Before I can respond, his eyes flutter closed again and Claire gives a sad smile, “He keeps drifting off mid conversation. It’s normal at this stage.”
“What stage?” I ask, frowning. “I didn’t know he was sick.”
Claire lowers into a seat, “It’s cancer, Bella.”
I inhale sharply, my world tilting slightly. I feel behind me until my hands find the chair and I also sit. “It was in his liver, and we thought he was beating it, but then they found it in other places.”
Tears slip down my cheeks. “He didn’t say anything.” Suddenly the months of not speaking hit me hard. If only I hadn’t walked out and cut him off.
“It’s not your fault, Bella. He didn’t want you to know and he was so certain he’d beat it, he didn’t want to worry you.”
“So can they treat it? Will he recover?”
I see by her expression that he won’t, and more sobs escape me. “I’m so sorry, Bella but the doctors don’t think he’s going to make the week.”
I cry hard, until my chest aches and my throat’s sore. And when I begin to settle, Claire moves closer and we sit hand in hand, watching him sleep.
“What do you mean you need a night off?” I ask as JP sits opposite me.
I came into the office to catch up on some paperwork but if JP takes the night off, I may end up pulling in a shift if I can’t find cover.
“Aria’s busy for a few nights so I thought I could get a night off from the club whilst she’s busy. I need some alone time.”
I frown, “Alone time. What are you going to do on your own?”
“Just chill probably, I haven’t had a night to myself in so long.”
“Do I detect trouble in paradise. Is the relationship thing a bit too full on?” I joke, “What’s Aria doing anyway?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know, she’s being secretive to be honest. I’m starting to wonder what’s going on.” He looks sheepish and I narrow my eyes.
“You’re going to spy on her, see what she’s up to?” I guess. JP shifts uncomfortably, not quite meeting my eye. “Oh shit, you really are.” I howl with laughter. “You know she’ll kill you if she finds out.”
“She’s acting crazy,” he argues, “She kicked me out of her apartment at the crack of dawn and said she can’t see me for a few days. I asked her why, but she wouldn’t say. I have to know; it’s driving me mad.”
“Do you think she’s seeing someone else?”
He shrugs, looking miserable. “I just don’t understand why she’s being so secretive. Anyway, she’s booked a restaurant tonight, I saw it scribbled on her notepad. So, I thought I’d show up there.”
I rub my hands together with a huge grin on my face. “I’m in, what time are we going?”
JP shakes his head, “No way. You’re not coming to stir shit up.”
“Me, stir shit?” I ask, innocently. “I’m being a good friend. What if she’s with another man, you’ll need my support.”
“I don’t need your kind of support, Aiden. It’ll just piss her off more.”
“More than you showing up out the blue?” I ask, scoffing. “Look, at least if we all go, you can make it look like a coincidence.”
I grin, “What time shall we be there?”
He groans, “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this. Eight o’clock.”
Luckily, I know the owner of said restaurant, so when JP told me he couldn’t get a table, I managed to get us one. Not only that, but I made sure it was right next to Aria’s. I don’t want to risk not seeing exactly what she’s up to, and a small part of me can’t wait to see her reaction.