Page 99 of High Stakes

I grin. “Jake would love it.”

“Jake would have you sectioned. You don’t date, in fact you do everything you can to avoid it.”

“Well, being with Bella made me realise there’s more to it than I thought.”

“You weren’t even dating Bella,” he cries.

“We spent a good few weeks there where things were really good. It’s not my fault she messed it all up.”

He rolls his eyes. “And you were so innocent.”

“We both fucked up, so maybe you’re right and we’re just not good for each other. I’m going to meet Emmie and try to do things properly.”


I arrive in St Monanas in the early hours. The small cottage I’ve rented on a short lease, takes my breath away, much like the tiny Scottish village did on my drive through. I push the green wooden gate, smiling when it creaks in protest, and head up the path. There are flowers either side of me, and I can’t wait for daylight so I can take in their beauty.

I find the key under the matt, just like Mr. Limes instructed. Inside, the smell of lavender immediately hits me, reminding me of my mum. It feels like a sign, maybe she’s right here with me.

I place my bag on the floor and close the door before turning on the lights. I gasp in delight, it’s exactly how I pictured it. Cosy, cute and with all the original features a cottage boasts, including wooden beams. Aria would hate this. But to me, it’s homely. I feel like I’ve made the right decision and when I pull out my mobile to send Aria a picture of the ornamental horse on the fireplace, and realise I have no signal, it’s almost like this cottage knows exactly what I need. Peace and quiet.

I briefly check the kitchen and notice Mr. Limes has left me a fresh pint of milk in the fridge. It’s just another reasonto make me smile. But I’m far too tired to make a drink, so I head upstairs to find my bedroom.

I’m relieved to see the bed is made up, and almost cry happy tears when I realise it’s freshly washed. I’d ordered home comforts like this and the towels, to come directly here. Everything was so last minute, and I didn’t want to drag everything over in my car. Besides, I wanted new things for my new start. I must remember to buy my new landlord a gift to show my appreciation.

I manage a few hours’ sleep but excitement to explore wakes me the second the sun rises. Once I’m showered and dressed, I head out. The village is literally a two-minute walk, and I was told everything I’d need was there. But right now, all I’m craving is a hot breakfast and a coffee.

I find a small coffee shop and head inside. The smell of fresh bread hits me and my stomach growls in anticipation. There’s a woman behind the counter around my age and she smiles wide. “Hi, I’m Blair,” she introduces, holding out her hand.

I shake it, returning her smile, “Bella.”

“Are you just passing through?” she asks.

“No, I’m renting the cottage over the road, April Cottage.”

“Aww, Mr. Limes’ place. Welcome, I own this place. And you’re first order is on me, so what can I get you?”

“Thank you so much, I’ll take a coffee.”

“And you have to try my home baked bread with jam.”

I nod and take a seat. Minutes later she brings over a coffee and two thick slices of toasted bread, smothered in butter and Jam.

She takes a seat opposite me, “Let me fill you in.”

We spend some time chatting. She tells me about some of the places to see and where to go for things like groceries. She tells me about the two village pubs and how everyone knows everyone, so I should get used to people dropping in and chatting. It sounds like the perfect place. She offers to meet me later and introduce me to some of the locals.

Blair points me in the direction of the local bakery, I want to see if they have any vacancies, but she seems to think that there won’t be any. She told me to try the local farm though as they need help in their farm shop.

I pass the doctors surgery on route to the bakery and decide to pop in and fill out any forms. The receptionist hands me a clip board. “Would you like to meet the doctor today and perhaps get a health check?” she asks with a friendly smile, “he’s free now.”

I’m not used to such an efficient service, it’s refreshing. “That would be great.”

After the forms are completed, I hand them and she leads me along a passage, knocking lightly on the door. “Come in,” shouts a male from the other side. She glances back at me with a glint in her eye, before opening the door to announce my arrival. “A new patient, Doctor.”

The Doctor stands, and I momentarily forget to breathe. He’s gorgeous and not in a big, muscle Aiden kind of way, but a Chris Hemsworth kind of way. The receptionist smiles at me like this was what she was waiting for, to see my reaction.

He shakes my hand. “How lovely to meet you, Mrs...?” and he waits.