if I would just hand it over. You know me better than that, and let’s not pretend you wouldn’t have done the same.

So, why her? I spent months finding the perfect woman for you, and she is it, brother. Isabella is like a breath of fresh air on a stuffy day. She brightens the world, which I’m sure you’ve discovered by now. I made no secret of the fact I hate Laurie, and if I can come back as a ghost, I’ll be haunting that bitch. But in case I don’t, take this as a sign, Aiden. She broke your heart, and you’ve wasted too much time tryingto forget her, only to have her pick you up anytime she wants. You’ll never heal if she has her way. With Bella’s help, you’ll love again.

So, the terms were set and I’m praying I gave Bella enough time to convince you she’s the one for you. She deserves happiness and I know you can give her that too. Make me proud, brother. And make her happy, for me.

I love you, Aiden.

Jake x Your better-looking twin.

I’m crying so hard; I can’t catch my breath as I stuff the letter back in the envelope. I hide it at the back of the file and stuff everything back into the drawer. Aria was right, I should never have come looking.

Jake was so kind and sweet, why would he do this to me?

I stagger back up to the apartment, sending Aria a text message telling her I didn’t find anything, mainly because I can’t face her right now. I can’t face anyone.

I go into my bedroom, collapsing on my bed. This must be what heartbreak feels like as I rub the pain my chest. I really thought he liked me. All the drama and the chasing he did, I thought that was because he was battling with himself. Turns out that he didn’t like me at all, not as a girlfriend and certainly not as a friend, because no friend would do this.

I dry my eyes and take a breath. I open the music app on my phone and put a plan into action.Fuck Aiden. And fuck Jake.

I wake with a start, sitting up to look around my dark bedroom. I grab my phone and see it’s half past seven. My eyes are swollen, and my throat is sore from the crying. I freshen up, trying my best to look slightly less broken and when I go into the living room, Aiden is just arriving home. His hands are full of bags, and I watch him struggle, taking a seat on the couch. He places them by the kitchen door, and I feel his eyes assessing me. “Everything okay?” he asks. I nod. “Have you been crying?”

Fuck. “Yeah,” I almost whisper. “I watched The Notebook; it always gets me.”

He laughs and I picture punching him right in the throat until he chokes on all his lies. “What have I told you about watching that romance crap? It isn’t real, life doesn’t work like that.”

I want to scoff at how true his sentence is. “It’s all lies,” I say firmly, and he pauses, confusion playing out on his expression. “Love,” I clarify, “Everyone is so selfish looking out for themselves, how can real loveexist?” I ask.

He looks slightly relieved at my odd rambling, “Exactly. Glad you’re finally seeing sense.”